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Honest Trailers | The Fifth Element
Voice Narration: Jon Bailey aka Epic Voice Guy
Written by: Spencer Gilbert, Joe Starr, Danielle Radford & Lon Harris
Produced by: Spencer Gilbert & Joe Starr
Edited by: Kevin Williamsen
Post-Production Supervisor: Emin Bassavand
Supervising Producer: Max Dionne
Associate Producer: Ryan O’Toole
Executive Producer: Roth Cornet
I’m never been a big cocktail guy, and I’m much more comfortable with a beer in my hand, but every once in a while I do get a craving for one of the classics, and this whiskey sour is about as classic as it gets. While perfectly fine to drink at night, where this incredibly delicious and refreshing drink shines is on a hot, sunny day, when you have nothing to do, and all day to do it.
For the fully formatted, printable, written recipe, follow this link:
To become a Member of Food Wishes, and read Chef John’s in-depth article about Chef John’s Whiskey Sour recipe, follow this link:
You can also find more of Chef John’s content on Allrecipes: http://allrecipes.com/recipes/16791/everyday-cooking/special-collections/web-show-recipes/food-wishes/
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صفحة المحترف على الفيسبوك :
هل تستعمل متصفح جوجل كروم ؟ سترغب في حذفه الآن !
كيف تحمي صورك التي ترفعها على جوجل من الإختراق والسرقة
أشاركك تجربتي في الحصول على العلامة الزرقاء لحسابي على الانتستغرام وكيف تفعلها بنفسك !
فقط طبق هذه النقاط التلاث ولن يسرق منك الويفي ابدا ! على مسؤوليتي
عطل هذة الخاصية في هاتفك الآن او سيتم إخترا قك في اقل من 15 ثانية ( شاهد الدليل)
السبب وراء توقيف علي إسكبريس الشحن المجاني للمغرب وبعض الدول العربية !
لماذا أنصح أصدقائي بعدم شراء هاتف هواوي في الوقت الحالي !
لاتشتري هاتف جديد إلا بعد ان تقوم بفحصه بهذه الطريقة او سينصب عليك
Legend of the Naga Pearls – Aerial Love: Ni KongKong (Talu Wang) & Raven (Tian’Ai Zhang) consummate their love.
BUY THE MOVIE: https://www.fandangonow.com/details/movie/legend-of-the-naga-pearls-2017/MMV877EE9DC12059B69EF71688E453568E61?cmp=Movieclips_YT_Description
Watch the best Legend of the Naga Pearls scenes & clips:
A royal descendant of an ancient winged tribe embarks on a quest to find magical pearls. When they fall into the hands of a human, he joins a team of unlikely heroes in a race against time to prevent the destruction of his people.
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The MOVIECLIPS channel is the largest collection of licensed movie clips on the web. Here you will find unforgettable moments, scenes, and lines from all your favorite films. Made by movie fans, for movie fans.
Legend of the Naga Pearls – Magic Death Shrimp: A swarm of Tapirs, magic flying death shrimp, are released upon an unwitting festival.
BUY THE MOVIE: https://www.fandangonow.com/details/movie/legend-of-the-naga-pearls-2017/MMV877EE9DC12059B69EF71688E453568E61?cmp=Movieclips_YT_Description
Watch the best Legend of the Naga Pearls scenes & clips:
A royal descendant of an ancient winged tribe embarks on a quest to find magical pearls. When they fall into the hands of a human, he joins a team of unlikely heroes in a race against time to prevent the destruction of his people.
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► Fresh New Clips: http://bit.ly/2taDWqW
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The MOVIECLIPS channel is the largest collection of licensed movie clips on the web. Here you will find unforgettable moments, scenes, and lines from all your favorite films. Made by movie fans, for movie fans.
Legend of the Naga Pearls – The Pearl Unleashed: Ni Kongkong (Talu Wang) fights Vlad’s (Simon Yam) mad scheme.
BUY THE MOVIE: https://www.fandangonow.com/details/movie/legend-of-the-naga-pearls-2017/MMV877EE9DC12059B69EF71688E453568E61?cmp=Movieclips_YT_Description
Watch the best Legend of the Naga Pearls scenes & clips:
A royal descendant of an ancient winged tribe embarks on a quest to find magical pearls. When they fall into the hands of a human, he joins a team of unlikely heroes in a race against time to prevent the destruction of his people.
Watch More:
► Fresh New Clips: http://bit.ly/2taDWqW
► Classic Trailers: http://bit.ly/2qTCxHF
► Hot New Trailers: http://bit.ly/2qThrsF
► Clips From Movies Coming Soon: http://bit.ly/2FrP8VL
► Indie Movie Clips: http://bit.ly/2qTZMRE
► Deleted Scenes: http://bit.ly/2ARbLPJ
► Bloopers: http://bit.ly/2qYmBnc
► Celebrity Interviews: http://bit.ly/2D4tzw4
Fuel Your Movie Obsession:
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The MOVIECLIPS channel is the largest collection of licensed movie clips on the web. Here you will find unforgettable moments, scenes, and lines from all your favorite films. Made by movie fans, for movie fans.