13 Rarest Fortnite Pickaxes You’ll Never Get Your Hands On


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There are many cosmetics released in Fortnite, but one of the most useful is the pickaxe, also known as a harvesting tool. Over the multiple seasons of Fortnite, there have been multiple pickaxes released, but some are much more rare than others!

This is TheGamer’s list of the 13 Rarest Fortnite Pickaxes You’ll Never Get Your Hands On.

Check out these other awesome videos!


Harvesting items is crucial for building and having materials to get you through a round in Fortnite: Battle Royale. The only way to do this harvesting is with a pickaxe, available in a number of different styles and designs. While you can purchase various pickaxes in the Fortnite storefront on a daily basis, some of these designs are much more rare than the others. Learn about the various pickaxes that you may never get to play with.

For players in China, there were actually TWO different pickaxes released for the game, each one with fun designs players WISH they could get their hands on. The 2017 holiday season was filled with a number of fun designs, including two pickaxes you probably won’t get to unwrap this year. There’s also an unreleased harvesting tool no one will ever get their hands on because Fortnite decided to redesign it completely. Watch to see all of these crazy pickaxes in action!


Script by: Alan Donahue

Voice Over by: Michael Neeb

Edited by: Olivier Soussana

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