Where There’s Help, There’s Hope

According to Google Trends, searches for “how to help” are at an all-time high. People around the world are searching for ways to help their communities, the elderly, small businesses, and essential workers.

To all those who sacrifice so much to help so many, thank you.

For more information and resources, visit https://google.com/covid19

C R E D I T S:
Google Brand Studio
Editorial: Lucky Day
Sound: Charlie Keating
VFX/Color/Finish: Chapeau Studios
Music: “New York” as performed by St. Vincent

Ghost Kitchen footage courtesy of Group Nine Media, Inc.

USPS Corporate Signature, USPS Letter Carrier Uniform, and USPS Long-Life Postal Mail Delivery Vehicle (LLV) are trademarks of the United States Postal Service and are used with permission.

Footage Courtesy of Big Table Farm

My Block, My Hood, My City

Love Beyond Walls

Chicago Tribune

Footage supplied by CBS News

Images recorded at SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital

Footage courtesy of Gabriele Galimberti

Footage courtesy of LA Metro

The Kroger Co.

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The 3 Musk Rule !!!

The 3 white musks rule which can transform any fragrance compound to a fine fragrance. This is of course with the understanding that we have a ready made perfume compound available.

1. Galaxolide
2. Ethylene Brassylate
3. Cyclopentadecanone / Exaltone ( Firmenich )

My Products available in India only at the moment. We are in the process of launching a dedicated website for International buyers.

Amazon India Store –

For any further inquiries and details about the online courses please don’t hesitate to contact me at babbs.collection@gmail.com or call on +918978412082 ( Panache Traders Sales )

Gordon Ramsay Shows How To Make a Stir Fry at Home | Ramsay in 10

As Gordon continues to #StayHome he’s putting himself to more 10 minute challenges live! This week on Ramsay in 10 Live, he attempted to make a delicious stir fry using easily accessible ingredients at home including leftover rice! Join Gordon weekly as he shows you how easy it is to #CookwithMe.

Follow Gordon:
Text him: +1 (310) 620-6468
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/gordongram
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/gordonramsay
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/GordonRamsay

Full recipe: https://www.gordonramsay.com/gr/recipes/gordons-10-minute-stir-fry

Ground Beef
Leftover Rice
Red Onion
Red & Yellow Pepper
Snow Peas
Spring Onions/Scallions
Bok Choy
Soy Sauce
Fish Sauce (Optional)

كل واحد حلق للثاني في الحجر المنزلي 😰✂️

فعاليات الحجر المنزلي – حلقنا في البيت 🤣🔥 !!

لاتنسوا تشتركوا في القناة وتكونوا ريبورترز

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موقع جاهيييز: https://jaheeez.com

حساب سعودي ريبورترز عالانستجرام: http://instagram.com/saudireporters
حساب عبدالعزيز عالانستجرام: http://instagram.com/zozobakrtv
حساب عبدالله عالانستجرام: http://instagram.com/boodyzozo
حساب خلود عالانستجرام: http://instagram.com/kholoudbakr

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حساب عبدالعزيز عالسناب شات: http://www.snapchat.com/add/zozobakrtv
حساب عبدالله عالسناب شات:http://www.snapchat.com/add/boodyzozo

👳🏽‍♀تابعونا تويتر
حساب سعودي ريبورترز عالتويتر:https://twitter.com/saudireporters
حساب عبدالعزيز عالتويتر:https://twitter.com/zozobakrtv
حساب عبدالله عالتويتر:https://twitter.com/boodyzozo

🍍تابعونا فيس بوك

نسوي اكل المطاعم في البيت ( مشروب ستاربكس )

كود الخصم [ AB1 ]
رابط الموقع : https://www.e-retail.com/ar/product/philips-bundle-package-gaming-keyboard-and-mouse/
نسوي اكل المطاعم في البيت ( مشروب ستاربكس )
لتواصل و الاعلان : ( abdul111x@gmail.com )
شكرا للمتابعة، لا تنسى تكتب الكومنت جميل ولا تنسى الايك والاشتراك عشان اتحمس و انزل كثير❤
للاشترك علي القناة اضغط علي الرابط: https://bit.ly/2oBZVp2
لمشاهدة المزيد من فيديوهاتي: https://bit.ly/2PB1W03

تابعوني علي :
انستقرام : http://instagram.com/abdul1x
تويتر : http://twitter.com/abdul1x

اضغط على الرابط و علطول بضيفك في سنابي:

ما غشيت 🌚| i hate this game

لو المقطع عجبك لا تنسى تقيمه و تشترك في القناة عشان توصلك المقاطع الجديدة

تابعني في التويتر : https://twitter.com/TheOnlyM7MDXD

تابعني في الانستقرام : http://instagram.com/TheOnlyM7MDXD

لمتابعة البث المباشر : https://www.twitch.tv/m7md_xd

للاعلان اتواصل معايا عبر الايميل : m7mdxd.channel@gmail.com


A Chef REMOTE CONTROLS a Home Cook!! | Handmade Ravioli

Who said self-isolation has to be boring?! In this episode, Mike is dared to better his skills in the kitchen by stepping up to James’ Remote Control Pasta Challenge. Does Mike manage to pull it off? Do our surprise guest judges laugh in the face of their video call cameras? Watch on to find out!

To make use of our Packs app to smash your midweek meals, head here: ​https://bit.ly/34mzE22

#StayHome and Cook #WithMe

Ready to live the ultimate food lifestyle?

Come and join the Sorted Club to make use of the smart tools that connect millions of foodies around the world and help you create your ultimate food lifestyle.
– Simplify midweek cooking with smart meal packs and audio guides
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Check it out here: http://bit.ly/2SiD6q6

Top 10 Cringiest Moments From Tiger King

For All The Tiger King Merch You Never Wanted Visit: https://wmojo.com/exotic

Hey Carole, check the septic tank! Man, we’ve never seen so many cringy moments in any TV show ever! Today we’re ranking all the cringiest moments from Netflix’s Tiger King. Don’t worry, if you’re looking for Howard singing to Carole, we’ve got you covered. What do you think was the cringiest moment in Tiger King? Let us know in the comments!

Watch more Tiger King content here:
Top 10 Most Shocking Moments From Netflix’s Tiger King: https://youtu.be/ngHRDhghAJk
Top 10 Craziest Things That Have Happened Since Tiger King Was Released: https://youtu.be/gidJil0t2BY
The Untold Story of Tiger King: https://youtu.be/UNAiERxA6Wo

#JoeExotic #CaroleBaskin #TigerKing

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