Top 10 Iconic North American Sports Moments of the Last Decade

Just because it happened recently doesn’t mean it isn’t iconic. For this list, we’ll be focusing exclusively on North American athletes and events, including events taking place in America, or involving a North American athlete on foreign soil. Which sports moment of the last decade do you think was most iconic? Let us know in the comments!

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#10: Colin Kaepernick Takes a Knee
#9: The Decision
#8: Malcolm Butler Clinches Super Bowl XLIX
#7: Sid the Kid’s Golden Goal
#6: Michael Phelps Becomes the Most Decorated Olympian Ever
#5: The New England Patriots Overcome a 28-3 Deficit to Win Superbowl LI
#4: The Toronto Raptors Win their First NBA Title
#3, #2 & #1???

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25 Times Cartoons Predicted The Future

It Isn’t Only The Simpsons That Can Predict The Future…
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The creative freedom of animation allows cartoons to take their stories anywhere — and more times than we could have imagined, many of these cartoons have predicted the future. Pokemon Go! Took the world by storm back in 2016. Well, back in 1999, South Park could see the rise of Pokemon coming and decided to take it on with the episode entitled “Chinpokomon”. The parody of Pokemon included everything from the toys to the video games. Caitlyn Jenner’s transformation from Bruce took the world by surprise back in 2015. Well, not everyone was surprised, especially the writers and animators on Family Guy. YEARS before Jenner announced she was transgender, Family Guy made direct remarks about the former Olympian. Nothing like modern technology to present an easier solution — only to screw things up even worse. One example? The voting machine mishaps in the 2012 Barack Obama and Mitt Romney election. In real life, people were selecting a candidate like Obama, only to have Romney appear on the electronic voting screen. See how the Iron Man cartoon may have predicted a terrible disaster just a few years later.

Which show predicted the Pokemon Go craze? Which show featured the future of a scary movie franchise? And how was Inspector Gadget ahead of his time in more ways than we could ever imagine?! Time to break down these future predictions from favorites like The Simpsons, South Park, and Robot Chicken! Watch to see all these future predictions, how accurate they were, and what other predictions may take place down the line!

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The 2020 Ford Explorer ST & Volvo XC90 T8 Are Both 400 HP Family Haulers – Ft. AlexOnAutos

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Both Ford and Volvo used to be somewhat under the same corporate umbrella but today both manufactures offer their own ways for families to get 400 HP in your family hauler. With Ford, they offer the #FordExplorerST with its 3.0L twin-turbo V6 while Volvo takes a slightly different approach with the #XC90T8 and its turbo-super-electrified 2.0L 4-cylinder engine. While one is technically a luxury brand while the other is mainstream, if you kept the options in check on the Volvo, you can buy a fully loaded Explorer ST or Platinum for the same money as the base trim #XC90. #FordExplorer #ExplorerST #VolvoXC90

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Top 10 Differences Between The Witcher Show and Video Games

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They’ve both got swords, sorcery and the White Wolf, but how do these adaptations of “The Witcher” contrast? For this list, we’re looking at key differences between Netflix’s television series and CD Projekt Red’s video game franchise, both based on “The Witcher” books by Andrzej Sapkowski. Our countdown includes differences in how Geralt, Yennefer, Ciri, Triss, and Jaskier aka Dandelion are portrayed, and more. What do YOU think is the biggest difference between the Netflix series and the games? Let us know in the comments!

Watch more great videos about The Witcher here:
Top 10 Best Moments From The Witcher Season 1:
Top 5 Interesting Facts About The Witcher 3:
Top 10 Greatest WITCHER 3 Moments!:

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New Star Wars Force Awakens Deleted Scene Would Have Changed The Movie For The Better

This Star Wars Deleted Scene Would Have Completely Changed The Movies
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Less than a month after the release of the Rise of Skywalker, the movie that promised to tie up four decades of Star Wars and give fans ending they so richly deserved, Chewbacca’s come back to stir up debate.

Joonas Suotamo, the former professional basketball player who plays Chewbacca, was interviewed by the Hollywood reporter about a controversial scene from The Force Awakens. After most of the drama of the film has already taken place, when Chewie, Rey, Finn and Poe, return, sans Han Solo, from the fight with Kylo Ren, Leia and Rey hug.

Although it seems like an innocuous moment–a touching one, even–that’s not how the fans felt. There’s nothing wrong with the hug that did happen, it’s the hug that didn’t happen that’s got everyone so riled up. When she’s walking towards Rey, Leia ignores her old friend (and Han Solo’s best friend) Chewbacca. Fans were appalled that Princess Leia would ignore the Wookie who just lost his best friend in favour of someone she’s never even met.

It’s a fair enough criticism and the filmmakers took note. At the end of the next movie, they added in a split-second hug between the Princess and the Wookie. But according to Suotamo, they filmed a “consolation scene” for The Force Awakens, but it didn’t even make it onto the DVD. Would the movie have been better with the deleted scene?

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