Gaming in the 90s! (Ep. 2)

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Gaming in the 90s
Time travel back to the 1990s again with us as we explore more video game topics from the era including Pokemon, the Gameboy, LAN parties, third party controllers & more! It was an awkward but glorious time.


Brian, Davis, Odom, & Schroeder as the childlike version of themselves

Director of Photography – Michael Schmidt

Production Designer – Megan Mantia

Gaffer – Anthony Hwang

Controller Propmaker – Jamie Frost

Editor – Chris Yule

VFX by RomThirty –

Gaming in the 90s song recorded and mixed by Taylor Fugit

– The Warp Zone –
Michael Adams Davis (
Brian Fisher (
David Odom (
Michael Schroeder (
Ryan Tellez (

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NEW VIDEOS EVERY FRIDAY! The Warp Zone is a pop-culture sketch comedy, gaming, and music video channel.

We here at The Warp Zone have a passion for all things nerdy- such as video games, movies, tv shows, comics, superheroes, and anime and we love making funny parody videos about them!

A Warp Media LLC sketch comedy video production 2019

#Gaming #90s #GamingInThe90s

Marvel What If…? Theories So Crazy They Might Be True

What are you expecting to see in Marvel Studios’ What If…? On Disney Plus? Subscribe to our channel:

Thumbnail by Nikolai Baslajik –

As you’ve probably already heard, Disney is launching their own streaming platform called Disney+. While it’s sure to offer a slew of new, original programming for people to enjoy, it’s their Marvel content that has audiences truly fired up. One of their upcoming Marvel series is “What If”, a spin-off of their popular comic book series that look at alternate outcomes from some of their more popular storylines.

In this video, we’ll theorize which alternate outcomes they’ll be exploring. One or two may already have been confirmed, but there’s apparently going to be 23 in total; one for each Marvel movie release to date. The series will be animated, but feature the voices of all the original stars from the movies. We’ll explain the premise in detail, as well as theorize about where this whole series can go. After all, there are a seemingly limitless possibilities when dealing with alternate timelines, realities, and universes.

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