The Avengers try to match up with each other on Tinder.
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If Marvel Had Tinder
Heading into the Infinity War, the Avengers and co try to hook up before the big battle

Josh Mattingly as Tony Stark

Kelly Sparrman
Nebula, Gamora, and Karen Page

Amanda Philipson
Black Widow

Lucy Cudden
Friday, Wasp

Amber May
Okoye, Valkyrie, and Shuri

Brock Baker – http://www.youtube.com/mcgoiter
Justin Hammer and Rocket Raccoon

Jon Bailey – http://www.youtube/com/jon3pnt0
Ultron, Hulk, Odin, Ego

Alex Walker Smith – http://www.alexwalkersmith.com
Thanos, Yondu, Loki, Jarvis

Akeem Lawanson – https://www.youtube.com/AtomIcHole
Nick Fury

Ryan Tellez
Korg and Spider-man

Agent Coulson and Steve Rogers

David Odom as Hawkeye

Schroeder as Dum Dum

Written by Michael Jonathan Smith
Edited by Chance Cole

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