Which of these character concepts are you disappointed (or glad) didn’t make it to the big screen? Subscribe to our channel: http://goo.gl/ho3Hg6
A lot can change between the drawing board and the big screen. Even superhero films — usually based in decades worth of art and imagery— can look entirely different during production. Comic book movies are so popular that most of what audiences get becomes iconic, but few people realize how different things can turn out. Discarded concept art is a fantastic window into what could have been… and sometimes it’s much better that way.
For this list, we’ve collected some of the weirdest concept art out there to see just how much worse our favorite superhero movies could have been. To be clear, most of these entries only make the list because of how the art might fit into the films themselves, and not because of their artistic merit.
Most of these pieces are amazingly well-crafted, and are in no way “bad” art — they just aren’t always appropriate to the final product. These artworks either don’t suit the characters within, might clash with the tone of the films, or they simply feel… off.
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