How The Ending Of Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Sets Up Infinite Futures

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The entertainment franchise to end all entertainment franchises has, itself, ended. Sort of.

Although the Star Wars/Lucasfilm/Disney machine will keep chugging along no matter what, Rise of Skywalker does at least mark the end of a chapter in Star Wars history: the Skywalker Saga. This storyline has been 42 years and nine movies in the making. It’s also been building up expectations for those four decades so the ending of Rise of Skywalker ended up feeling a little jumbled. That’s where we come in.

First and foremost (or chronologically, last) is the yellow lightsaber. In the final scene, Rey lays Leia and Luke’s old lightsabers to rest, burying them on Tatooine. This symbolic burial of the old Star Wars is hammered home with the reveal of her new lightsaber. It’s made out of an old stick and…it’s yellow; it’s a nod to the fact that Rey is not working for anybody–no larger cause, no philosophy–but she will be working for the people, maybe? Rebuilding some type of post Order space order?

There were also countless resurrections happening throughout the movies and, with all the force ghosts, force lightning force mothering, it’s hard to keep track of who’s alive and who’s not. We’ll be explaining all that and much more.

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