حفلة مجانين | لعبه غريبة تموت من الضحك🤣

شكراً عالمشاهده💘، فعّل جرس التنبيهات🔔، لاا تنسىٰ لايكك👍🏼

-「فيديو أنصحك تشوفه؟」
🔗 هنا : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tH_Xdwn53FM&t=29s


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-「للإعلانات التجارية」

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✅ قال النبي ﷺ (البخيل من ذكرتُ عنده فلم يصلِّ عليَّ)
فلا تنسون الصلاة على اشفع الخلق محمد ﷺ

21 حقيقة عن تيم كوك! بدايته .. ثروته وهل هو افضل مدير تنفيذي في العالم؟

اكثر من 40 حقيقة عن ابل:


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Top 10 Celebs Who Destroyed Their Career With One Post

Check out our featured song: “Brickwall” by Motorcycle Display Team! https://youtu.be/cCbe6dpgZyE

Social media can elevate you to the top of the celebrity food chain and destroy you just as quickly. For this list, we’ll be looking at famous people who tarnished their careers via a single social media post, with the celebs often also making other offensive posts as well that contributed to their self-destruction. Our countdown includes Perez Hilton, Amanda Bynes, Jason Biggs, and more! Did YOUR favorite celebrity make the list? Let us know in the comments!

Watch more great celebrity videos here:
Top 10 Celebrities That Ruined Their Careers with One Interview: https://youtu.be/l3Bfo9nONr4
Top 10 Stars Who Destroyed Their Careers on Live TV: https://youtu.be/xVVyJLNi_9g
Top 10 Craziest Things Celebs Did for Attention: https://youtu.be/xvUXhWDOd9A

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#Celebrity #SocialMedia #Controversy

(صبغنا شعر عبدالله لون أزرق 😍🔵 (تحدي ٦مليون

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عبدالله طلع على قد كلامه هههه
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حساب سعودي ريبورترز عالانستجرام: http://instagram.com/saudireporters
حساب عبدالعزيز عالانستجرام: http://instagram.com/zozobakrtv
حساب عبدالله عالانستجرام: http://instagram.com/boodyzozo
حساب خلود عالانستجرام: http://instagram.com/kholoudbakr

🍍تابعونا سناب شات
حساب عبدالعزيز عالسناب شات: http://www.snapchat.com/add/zozobakrtv
حساب عبدالله عالسناب شات:http://www.snapchat.com/add/boodyzozo

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حساب سعودي ريبورترز عالتويتر:https://twitter.com/saudireporters
حساب عبدالعزيز عالتويتر:https://twitter.com/zozobakrtv
حساب عبدالله عالتويتر:https://twitter.com/boodyzozo

🍍تابعونا فيس بوك

مضاربة مع بابايروس 💀| Undertale #4

لو المقطع عجبك لا تنسى تقيمه و تشترك في القناة عشان توصلك المقاطع الجديدة

لو حاب تدعمني زيادة تقدر تنتسب في القناة من هنا : https://bit.ly/3bg8PPQ

تابعني في التويتر : https://twitter.com/TheOnlyM7MDXD

تابعني في الانستقرام : http://instagram.com/TheOnlyM7MDXD

لمتابعة البث المباشر : https://www.twitch.tv/m7md_xd

للاعلان اتواصل معايا عبر الايميل : m7mdxd.channel@gmail.com


Top 10 Hidden Bosses in Video Games

We had to work extremely hard to find these foes. For this list, we’ll be going over the bosses in video games that can only be fought by going off the beaten path or unlocked through achieving certain objectives. Our countdown includes Culex, The Cow King, Noob Saibot, and more! Did YOUR favorite video game boss make the list? Let us know in the comments!

Watch more great video game boss videos here:
Top 10 Secret Bosses in Video Games: https://youtu.be/y_q93K9S7oI
Another Top 10 Best Secret Bosses in Video Games: https://youtu.be/5UgW2ttFcEQ
Top 10 Video Game Bosses You Don’t Want to Kill: https://youtu.be/CFNHAvA7cSg

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#VideoGame #Bosses #HiddenBoss

Gordon Ramsay Attempts To Make Fish & Chips at Home in 10 Minutes | Ramsay in 10

This week on Ramsay in 10 Live, Gordon tackled a British Classic….Fish & Chips. Simple and easy to do at home, As he and the Ramsay family #StayHome, Gordon shows you how to make this Classic by Shallow Frying but can he get it done in 10 Minutes? Leave a comment about what dish you want to see next weekend so you can #cookwithme?

Full Recipe: https://www.gordonramsay.com/gr/recipes/gordons-fish-and-chips-in-10-minutes

Self Rising Flour
White Fleshed Fish (such as Cod)
Egg White
Light Beer or Lager
Sunflower Oil
Curry Powder
Baking Powder
Creme Fraiche
Hot Sauce (Optional)

Follow Gordon:
Text him: +1 (310) 620-6468
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/gordongram
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/gordonramsay
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/GordonRamsay

HOME COOK tries to BEAT A CHEF?? | Cinnamon Rolls

#WithMe – Another day in lockdown, another chance for Mike to see if he can BEAT THE CHEF! ​In this episode, Ben challenges Mike to produce Cinnamon Pecan Rolls that are more visually impressive than his. But here’s the catch, Jamie and Barry are the judges, and they’ll be choosing the winner based on phone-shot images alone. Can Mike knock Ben off of his cheffy throne? Or will it be another EPIC fail? #WithMe

Get Sorted’s latest cookbook, Cooking to the Beat, here: https://bit.ly/2Ww1kQf

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