Leopard vs. Porcupine: A Prickly Standoff | National Geographic

A porcupine uses its best defense when it is charged by a leopard.
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A leopard gets itself into a prickly situation when it tries to hunt down a porcupine. Tourists on safari in Kruger National Park in South Africa captured footage of the big cat facing the quilled defenses of its prey. The leopard is persistent and continues to give chase, forcing the porcupine to choose whether to stand its ground or make a crafty escape.

Read more: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2017/03/porcupines-leopards-kruger-south-africa/

Learn more about leopards: http://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/l/leopard/

Get porcupine facts: http://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/group/porcupines/

Leopard vs. Porcupine: A Prickly Standoff | National Geographic

National Geographic