Should You PLAY FORTNITE Or Go BACK TO SCHOOL? (5 Ways To Convince Your Parents)
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It’s back to school time, so you can’t spend all day playing Fortnite anymore…or can you?
This is TheGamer’s list of 5 Reasons You Should Play Fortnite Instead Of Going Back To School (How To Convince Your Parents)
Check out these other awesome videos!
10 Ways You Can Sneak Fortnite Into School Without Anyone Noticing
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Fortnite is an incredibly popular battle royale game amongst grade school and elementary school children, but you already knew that. In fact, if you’re watching this video, you’re probably one of them yourself. You may have tried to sneak Fortnite into school, but without our expertise, you’re probably going to get caught, so watch our previous video before you even think about bringing Fortnite to school. This video, on the other hand, is about something completely different.
You won’t need to sneak Fortnite into school with these tips, you’ll actually be able to stay home and play Fortnite while getting an education in the process. Now, you’re going to need level 100 speech to pull this off, but we believe you can convince your parents. For starters, tell your parents you want to get homeschooled. That way, you could play Fortnite when you’re not studying or doing homework and there’s much more than that came from! Enjoy the video!
Script by: Justin Pietrodarchi
Voice Over by: Justin Freitas
Edited by: Valerie M
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