Homemade Focaccia With Melissa Weller | Quarantine Cooking

Melissa Weller, pastry chef and author of “A Good Bake,” makes easy, customizable focaccia at home. She starts by making a poolish, a fermentation starter that adds flavor, and then finishes the dough with AP flour, water, yeast, and salt, before letting it rest for a couple of hours. After the dough has rested, Melissa stretches and dimples her focaccia dough before topping it. She tops the focaccia with leftover cheeses and vegetables, bacon, and cream before baking it to a crispy golden perfection. Right before serving, she generously grates Parmigiano Reggiano over the focaccia. Check out the recipe here: https://www.vice.com/en/article/k7apq3/easy-focaccia-recipe

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ماين كرافت : نطة قوس القزح – اصعب ماب بالعالم | Minecraft !! 😍🔥

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الجار النفسية: اكره جار عرفته في حياتي 🤬🚫 – شكله خاطف احد 😱❌ | Hello Neighbor

الهروب من السجن في لعبة روبلوكس ( جيلبريك ) – سرقت محل مجوهرات 😭🔥 | Roblox

تختيم: قراند سان اندرياس | عودة افضل لعبة في التاريخ 2018 😱 !! | GTA San Andreas #1

اكثر اللقطات المضحكة في لعبة ببجي موبايل 😂😱🤦🏻‍♂️ !!!!


How to Braise Beef Short Ribs – Food Wishes

I thought I had a winner when I decided to braise some beef short ribs in apple cider, spiked with Korean chili paste, but I could not have been more disappointed.
The good news is that despite not tasting anything close to what I wanted, the short ribs were perfectly cooked, and so this was rebranded as a “How to Braise Beef Short Ribs” techniques video. Enjoy!

To become a Member of Food Wishes, and read Chef John’s in-depth article about How to Braise Beef Short Ribs, follow this link:

You can also find more of Chef John’s content on Allrecipes: http://allrecipes.com/recipes/16791/everyday-cooking/special-collections/web-show-recipes/food-wishes/

Here are the ingredients amounts I used just in case you want to play around with the recipe:

Korean Chili Cider-Braised Beef Short Ribs
Ingredients for 4 portions:
3 1/2 pounds “English-cut” Beef Short Ribs (about 6 three-inch wide pieces)
1 tablespoon kosher salt (or 2 teaspoon fine salt)
freshly ground black pepper to taste
cayenne to taste
3 tablespoons Korean chili paste (Gochujang), 2 tablespoons for marinade, 1 for braising liquid
4 garlic cloves, thinly sliced or minced
1 yellow onion, thinly sliced
1 rib celery, sliced into 1/4 inch pieces
2 tablespoons tomato paste
3 cups hard apple cider, or non-alcoholic apple cider
1 cup chicken broth

تجربة بيجو بارتنر ٢٠٢١ – حسن كتبى

سادتي الأفاضل يسعدني ويشرفني ان أهديكم تجربة بيجو بارتنر ٢٠٢١ – حسن كتبى
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Google ATAP Is Designing With and For the Disability Community

This video by Google ATAP explores how research with smart textiles is helping people with Disabilities live more independently. The team interviews and works with the residents from Champions Place to learn how connected products can integrate more seamlessly into the everyday lives of the Disability Community. #GoogleAtap #JacquardbyGoogle 

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