Molten Aluminum in Coke Has a CRAZY Reaction

Molten aluminum is known to have crazy reactions with different types of liquid, so how will it react with Coke? What kind of reactions will there be?

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Music by:
Eden Maze – “Burst Into Flames (Instrumental Version)”
Mike Stringer – “Hammer”
Håkan Eriksson – “Vintage Soap Theme 4 (Indie Rock Version)”
Royalty Free Music from Epidemic Sound:


This video is only for entertainment purposes. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that every project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK.

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How To Be A Stormtrooper

Stormtroopers are Star Wars’ version of prototypical evil henchmen! Subscribe to our channel:

You’ve seen them countless times in TV and movies: the henchmen. The guys and gals who work tirelessly for a main supervillain. They’re great at following orders, but there’s actually very little we know about these people. From mob goons to the Foot Clan to Stormtroopers, these are individuals we often overlook. We rarely consider how they probably have families, hobbies, and real lives outside of their work duties. Heck, they probably aren’t even evil people half the time. You gotta make a living somehow!

In this video, we’ll take a look at what the life of a henchman is really like. We’ll examine the hiring and interview process, as well as discuss what the day-to-day schedule of working as a Stormtrooper is actually like. If you’re looking for a new career path, then this just might be the video for you. Here’s How To Be An Evil Stormtrooper.

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بودكاست سواليف خاثرة (١-٣) أنسنة الجمادات

اشترك في ‫SceenTV – قناة سين‬‎ ليصلك كل جديد:
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شكر خاص لموشن ون
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قناة سين | Sceen TV
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للدعاية والإعلان

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Honest Trailers | 500 Days of Summer

This episode is presented by the new Action-Adventure game UnderMine. Discover the secrets of the UnderMine, one peasant at a time. Available today on Steam!

►►Watch The Honest Trailers Commentary Tomorrow at 10 AM PDT►

Honest Trailers | 500 Days of Summer
Title Design by Robert Holtby
Epic Voice Guy: Jon Bailey
Produced by Spencer Gilbert, Dan Murrell, Joe Starr, & Max Dionne
Written by Spencer Gilbert, Joe Starr, Dan Murrell, Danielle Radford & Lon Harris
Edited by Kevin Williamsen

#HonestTrailers #BlockbusterSummer

Rick And Morty: The Worst Things That Happened To Morty

Rick has certainly put Morty through some tough times! Subscribe to our channel:

Wubba lubba dub dub ScreenRanters! Rick and Morty are well known for their hilarious, science fiction adventures. They’ve experienced a lot throughout their inter-dimensional travels. However, not all of it has been fun for them. Especially for the insecure mind of a fourteen-year-old Morty. Morty has experienced a lot of horrible moments in the animated show. Most of the horror leads back to his grandfather, Rick. Some of the experiences will require a lot of therapy. Or Morty could have some more memories seized. Just like in the episode “Morty’s Mind Blowers”. In today’s video, we’re going to take a look at some of the worst moments in Mortimer’s life. Not the horror that he himself has done. Just what he’s been put through.
Even though the Adult Swim show is only three seasons long (until the new season drops in the near future!), there are plenty of moments to choose from. Like the time a parasitic worm possessed him, and he had little help from his family. Or when Morty experienced a whole, virtual life as Roy. Or, how about the time Morty was assaulted by a Jelly Bean. Or even the time he was on a planet during their annual purge. Or perhaps, seeing his idols, the Vindicators, be fatally decimated. Or maybe, Cronenberg monsters will make an appearance! We have these and many more that may surprise you. Or not. Who knows? So, join us and watch the video as we gather your sympathy for the plucky teenager!

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يد تحكم احترافية مع أزرار إضافية من ريزر ! Razer Raiju Ultimate PS4

إذا كان الوصف يظهر باللغة الإنجليزية فذلك يعود للغة الجهاز الذي تشاهد منه الحلقة.

للتواصل تفضل بزيارة صفحة “لمحة” داخل القناة.

في هذا الفيديو نستعرض لكم يد التحكم Razer Rajiu Ultimate الاحترافيه، اللي ممكن تكون خيار جيد للمحترفين !