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5 Things Ford V Ferrari Got Right And 5 Things They Got Wrong
Ford V Ferrari Didn’t Get Everything On Point…
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Ford v Ferrari raced its way to the top of the box office and has been granted a whole slew of awards buzz, largely thanks to the performance of Christian Bale as driver Ken Miles. The film is about the Ford Motor Company’s ambitious plan to beat Ferrari at the prestigious 24 Hours at Le Mans race. The film chronicles the trials and tribulations Caroll Shelby, played by Matt Damon, and Miles had to face while building a new car from the ground up with the intent of beating one of the fastest and most awarded teams in Europe.
Despite being pretty accurate, the movie does take some liberties with certain events and characters in order to streamline things or to create conflict for the plot. The biggest change is how antagonistic Ford was towards Ken Miles. It got so bad in the movie that Damon’s Shelby actually bet his career on Miles, but in real life, Ford weren’t that aggressive towards him, despite not being a fan of the driver.
Changes with how Ford tries to win over Ferarri were altered and the manner of Ken Miles’ passing were altered but the film got plenty right. This includes team Ford using replaceable breaks during Le Mans 1966 and Ken Miles getting second place in the race due to a technicality. Some characters are absent in the movie but the conflict associated with them does carry over to the narrative. All in all, this is a movie that does a surprisingly good job at making sure it’s accurate to the characters and events while also remembering that it’s a movie and needs to entertain the audience as well as inform it.
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Gordon Ramsay Helps Prepare His Lunch Menu With His Prison Brigade | Gordon Behind Bars
Gordon introduces his lunch menu for his prison cooks and prepares to get them ready to sell to the public.
#GordonRamsay #Cooking
Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Fit Food/Healthy, Lean and Fit – http://po.st/REpVfP
If you liked this clip check out the rest of Gordon’s channels:
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Christmas Carol Pop Star Mashup Challenge Ft. Kelly Rowland
Check out Kelly Rowland’s Lifetime movie, “Merry Liddle Christmas” which premieres 11/30!
Today, we’re joined by Kelly Rowland and we’re singing Christmas carols with a pop star remix! Check it out on today’s video, Christmas Carol Pop Star Mashup Challenge! GMM #1648
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Intro Animation by Dana Schechter https://www.danaschechter.com/
Intro & Outro Music by Mark Byers http://www.markaholic.com/
Supplemental Music from Extreme Production Music: https://www.extrememusic.com/
Mic: ‘The Mouse’ by Blue Microphones https://www.bluemic.com/mouse/
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10 Things Only Adults Noticed In Frozen 2
Frozen 2 Had A Lot Of Jokes For Adults…
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Disney’s Frozen 2 is already a smash hit, which isn’t a surprise given how beloved the first one is. Be careful if you haven’t checked out the movie yet, there are some giant spoilers ahead!
The story sees Anna and Elsa growing up and changing as years have passed since the events of the first movie. While, at its core, it remains a lighthearted story about an unbreakable bond between sisters, the creators of the movie didn’t shy away from slipping in a few jokes and bits that are just for the grown ups in the audience. The people at Disney know that, if parents and guardians are going to take kids to see animated movies, they have to enjoy them too, and they’re thoughtful enough to make sure they can have a little fun themselves. Sometimes it’s a little innuendo with a joke about leather, or a relatable moment of Anna getting rejected by Olaf. Other times it’s an 80’s power ballad that reminds the older crowd of days gone by. There’s a naive song about how Olaf thinks he’ll know everything when he is older, that most adults know is far from the truth, and the tackling of a few subjects that most kids wouldn’t quite understand. There is so much more buried just under the surface of Frozen 2 that only adults will able able to pick up on, so check out the video below for all of the details!
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25 Cancelled Animated Movies You’ll Never Get To See
Some Of These Would Have Been Huge Disney Movies!
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Animated movies take years to make and cost millions of dollars, so you can understand why studios are sometimes a little hesitant to produce them. That’s why there are so many animated movies that got cancelled over the years. Sometimes it’s due to budgeting reasons, sometimes due to technology or a lacklustre idea. Sometimes, it’s all because of another movie’s performance.
Disney and DreamWorks are the two big names in animation these days and both are responsible for dozens of cancelled projects. Some of them are sequels that just didn’t see the light of day, such as a follow up to Who Framed Roger Rabbit or Planes 3. Sometimes, the performance of other movies, such as The Cat in the Hat or Mars Needs Moms, directly impacted the standing of another movie, like Horton Hears a Who or The Yellow Submarine. Other times, it’s the poor result of the first movie in a would-be franchise, like Rise of the Guardians or Monsters vs Aliens, that keeps a franchise going.
There are some movies that did eventually get released but under completely different plots and styles than originally conceived. The original scripts for Finding Nemo 2 and Monsters Inc 2 are very different than what we actually got. Studios may think a movie too weird or mature to produce, such as Destino or Wild Life or believe their target audience won’t understand the jokes, like with Fraidy Cat. Let us know which one of these movies you’d like to see made one day!
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Honest Trailers Commentary | Jingle All The Way
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Honest Trailers Commentary | Jingle All The Way
Hosted by Spencer Gilbert
Featuring Joe Starr, Danielle Radford & Lon Harris
Produced by Ryan O’Toole
Senior Producer: Billy Patterson
Post-Production Supervisor: Emin Bassavand