You will never believe that these 9 things ever happened on Roblox!
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MOST AWESOME THINGS IN ROBLOX. Roblox is a big deal, but it’s so massive the chances are you don’t know some of the awesome and unbelievable things that can be done.
This is TheGamer’s list of the 9 Most Unbelievable Things Ever Done On Roblox.
Check out these other awesome videos!
One of the big developments in gaming over the last 20 years has been the growth of open world games. Giving you the chance to explore a game’s world at your own pace has been a revelation. Franchises like Grand Theft Auto, Saints Row and Assassin’s Creed have become massive due to this. However, there’s one thing which takes it to the next level and that’s allowing gamers to make their own games within a game. This is what can be done in Roblox, the massively multiplayer online game that’s taken the world by storm ever since it came out in 2006.
If you’re one of the 64 million people on Roblox, there’s a good chance that you haven’t got to the bottom of it yet. There are some awesome and unbelievable things out there, and we’re here to tell you about them. For instance, when spring rolls around, you can take your avatar on an Easter Egg hunt. There’s a different one every year. There are also loads of games to play, such as Hide And Seek, Super Bomb Survival and Speed Run 4. The system has also been credited for the revival in tycoon games as well.
There are also plenty of places to go. You can take a trip to a virtual New York City, because someone has created a replica of City Hall subway station. There’s also group hangouts and a used car showroom. Best of all, Roblox is free to play. Enjoy the video and don’t forget to subscribe to TheGamer for more awesome videos!
Script by: Peter Henn
Voice Over by: Justin Freitas
Edited by: Narendran A
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