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هل تستعمل متصفح جوجل كروم ؟ سترغب في حذفه الآن !

كيف تحمي صورك التي ترفعها على جوجل من الإختراق والسرقة

أشاركك تجربتي في الحصول على العلامة الزرقاء لحسابي على الانتستغرام وكيف تفعلها بنفسك !
فقط طبق هذه النقاط التلاث ولن يسرق منك الويفي ابدا ! على مسؤوليتي

عطل هذة الخاصية في هاتفك الآن او سيتم إخترا قك في اقل من 15 ثانية ( شاهد الدليل)

السبب وراء توقيف علي إسكبريس الشحن المجاني للمغرب وبعض الدول العربية !

لماذا أنصح أصدقائي بعدم شراء هاتف هواوي في الوقت الحالي !

لاتشتري هاتف جديد إلا بعد ان تقوم بفحصه بهذه الطريقة او سينصب عليك

Top 10 Anime That Were Way Better Than We Expected

These were certainly a pleasant surprise! Join Ashley as he counts down the anime that turned out to be way better than anyone could imagine, including the likes of “Food Wars”, “Beastars”, “The Rising of the Shield Hero”, “Madoka Magica”, “Gundam Build Fighter”, and more! Who have guessed that zombie idols would make for such a great series?

Follow Ashley on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ashjbow

Check out these other anime videos on WatchMojo:
Top 20 Underrated Anime You Need To Watch https://youtu.be/oF3x8M3Rb8Y
Top 10 Underrated Anime Openings https://youtu.be/cZVok9IuvyY
Top 10 Underappreciated Anime Movies https://youtu.be/wm2i4XM3s2I

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#Anime #ShieldHero #Beastars

Top 10 Creepy Animal Facts That Will Keep You Up at Night

Check out our featured song: “Sayonara” by King Ryan! https://youtu.be/s5ZnbMfYBxc

Mother Nature can be a cruel mistress. For this list, we’re looking at the strangest, grossest, and most unsettling parts of the natural world. Our countdown includes Koalas Have Chlamydia, Leeches Can Grow to Be Huge, Cockroaches Are Nearly Invincible, and more! What do YOU think is the creepiest animal fact? Let us know in the comments!

Watch more great animal videos here:
Top 10 Strangest Animals on Earth: https://youtu.be/aZvCwgJgm-Y
Top 20 Most Intelligent Animals: https://youtu.be/Ma5v_XTKjEA
Top 10 Deadliest Animals in History: https://youtu.be/qgQlPXC0Log

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#Animals #Creepy #Facts

Top 10 Most Creative Horror Movie Jump Scares

These jump scares are so inventive, we’re more amazed than scared…almost. For this list, we’ll be looking at horror movie jump scares than go beyond the normal routine of something jumping out and going ‘boo’ by cleverly subverting our expectations or using the craft of filmmaking in interesting and inventive ways. Our countdown includes “The Thing”, ““The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2”, “The Conjuring”, and more! Did YOUR favorite jumpscare make the list? Let us know in the comments!

Watch more great horror videos here:
Top 20 Scariest Horror Movies You Probably Haven’t Seen: https://youtu.be/5AVYMkq_L1s
Top 10 Horror Movies Everyone Needs to Watch Once: https://youtu.be/00Z9TaswHGo
Top 20 Horror Movie Plot Twists: https://youtu.be/v5ly0u-rwZI

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#JumpScare #Movies #Horror

Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra Review || مراجعه بعد شهر من الأستخدام !!

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Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra Review

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Top 10 Greatest Video Game Boss Entrances Of All Time

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These bosses certainly knew how to make an entrance. For this list, we’ll be considering factors such as visuals, editing and sometimes just sheer cleverness. Our countdown includes Scarlet, Jack Baker, Ridley, Darth Vader, and more! Did YOUR favorite boss entrance make the list? Let us know in the comments!

Watch more great video game boss videos here:
Top 10 Scariest Modern Video Game Bosses: https://youtu.be/Ragh3OqIcWU
Top 10 Hidden Bosses in Video Games: https://youtu.be/qMvnAYuSZhc
Top 10 Best Final Bosses In Video Game History: https://youtu.be/5D4SrvN8wWs

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#BossEntrances #VideoGames #Gaming

The 2020 Mercedes-AMG GLC 63 S is the AWD C 63 AMG You’ve Always Wanted

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The #MercedesAMG C63 has always been the performance coupe and sedan that enthusiasts have sought after for years. Unfortunately, as SUV’s and AWD performance vehicles have gotten more popular, the C63 has lacked that for years. When the GLC-Class was introduced about 5 years ago, it quickly overtook the C-Class to become the best-selling Mercedes in America and the hottest version, the #GLC63S is essentially just the taller, 4Matic AWD C63 that Benz has always needed. For 2020, the #MercedesAMGGLC63SCoupe is the most powerful and sleekest member of the #GLC family and with over 500 HP and standard AWD, it launches to 60 in just 3.6 seconds.

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الموقع : https://th3professional.com/
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Gordon Ramsay’s Spicy Fried Rice Recipe from Indonesia

Gordon was in Indonesia earlier this year and while he was there learned how to make Nasi goreng. A staple of Take Out/Take Away, Gordon was able to a delicious Spicy Fried Rice to the next level. Simple, easy and quick, this is the ultimate Ramsay take on a fried rice!

This was shot during Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted. If you missed the show you can catch up on the show here: https://on.natgeo.com/2lTaCVW

Follow Gordon:
Text him: +1 (310) 620-6468
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/gordongram
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/gordonramsay
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/GordonRamsay