10 Most Dangerous TRANSFORMATIONS In Dragon Ball

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DRAGON BALL TRANSFORMATIONS THAT WOULD BE SCARY TO GO UP AGAINST! Whether it be a big, imposing gorilla, a pink-furred Super Saiyan, or
a pride trooper become god of destruction, there are many forms that are sure to be imposing, as they are dangerous to face off!

This is TheGamer’s list of the 10 Most Dangerous TRANSFORMATIONS In Dragon Ball.

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Transformations are a staple within many Shonen anime series that it’s essentially unavoidable at this point, and with a new Dragon Ball Super movie, alongside the Dragon Ball Heroes Anime series premiering soon, more forms will surely join the oversaturated list. However, which transformations are deserving of being called the most dangerous? They can be ranked not only by their immense power, but also by the bizarre effects it can have on the user’s body, personality or resolves. A giant gorilla that can smash cities and bring harm upon its loved ones or allies is definitely not a good look, especially when it cannot tell between friend or foe. Although the Saiyans abandoned this form early on in the canon series, the Dragon Ball video games and Dragon Ball GT further escalated the might of the great ape, by having it merge with the insane power of Super Gogeta, to even the crazy and legendary Broly!

The Super Saiyans are also dangerous in their own right, not only because they can greatly multiply the user’s combat power and speed, but also because of the adverse effects on the Saiyan’s personality and nature. Even the peaceful Gohan and Goku were turned into bloodthirsty and combat hungry warriors upon unlocking the Super Saiyan 1 and 2 states. The long-haired Super Saiyan 3 state not only had this same problem, but couple it with immense stamina drain and you can see that it’s also very dangerous to the Saiyan body as well.
There are plenty more forms that are detrimental in several ways, so sit back and relax as we go over the most DANGEROUS transformations within Dragon Ball!


Script by: Chuck M.G.

Voice Over by: Justin Freitas

Edited by: Dan Schiffmacher

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