تعرّف على الجزء الجديد من كول اوف ديوتي!

00:00 المقدمة
00:43 أخبار ايسبورتس
02:51 أخبار الألعاب

الأمير فيصل بن بندر بن سلطان رئيس الاتحاد السعودي للرياضات الإلكترونية يسلم المنتخبين المصري والأردني كأسي الدوري العربي والإفريقي للعبتي فالورانت و eFootball.
يتوج المنتخب السعودي للسيدات بكأسي الدوري العربي والإفريقي للعبتي فالورانت و eFootball وذلك بعد فوزهن على الفريق الكيني 3-0 بمجموع الذهاب والإياب.
تم الكشف عن لعبةCall of Duty Modern Warfare 3 في حدث داخل لعبة – Warzone .تاريخ إطلاق اللعبة المؤكد هو 10 نوفمبر. تتوفر اللعبة في عدة إصدارات، بما في ذلك حزمةGen -Cross وإصدارVault. -تتضمن اللعبة مهامOpen Combat Missions مع خيارات متعددة لإتمام المهام. السلسلة تستمر مع المزيد من الأجزاء المعاد إنتاجها والتركيز على القصص والشخصيات. طورZombies يعود ويتم تطويره بواسطةTreyarch مع آلياتPvE ومعارك جماعية ضد أعداء جحافل. القصة تدور حول Dark Aether في عالم Modern Warfare مع ميزات Zombies الجديدة والأعداء الكبار.
إستوديوSIE Santa Monica Studio يستعد لمشروع جديد ويحتاج إلى موظفين، ويشترط على المتقدمين “معرفة بلعبةGod of War (2018) وGod of War Ragnarok”.

إذا أعجبكم الفيديو لا تنسوا تضغطوا لايك وتشتركوا بالقناة

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كيا سورينتو ديزل ٢٠٢٣- ٥٢٣ كم من الرياض الي البحرين فقط ب ٢٥ ريال – حسن كتبي

تجربة كيا سورينتو ديزل ٢٠٢٣- ٥٢٣ كم من الرياض الي البحرين فقط ب ٢٥ ريال – حسن كتبي

KIA Sorento Diesel 2023 Review by Hasan Kutbi , also pls. check Hasan Kutbi on Shahid MBC

رابط السعودي الفرنسي للتمويل


و لا تنسوا تشتركوا بالقناة👇
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Why Does Cold Fuel Make More Power? | Engine Masters

This time on Engine Masters, Freiburger, Dulcich, and Brule try to answer three main questions: Why does colder fuel make more power? How can you consistently keep fuel temps down, and what difference will it really make?

#motortrend #enginemasters

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MotorTrend preferred music partner: PrimalHouse Music.

مقارنة ايش احلى اسكريم

سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم

لا تنسى تضغط على جرس التنبيهات عشان يوصلك كل شي جديد وشكرا

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Ferrari F40! Ferrari 275 GTB/6C! | Best Cars from Mecum Monterey 2023 | MotorTrend

Mecum Accelerated: The best sales from Mecum Auctions Monterey 2023.

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MotorTrend preferred music partner: PrimalHouse Music.

هيونداي جراند كريتا ٢٠٢٣ وكمان شرفونا على قناة ام بي سي شاهد – حسن كتبي

تجربة هيونداي جراند كريتا ٢٠٢٣ وكمان شرفونا على قناة ام بي سي شاهد – حسن كتبي

Hyuindai Grand Creta 2023 Review by Hasan Kutbi , also pls. check Hasan Kutbi on Shahid MBC

و لا تنسوا تشتركوا بالقناة👇
شاهد المزيد من الفيديوهات من هنا :https://bit.ly/2QfgXao
و اضغط علي زر الجرس 🔔 حتي يصلكم كل جديد

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انستجرام : https://www.instagram.com/hasan_kutbi/?hl=en

هيونداي جراند كريتا ٢٠٢٣ وكمان شرفونا على قناة ام بي سي شاهد – حسن كتبي

تجربة هيونداي جراند كريتا ٢٠٢٣ وكمان شرفونا على قناة ام بي سي شاهد – حسن كتبي

Hyuindai Grand Creta 2023 Review by Hasan Kutbi , also pls. check Hasan Kutbi on Shahid MBC

و لا تنسوا تشتركوا بالقناة👇
شاهد المزيد من الفيديوهات من هنا :https://bit.ly/2QfgXao
و اضغط علي زر الجرس 🔔 حتي يصلكم كل جديد

تابعوني على صفحات التواصل الاجتماعي 👇👇:
تويتر : https://twitter.com/hasankutbi
انستجرام : https://www.instagram.com/hasan_kutbi/?hl=en

One Of The Shows Of All Time – WAN Show August 25, 2023

Get a dbrand skin or Grip Case for your devices today at http://shortlinus.com

Podcast download: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thewanshowpodcast/episodes/One-Of-The-Shows-Of-All-Time—WAN-Show-August-25–2023-e28kmc8

Timestamps (Courtesy of NoKi1119):
0:00 Chapters
1:18 Intro
1:56 Topic #1 – Lack of WAN Show last week
2:44 Working & figuring things out
3:54 Steven’s FP post, content break
5:28 dBrand’s broken glass, Linus’s pool kills his tech
11:41 Linus on fixing his Z Fold ft. Bread Cam
12:44 Luke on baking tech, Android’s photo back up
14:48 LTT’s Radeon pt. 2 video, supposed to release sooner
16:09 Topic #2 – Disney ditches physical disks sales
16:46 Disney’s Crater, censored media
17:54 Linus on possibly less shows after WGoA’s strike
19:12 Past writer strikes up to 153 day
19:42 U.S. judge rules A.I. art cannot be copyrighted
20:16 Lack of strikers’ compensation, “tax write off”
22:31 Constantly dropping shows, what will happen to industries?
25:39 Discussing global film industries
27:35 Linus on Disney withdrawing content
29:38 Luke on archiving, Linus on piracy
33:02 Linus on Superchats
35:06 Merch Messages #1 ft. Bread Cam
35:43 Bread in resin FP exclusive?
36:57 Would wireless GPUs take off?
38:35 LMG’s car channel update, style of video?
40:03 Topic #3 – Illinois allows child influencers to sue parents
42:21 Linus on children working & minimum wage
45:18 Family vlogging channels, Jadeon on tightening law
48:22 Topic #4 – GTA VI leaked by a teen hacker
49:42 Teen’s forums post, Linus on the fire stick
51:42 Image of a child holding a shark
52:12 Linus spills acid in his car, Z Fold & earphones
58:36 Topic #5 – Best Monopoly spots ft. Bread Cam
1:01:41 Luke’s history with timestamping WAN Show
1:02:43 Result of FP poll, “inflation” in Monopoly
1:04:26 Luke confronts Bread deity about the number of topics
1:04:49 LMG’s relationship with dBrand
1:06:54 dBrand reached out to stay, history with dBrand
1:08:46 Monopoly’s wiki on railroads ft. “Rush for Bread!”
1:10:05 Linus on Monopoly purchase & auction rules
1:13:04 Linus’s screenshare button, Monopoly Tycoon
1:17:02 Discussing “Tycoon,” past games, “better Anno”
1:20:02 Luke discuss Sawyer & Steam reviews, Linus recalls Anno
1:21:48 Starfield, Yukon Trail, Linus learns about FP polls
1:23:57 Jadeon’s new FP player & features
1:26:47 Twitch’s take on React
1:27:58 Merch Messages #2
1:28:14 Stubby shaft with a normal handle screwdriver
1:28:58 Fill Window feature & hotkey
1:29:23 Did Linus celebrate his birthday during all that happened?
1:31:19 Tech changes to improve production workflow?
1:32:22 Topic #6 – Luke plays Baldur’s Gate 3
1:32:28 Linus on bear sex, Dan leaves
1:33:44 Luke’s review on Larian Studios
1:34:12 Luke mutes Linus the Bear Enthusiast
1:35:31 BG3’s multiplayer & campaigns
1:36:20 Chained Echoes, Linus’s & Luke’s hours
1:37:20 Linus recalls Valve changing TF2’s stats
1:38:24 StS’s Ascension, Linus on overwriting saves
1:40:36 Rocket league ranks
1:41:08 Update on Ludwig V.S. Linus game-off
1:42:22 This Was NOT a Video
1:43:24 Dan wasted paper, Linus on iGPU
1:47:38 Topic #7 – Microsoft pulls A.I. article writer
1:49:32 Microsoft’s response
1:50:03 Fully machined artwork is ineligible for copyright
1:50:24 Microsoft’s A.I.’s sea life suggestion
1:51:50 Topic #8 – Meta blocks Canadian news
1:52:33 The Beaverton’s e-mail to Meta
1:53:42 Links to Snopes are considered news
1:54:52 Topic #9 – Experian fined $650K for violating spam law
1:55:29 Topic #10 – Rockstar acquires Cfx.re
1:57:02 Linus on goal changes, Luke on modders being hired
1:58:25 Merch Messages #3 ft. Bread Cam
1:59:08 Ever experienced “if I do this, there’s no going back?”
2:01:51 Favorite stories from LTX & Whale LAN
2:02:55 Did you think the screwdriver would be as widely used as it is?
2:04:12 Ever played racquetball or squash? How does it compare to badminton?
2:05:41 Favorite split screen Co-Op games?
2:11:24 Stubby screwdriver launch date on LTTStore?
2:12:09 Favorite smart home upgrades
2:13:40 Biggest culture shock during your travels?
2:15:01 Any other sponsors who were weird like dBrand?
2:16:27 Choose between old wireless internet & rechargeable batteries
2:18:23 Release of Atari 2600+
2:19:21 Thoughts on DLSS being a necessity
2:22:29 Would you do a video about FP tech?
2:23:33 Outro

Here’s the plan.

We’ve spent our week of introspection asking hard questions of ourselves and each other. We’re ready to share what we’ve learned.

Links Referenced in the Video:

Discuss on the forum: https://linustechtips.com/topic/1528286-heres-the-plan/

► GET MERCH: https://lttstore.com
► GET EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ON FLOATPLANE: https://lmg.gg/lttfloatplane
► SPONSORS, AFFILIATES, AND PARTNERS: https://lmg.gg/partners
► EQUIPMENT WE USE TO FILM LTT: https://lmg.gg/LTTEquipment
► OUR WAN PODCAST GEAR: https://lmg.gg/wanset

Twitter: https://twitter.com/linustech
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/LinusTech
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/linustech
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@linustech
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/linustech

Intro: Laszlo – Supernova
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKfxmFU3lWY
iTunes Download Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/supernova/id936805712
Artist Link: https://soundcloud.com/laszlomusic

Outro: Approaching Nirvana – Sugar High
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngsGBSCDwcI
Listen on Spotify: http://spoti.fi/UxWkUw
Artist Link: http://www.youtube.com/approachingnirvana

Intro animation by MBarek Abdelwassaa https://www.instagram.com/mbarek_abdel/
Monitor And Keyboard by vadimmihalkevich / CC BY 4.0 https://geni.us/PgGWp
Mechanical RGB Keyboard by BigBrotherECE / CC BY 4.0 https://geni.us/mj6pHk4
Mouse Gamer free Model By Oscar Creativo / CC BY 4.0 https://geni.us/Ps3XfE

0:00 Intro
0:29 Teamwork Meetings
1:24 Addressing the Community Factions
2:04 Content Reforms and Correction Handling
4:04 Accuracy Checking
5:00 The ECC Squad
5:55 We’re still LTT
6:42 Business Transparency
7:40 Item Tracking Reforms
8:15 Our Work Environment
9:34 Our HR Process
11:00 Our Mental Health Coverage Updates
11:45 Our Workload
13:01 The Numbers Now
13:50 The Numbers May Change