اهم 77 ثانية: مؤتمر ابل و ليش المفروض ما اشتري ايفون الان…


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Top 20 Worst Movie Monster Weaknesses

You’ll be shocked by how stupid these movie monster weaknessess are. For this list, we’re breaking down the strangest, most ridiculous pitfalls of terrifying movie monsters. Our countdown includes Water, Antifreeze, Cats, Wish Logic, Courage, and more! What do YOU think is the worst movie monster weakness? Let us know in the comments!

Watch more great monster videos here:
Top 10 Monster Movie Reveals: https://youtu.be/upnil3c9peg
Another Top 10 Scariest Movie Monsters: https://youtu.be/_ByyWDOJtRI
Top 10 Giant Movie Monsters: https://youtu.be/2Eex1-DTbgc

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#Movies #Monsters #Weaknesses

Top 10 Movie Performances of 2020 So Far

Despite the temporary closures of movie theaters, these actors are still firing on all cylinders. For this list, we’ll be looking at the best performances in films that have had a wide, limited, or VOD release in 2020. Our countdown includes Hugh Jackman, Jim Carrey, Elisabeth Moss, Margot Robbie, and more! Who do YOU think turned in the best acting performance of 2020 so far? Let us know in the comments!

Watch more great acting videos here:
Top 20 Worst Acting Performances of All Time: https://youtu.be/e4Q24EyngDY
Top 10 Best Movie Performances of the Last Decade: https://youtu.be/QQnXcQKzD4w
Top 20 Best Performances of the Century So Far: https://youtu.be/MDaEd478HWM

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#Acting #Movies #2020

شاشة منحنية بحجم 49 انش وبتردد 240Hz من سامسونج ! Samsung Odyssey G9


في هذا الفيديو نقدم لكم مراجعة لشاشة سامسونج Samsung Odyssey G9
واللي تتميز بكونها عريضة وبتردد 240 هيرتز !

إذا كان الوصف يظهر باللغة الإنجليزية فذلك يعود للغة الجهاز الذي تشاهد منه الحلقة.
info@tpprod.com تواصل معنا على

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To communicate with us, please visit our channel’s ‘About’ page.

Contact us on info@tpprod.com

Gordon Ramsay Makes the Ultimate Cajun Breakfast Sandwich | Scrambled

This week Gordon’s in Louisiana on the Bayou and he’s turning some local favorites into a Cajun Style Breakfast Sandwich while filming Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted. With a fried egg and some amazing local tasso ham, this is the perfect Sandwich to make if you’ve recreated Mardi Gras at home.

Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted airs Sunday’s on National Geographic Channel! Catch up on the show here: https://on.natgeo.com/2lTaCVW

Full Recipe: https://www.gordonramsay.com/gr/recipes/cajun-style-breakfast-sandwich

Follow Gordon:

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/gordongram
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/gordonramsay
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/GordonRamsay

تحدي لو تشوف الفيديو تخسر (مستحيل😂(

تحدي لو تشوف الفيديو تخسر (مستحيل😂(
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CHEF is “REMOTE CONTROLLED” by a NORMAL!! | Cloud Egg Recipe Challenge

What’s more entertaining than watching James panic in his own kitchen…? When BARRY is the one controlling him! That’s right – we’ve challenged Barry to remote control James into making a dish that’ll test James’ cheffy instincts… and his patience! Do they manage to pull it off? Watch on to find out!

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💸🛍 Robes08 June 2020 Haul | Haul Series 🎁

#fragranceguru #robes08 #fragrancefamily

0:00 Intro
5:39 Paco Rabanne One Million Cologne
10:15 Cartier Roadster Sport
13:45 Givenchy Gentleman Cologne
17:05 Hermes Voyage Parfum
20:50 Prada Homme L’Eau
23:50 Guerlain Coconut Fizz
27:22 L’Artisan Parfumeur Batucada
30:37 Serge Lutens Bapteme du Feu
Business Inquiries or Collaborations welcomed: thefragranceguru08@gmail.com

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/The-Fragranc…
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fragrance_guru
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/robes08/

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Naomi Kyle’s Relaxing Retreat Island Tour – Animal Crossing: New Horizons

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IGN alum, Naomi Kyle, takes us on a tour of her island where her villagers live a luxurious, pampered lifestyle. Naomi Kyle’s island tour is a part of IGN’s Summer of Gaming.

Thanks for checking out IGN’s Summer of Gaming! Be sure to stay tuned to SoG as our team shares hands-on demos, gameplay previews (including Xbox Series X gameplay and PS5 gameplay), developer interviews, and publisher presentations- and it’s all happening in live broadcasts on IGN, IGN YouTube, and IGN’s social feeds! Throughout June, IGN’s Summer of Gaming will be showcasing Xbox news, PS5 news, and new games! 2020, we all know is the start of the next console generation, so make sure to continue to check out Summer of Gaming for news about upcoming games, 2020 titles releasing for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, and more discussions around this year’s hottest gaming news.