طريلر- أفلام ننتظرها 2020 🔥🔥🍿

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#صاحي – #طريلر 43

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2010 – 2019: A Decade In Film | Supercut

Our very own Dan Murrell edited together this awesome supercut celebrating the 2010’s decade in film. (Full list of movies in the comments below) Honest Trailers back next week have a Happy New Year!

►►Find out How to Watch ‘Never Surrender’ Our Galaxy Quest Documentary at This Link►►https://www.journeyman.tv/film/7688/never-surrender

►►iTunes Link►►https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/never-surrender-a-galaxy-quest-documentary/id1486843892?mt=6&ign-mpt=uo%3D4
►►Amazon Link►►https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B08175LBM1
►►Google Play Link►►https://play.google.com/store/movies/details?id=3tPdBD7QwiA.P
►►Vimeo Link►►https://vimeo.com/ondemand/neversurrenderdoc?ref=tw-share

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Every MCU Character We Lost That Aren’t Coming Back

The MCU Characters We Won’t Likely See In Phase 4
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Wow, wow, wow. As we welcome in 2020, we look back on a decade…a decade dominated by Marvel and MCU in every single way. And while new heroes and filled our lives with entertainment, there were many who perished along the way. Whiles hi Thanos’s snap caused many to disappear and come back, we will walk you through the dozens of others who lost their lives in the MCU.

Iron Man 2 helped kick off the decade of destruction, but our heroes were able to survive — for now. Off-screen, we learn of Anton Vanko’s passing, but his son would have a much worse fate. While plenty of Frost Giants met their icy demise in Thor, Captain America: The First Avenger really upped the tally here. There’s Jan, the Tesseract guard who was crushed under a pile of rubble. Along with Jan, the Church Keeper was fallen after a single shot from Schmidt. Loki adds more victims to his wrath in the first Avengers movie — this time taking out Heinrich Schafter so he could make some use out of his eyeball.

Even more devastating was the loss of Agent Phil Coulson — but he was later brought to life to help add some credibility to ABC’s Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD.

And oh yeah, we’re only counting the decade from 2010 to 2019 — so the first Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk are out of the running. Sorry Obadiah Stane. Now grab some tissues as we relive these huge losses. Join us at Screenrant as we detail all the major and minor MCU losses.

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15 Adult Jokes In Spies In Disguise Everyone Missed

These Jokes Went Over Everyone’s Head
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To help parents sit through a movie where Will Smith’s spy character gets turned into a pigeon, the creators of the film knew they would have to insert a whole lot of jokes for the older set crowd.
Walter has a whole lot of inventions featured in the film — each one focused on adorable features like hugs and glitter bombs. Well, one of these inventions probably had parents in theaters doing a double-take — just by the name alone. It seems like you cannot create an action-based animated movie without including a reference to the Matrix — and specifically the bullet-time scene. The parodies probably started around the release of the original Shrek movie and have continued onward in film after film. Everything from Madagascar to Hoodwinked and Despicable Me 2 have all featured the tired parody. Did you know that Spies in Disguise came out nearly a year after its initial scheduled date? Yep, it was supposed to get released on January 18, 2019, but the whole Disney-Fox merger mixed things up a bit and that’s why the film got released in December. Maybe if the film kept its original release date, the next joke wouldn’t have felt sooooo outdated.

And boy did they pack on even more adult jokes! Watch to find them all and see what ones you missed! From references to old school movies and some shoutouts to risque novels no child should ever read, Spies in Disguise really delivers on the goods. See how many of these adult jokes and moments you noticed, including a few clever nods to Tom Holland’s Spider-Man character.

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Top 10 Times Family Guy Made Fun of Disney

The Simpsons has taken its shots at the Mouse, but that’s nothing compared to the times Family Guy made fun of Disney. We’ll be going over the moments from Family Guy that reference or mock Disney or Disney properties which, now that Disney owns Fox, includes the show itself! Having created a successful show around badgering others, it’s no wonder that Family Guy pokes fun at the House of Mouse. WatchMojo ranks the times Family Guy made fun of Disney. Are you suddenly in the mood for pie? Let us know in the comments!

Watch more great Disney related content here:
Top 10 Times The Simpsons Made Fun of Disney – https://youtu.be/TUcDvENAVtg
Top 10 Disney FAILS – https://youtu.be/C0aEQNK2R7E
Top 10 Funniest Disney Characters – https://youtu.be/X_4n-BA_sKU

Check out the voting page for this list and add your picks:

Suggest a video here: https://www.watchmojo.com/suggest/

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