8 STRANGEST Nintendo Secrets Never Meant To Be Discovered

These 8 Secrets In Classic Nintendo Games That Will Ruin Your Childhood. And once you see them YOU CAN’T UNSEE THEM. Secrets In video games you were never meant to see.

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THE WORST KEPT CLASSIC NINTENDO SECRETS. Our childhood was filled with amazing classic Nintendo games, but little did we know that Nintendo was actually hiding some dark secrets within these games.

This is TheGamer’s list of 8 STRANGEST Nintendo Secrets Never Meant To Be Discovered

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There’s something special about those classic Nintendo games we played as a kid. From Super Mario Bros. to Kirby and the Legend of Zelda to Pokemon, these games just make us feel all giddy inside before the nostalgia kicks in. Seriously, that feeling of nostalgia that comes with playing a game that we were obsessed with as youngsters is all too appealing to pass up. That’s why we see so many remasters of classic games springing out much more now that we used to, with spruced up graphics, refined gameplay, and added extras all there as incentives to give that old title another run around the block.

However, while our favourite classic Nintendo games we played as children all seemed like rays of sunshine, they were often full of hidden backstories. Some of them were very light-hearted and funny while others were quite dark and tragic. Almost every Nintendo classic you could name has something dark and sinister behind it capable of ruining your childhood.

We’re not just focusing on titles developed by Nintendo though as we’ll also take a look at early Final Fantasy and Mega Man games which got their start on Nintendo consoles. There’s plenty of secrets to tell the video game world in this video and we swear we don’t want to ruin your precious childhood innocence, but we’re going to do it anyway. Without further ado, here are some Nintendo secrets that just might ruin your childhood!


Script by: Justin Pietrodarchi

Voice Over by: Justin Freitas

Edited by: Marc-Antoine Kelertas

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