8 Things YOU CAN DO In Clash Of Clans (That YOU CAN’T In Clash Royale)

CLASH OF CLANS STILL RULES. After many years, Clash of Clans still rules mobile gaming. Clash Royale may seem like a similar game, but there are many advantages to Clash of Clans over the other.

This is TheGamer’s list of 8 Things Clash Of Clans Can Do That Clash Royale CAN’T.

What’s your favorite part of Clash of Clans?
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Video Sources:
Clash of Clans – New Update Inbound 2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnJ5X_SABtQ&t
Clash Royale desafio do goblin
Free to use Gameplay ¦ Clash Royale ¦ Cutted with Music

Free to use clash of clans gameplay

Gameplay Free to use¦Clash of Clans¦Cutted with Music

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Clash of Clans Gameplay [Free 2 Use]


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Clash of Clans and Clash Royale may sound similar and are produced by the same company, but they are very different games. When you break each one down, you realize how many differences there are and the various advantages Clash of Clans has over Clash Royale.

One of the biggest differences between the games is the story and characters. In Clash Royale, your characters are merely cards you collect. In Clash of Clans, your troops and the other characters feel like parts of a living and breathing world. The longevity in Clash of Clans is also impressive. The game was made to last for months and even years. Years after the initial launch, players are still growing, learning and expanding the way they play the game. In Clash Royale one of the main things to do is a tower battle. In Clash of Clans, the diverse set of actions allow you to build, battle and create a whole world that is all your own. Both games are highly successful, but you cannot deny the larger fan base Clash of Clans has. With more active players, the game gives you a lot more options for battles and socializing. Expanding your world is a lot more than just collecting cards. Expansion options in Clash of Clans showcases how much you can build and grow as the game progresses. Reaping rewards is done in a lot more ways through Clash of Clans. Watch to see all of these advantages and several others Clash of Clans has over Clash Royale!


Script by: Alan Donahue

Voice Over by: Michael Neeb

Edited by: Kyle West

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