I’m Not The Only CEO That Lost My Job – WAN Show November 17, 2023

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Thanks again to Thorum for sponsoring this episode! Check them out using this link and get 20% off by using the code WAN at checkout: https://lmg.gg/WAN-Thorum

Get an XP Gold membership free for life by using code “LINUSXP” at https://bit.ly/LINUSBFXP and browse Green Man Gaming’s Black Friday sale!

Podcast Download: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thewanshowpodcast/episodes/Im-Not-The-Only-CEO-That-Lost-My-Job—WAN-Show-November-17–2023-e2c6llm

Timestamps (Courtesy of NoKi1119):
0:00 Chapters
1:12 Intro
1:38 Topic #1 – Sam Altman is no longer the CEO of OpenAI
2:44 New CEO, Altman’s Tweet, impact on AI development, Brockman’s savage statement
6:00 Microsoft did not know this was happening, does not have a board seat
8:52 Luke on profit & non-profit companies abilities, what if MS bought OpenAI and re-hired Altman?
13:02 Linus on LTT making money and “LTT-ink”
14:12 Topic #2 – Epic’s Fortnite age restricted certain skins
22:28 Ariel’s comment on 12+ islands, recalling how good he was at Slapshot: Rebound ft. “Yes”
24:33 Topic #3 – Nothing adds blue bubble messaging on Android
26:50 Topic #4 – Apple announces RCS support
34:16 Topic #5 – Linus ordered Humane’s AI Pin
42:07 Merch Messages #1
42:16 Which is better to buy – a used Steam Deck LCD, or OLED?
48:22 BuyMyF-ingGarbage redirects to LTTStore ft. Linus’s buying joke, Luke getting a Deck?
50:46 Linus explains merch messages
52:00 LTTStore’s new fruit underwear
52:34 Strawberry, eggplant & peach colors variants, men & women styles
54:00 New RGBroken T-shirt, $999 deal
56:25 New RGB knit sweater
56:53 New GPU Christmas ornament
57:32 Black Friday & Cyber Monday sign up list
59:23 Would Linus consider writing a book about LTT after retirement?
1:01:16 Topic #6 – Tesla’s clause banned reselling Cybertrucks within its first year
1:02:43 Is this a reasonable method to curb scalping?
1:04:44 Tesla removed this clause, Linus on the cost of reselling cars
1:05:59 The power supply open terminals in Ariana’s AMD upgrade was proofed
1:07:19 Topic #7 – Amazon to start selling Hyundai cars ft. Troll Linus
1:12:02 Topic #8 – Sony’s PlayStation Portal released, sold in two days
1:12:10 Luke witnessed others’ bad experiences, Linus mentions reviews
1:15:28 Linus’s review was positive, mentions Bluetooth ft. FP Poll
1:18:06 Linus on Sony’s decisions & margins, recalls NVIDIA Shield
1:21:54 Luke’s personal thoughts, WiFi 5/6/6E, Android 13, lacking bluetooth audio
1:25:40 Linus on the battery life, compared to G Cloud
1:26:08 Topic #9 – Microsoft to follow EU’s bill, will allow uninstalling Edge
1:30:43 Topic #10 – X(Twitter) lost major sponsors after Elon Musk’s “anti-semitic” tweets
1:37:40 Sponsor – Kudos
1:38:38 Sponsor – Thorum
1:39:45 Sponsor – Green Man Gaming
1:40:47 Linus on GMG sponsoring Black Friday stream, Plouffe & Linus co-hosting, mini-games
1:42:00 Merch Messages #2
1:54:38 Topic #11 – Google sues DMCA scammers & copyright fraudsters
1:55:51 Topic #12 – Rivian’s accidental OTA update breaks infotainment systems
1:58:14 Merch Messages #3 ft. WAN Show After Dark, Luke on Japan’s GMT
1:59:28 What does your SO despise that you collect?
2:00:13 Would performance differences add up if you compare PC part SKUs?
2:03:52 Luke’s experience with Matsuri
2:06:16 What’s some of the visions Linus had for LTT in 2024?
2:10:34 Does Luke believe a P2P solution like IPFS would help with FP’s costs?
2:11:53 Why does Linus keep his earrings? Thought of removing them? If Luke fought James, who wins?
2:32:18 LTT Backpack zipper pulls update
2:33:20 Will the Black Friday deals ship in time for Christmas?
2:36:20 What did you enjoy playing the most during the good gaming era?
2:37:52 What video ideas took the least time? Compare to normal videos
2:41:40 With the new Deck, have you considered going back from Ally?
2:42:14 Are you familiar with Wasm? ft. Lagging Luke
2:43:19 Thoughts on doing a Top Gear styled video?
2:44:45 A simple prank that you have done that resulted in laughter?
2:45:48 Any other JRPGs you all enjoy?
2:47:18 Applying right to repair to airplane parts?
2:50:36 A valid argument between Ally & Deck?
2:53:23 Why Linus dislikes Star Trek
2:54:48 Would Luke ever branch off from LMG and make a car related channel?
2:56:48 Does FP use any design principles in CS?
2:58:38 Changes implemented to LMG’s IT infrastructure by Dan & Luke?
3:03:40 Most surprising smash hit on LTTStore?
3:04:27 Does Luke have an advice as a C dev to a C dev?
3:06:32 Most surprising smash hit on LTTStore?
3:08:54 Any more pride colored LTTStore merch coming?
3:10:06 ROG reboot CPU fan rubber mounts
3:11:06 Favorite Linus quote?
3:12:14 Topic #13 – Eight Sleep cutting off access to API calls
3:13:05 Any practices or content types on the way out?
3:15:40 Nick mentions the microfiber shirt idea
3:16:45 Outro

Ultimate Adventure 2023 Ep 5: Kentucky Fried 4x4s Invade Hollerwood | MotorTrend

The last trail day of Ultimate Adventure 2023, presented by RealTruck is here and its time to let it all hang out on one of Kentucky’s most challenging trail systems, Hollerwood Offroad Adventure Park, where the obstacles are as big and stacked one right after the other. If you like wheel-up, high-throttle action, trail repairs, and breakage have we got a grand finale of UA2023 for you!

Since 1999, Ultimate Adventure has been the world’s best and longest-running off-road adventure trip of its kind. Participants meet in a different location each year with highly modified 4×4 vehicles equipped to tackle the toughest trails in the nation over a grueling 1,000-plus mile trek held over seven days. But as a double-whammy there are no trailers allowed, so in addition to insane off-road prowess, these crazy trucks, Jeeps, and 4x4s must be able to eat up the road miles as well as the obstacles. All this and the necessity to carry everything needed to live in the bush for a week on end. Nobody but Christian Hazel and Trent McGee know where they’re going or what bucket-list locations they’ll visit. It’s the ultimate test of man and machine, team-building camaraderie, and human as well as mechanical endurance. It’s the Ultimate Adventure!

MotorTrend is the ultimate streaming destination for gearheads coupled with the latest automotive research and news.

Get a fast, simple, and free car quote today ➡️ https://quotes.motortrend.com

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MotorTrend preferred music partner: PrimalHouse Music.

وأخيراً وصل الهاتف القابل للطي المنطقي !!

فيديو تجربتي التفصيلية مع الأوبو فايند ان ٣
Oppo Find N3 Fold 2023

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Don’t Get in Trouble with HR Challenge (HARD) – AMD $5,000 Ultimate Tech Upgrade

Thanks to AMD for sponsoring this series and sending us a couple of ROG Allys to give away! Check what the ROG Ally has to offer below:

Check out the link below to enter to win one of the two ROG Allys that we’re giving away:

What do you get when you cross Linus with HR? An AMD Tech Upgrade featuring cute bunnies, and hopefully not our Chief Vision Officer getting fired.

Discuss on the forum: https://linustechtips.com/topic/1541151-let%E2%80%99s-see-if-i-can-get-fired-amd-5000-ultimate-tech-upgrade/

Check Out the Products from Ariana’s Ultimate Upgrade! Thanks AMD!

Purchases made through some store links may provide some compensation to Linus Media Group.

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► GET EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ON FLOATPLANE: https://lmg.gg/lttfloatplane
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► OUR WAN PODCAST GEAR: https://lmg.gg/wanset

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Intro: Laszlo – Supernova
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKfxmFU3lWY
iTunes Download Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/supernova/id936805712
Artist Link: https://soundcloud.com/laszlomusic

Outro: Approaching Nirvana – Sugar High
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngsGBSCDwcI
Listen on Spotify: http://spoti.fi/UxWkUw
Artist Link: http://www.youtube.com/approachingnirvana

Intro animation by MBarek Abdelwassaa https://www.instagram.com/mbarek_abdel/
Monitor And Keyboard by vadimmihalkevich / CC BY 4.0  https://geni.us/PgGWp
Mechanical RGB Keyboard by BigBrotherECE / CC BY 4.0 https://geni.us/mj6pHk4
Mouse Gamer free Model By Oscar Creativo / CC BY 4.0 https://geni.us/Ps3XfE

0:00 Intro
1:38 Bunny Things
2:54 Greenhouse
3:21 Special Surprise
5:00 ROG Ally (with a giveaway)
6:21 The Rabitat
7:58 Greenhouse Again
8:40 Back to the Rabbit Room
10:49 Soundbar
11:51 Rabbit Room Update
12:28 Living Room Setup
15:11 It’s alive!
16:03 Greenhouse Build
21:20 We Gaming
22:26 Greenhouse is done(?)
24:08 Cable Stuff
24:35 We REALLY Gaming
25:05 Let’s get physical, physical
28:00 Outro

Ultimate Adventure 2023 Ep 4: Four-Wheel Feuding through Hatfield McCoy Trails | MotorTrend

West Virginia ‘wheeling is on an entirely different level and that state’s Hatfield & McCoy Trail System is the jewel in the state’s off-road crown. Ultimate Adventure 2023 continues its journey through some of the best terrain its ever visited with equal amounts of hijinx and fun thrown into the mix.

Since 1999, Ultimate Adventure has been the world’s best and longest-running off-road adventure trip of its kind. Participants meet in a different location each year with highly modified 4×4 vehicles equipped to tackle the toughest trails in the nation over a grueling 1,000-plus mile trek held over seven days. But as a double-whammy there are no trailers allowed, so in addition to insane off-road prowess, these crazy trucks, Jeeps, and 4x4s must be able to eat up the road miles as well as the obstacles. All this and the necessity to carry everything needed to live in the bush for a week on end. Nobody but Christian Hazel and Trent McGee know where they’re going or what bucket-list locations they’ll visit. It’s the ultimate test of man and machine, team-building camaraderie, and human as well as mechanical endurance. It’s the Ultimate Adventure!

MotorTrend is the ultimate streaming destination for gearheads coupled with the latest automotive research and news.

Get a fast, simple, and free car quote today ➡️ https://quotes.motortrend.com

Start your MotorTrend Streaming Free Trial today!

Follow MotorTrend for the latest!
MotorTrend News: https://www.motortrend.com
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TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@motortrend

MotorTrend preferred music partner: PrimalHouse Music.

Lucid Gravity – Luxurious Electric SUV for under $80,000? | First Look

We get hands on with the Lucid Gravity – the company’s brand new, all-electric SUV – to see if it can live up to the hype started by it’s fast sedan sibling, the Air.

From its high-sided profile to its tapered roofline and jewelry-like details, the Gravity is a case study in designing a vehicle which looks good whilst creating as little drag as possible – because as we know, less drag means more range. As striking on the inside as it is outside, the Gravity aims to provide its driver with a relaxed driving experience, and its passengers with an expansive, luxurious cabin, with space for for up to seven adults (plus luggage!) across three rows.

However, does the Gravity do enough to best its competitors, the likes of the Rivian R1s and the Tesla Model X? What do we think of the Gravity’s exterior design and interior space? watch along to find out! Get the full story HERE ➡️ https://bit.ly/47EWUb3

#Lucid #LucidGravity #MotorTrendFirstLook #MotorTrend

MotorTrend is the ultimate streaming destination for gearheads coupled with the latest automotive research and news.

Get a fast, simple, and free car quote today ➡️ https://quotes.motortrend.com

Start your MotorTrend Streaming Free Trial today!

Follow MotorTrend for the latest!
MotorTrend News: https://www.motortrend.com
MotorTrend App: https://www.motortrendondemand.com
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/motortrend
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MotorTrend
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@motortrend

MotorTrend preferred music partner: PrimalHouse Music.

أكسيد في اكس ٢٠٢٣ من اجمل انعم واصلب السيارات الصينية الدفع الرباعي- حسن كتبي

أكسيد في اكس ٢٠٢٣ من اجمل انعم واصلب السيارات الصينية الدفع الرباعي- حسن كتبي
Excced VX 2023 review by Hasan Kutbi
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أكسيد في اكس ٢٠٢٣ من اجمل انعم واصلب السيارات الصينية الدفع الرباعي- حسن كتبي

أكسيد في اكس ٢٠٢٣ من اجمل انعم واصلب السيارات الصينية الدفع الرباعي- حسن كتبي
Excced VX 2023 review by Hasan Kutbi
و لا تنسوا تشتركوا بالقناة👇
شاهد المزيد من الفيديوهات من هنا :https://bit.ly/2QfgXao
و اضغط علي زر الجرس 🔔 حتي يصلكم كل جديد

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موبايل متوحش في التصوير في الفئة المتوسطة Vivo V29 5G

أفضل كاميرا موبايل فئة متوسطة من فيفو …
Vivo V29 Review

أزيكو يا جماعه معاكم يحيى … أهلا بيكم في قناتي على يوتيوب .. هتلاقي هنا أحدث المنتجات التقنيه ومراجعات تفصيلية لأحدث الموبايلات من آبل وسامسونج وشاومي واوبو وجوجل
أعمل سابسكرايب عشان ميفوتكش اي جديد 😘

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