The Mandalorian Chapter 4: Everything You Missed

The Mandaorian Will Explain Baby Yoda And We’re So Ready
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The fourth chapter of The Mandalorian is finally upon us, and it is definitely one of the best episodes yet! Not only does it give us a lot more of The Mandalorian’s backstory and a handful of new characters to get excited about, there were also a ton of awesome easter eggs hidden throughout that are enough to make any Star Wars fan jump for joy.

Be careful if you haven’t seen the episode yet, however, because there are a ton of spoilers ahead. We definitely suggest checking it out in all of its glory before continuing on here.

Now that we’ve got that bit of business out of the way, here is just a taste of all the easter eggs that you can expect in the video below!

For starters, in the very first moments of the episode we see a bunch of shrimp-looking fish swimming under the water before being fished out by a happy group of fishermen. Those fish aren’t random, they are actually Krill, and while this is their first appearance on screen, they have come up before in the Star Wars Visual Encyclopedia. In fact, it’s not the only pop-up in this episode that we’ve never before seen on screen, there’s also a Loth Cat to watch out for! From The Klatoonians, to the reappearance of an AT S0T, to a secret that Omera might be hiding, and everything in between, this episode has it all. Check out the video below for all of the best easter eggs in The Mandalorian, Chapter 4!

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The Surprising Real Story Behind Frozen 2

Frozen 2 Is Based On Many True Stories!
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While the first Frozen might have tried to pay homage to a handful of Scandinavian and Nordic cultures, there were some aspects that they just didn’t get right. It’s clear that the movie is set in a fictional version of Norway, what with the accents, music, reindeer, and costumes, but even though Arendale might not be real, these cultures are! It might surprise you to know that one of the dominant cultures in Frozen 2 is based off of a very real, specific group of nomadic reindeer farmers known as the Sami people.
In the first movie, the filmmakers went ahead with some research and that’s about it. But in Frozen two, they went the extra mile in order to get things right. Which is great! There is nothing lost by including the voices of the people whose culture you are borrowing from, it’s a total win-win situation. The group gets to feel understood and respected, and the movie is only made better and more interesting by being accurate! Who better to tell their stories than the people that the stories are actually about, right? Check out the video below to find out all about this amazing culture, and just how the Frozen team went about collaborating with them.
Be warned, there are some Frozen 2 spoilers in the video, so if you haven’t made it out to the theatre to check it out yet, what are you waiting for?? It’s Frozen 2!

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Strict Rules The Arrowverse Cast Has To Follow

The Flash Comes With A Lot Of Rules…
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Since 2012, the Arrowverse has grown from a little gritty show into a whole television universe including hit series like Supergirl, The Flash, and Legends of Tomorrow. With massive casts and iconic roles, these actors have a lot on their plate — and some pretty strict rules to follow in the process. One of the biggest perks of being an actor on an Arrowverse show is having the ability to play a memorable superhero or supervillain. In the case of the villain, there have been numerous times where a masked villain needed to keep their identity a secret. We’ve seen this a TON on the Flash, with characters like Reverse Flash, Zoom, and Savitar hidden behind a mask before their big reveal. But there’s a specific rule that prevents the actor from portraying the actual role. When a superhero gets called into action within the Arrowverse — there’s pretty much one strict rule: those costumes have to be tight. This is pretty much a given across all superhero realms, but we see it week in and week out in the Arrowverse. The only hero who has an exception is pretty much Constantine, who’s messy look is all part of the design. Wearing a tight costume is an essential part of the process, for both males and females. Due to his high-speed running, Barry Allen’s Flash costume may be the tightest of them all, but heroes like the Black Canary are in some pretty tight outfits as well.

Besides general rules that any actor should follow, there are some specific guidelines which cater to both the Arrowverse productions and the CW as a whole. Join us as we break these rules down and discuss one rule that has a deep rooted connection with the classic TV show “Smallville”.

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In this video I review Serge Lutens Fille en Aiguilles. One of my favorites from this house. To sum up Fille en Aiguilles, Christmas in a bottle!

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