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“ايهاب بلانت” بالانجليزيه:

“ايهاب بلانت” بالفرنسيه:

قناه والدتي (اكلات نانا)

اكلات لبنان

🌊🌲Every Storm A Serenade by Imaginary Authors (2015) | Pop’d The Cherry 🍒

#fragranceguru #robes08 #fragrancefamily

Where to buy:https://imaginaryauthors.com/

Every Storm a Serenade starts off very green, almost entirely overshadowing the aquatic taste in this fragrance until more into the drydown where you start getting more the blue nuances. Great transition from green to blue.

Business Inquiries or Collaborations welcomed: thefragranceguru08@gmail.com

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The Crazy Thing About Slinkies

Today we’re taking a TON of different slinkys and seeing if we can get them to run down a huge flight of stairs. What works and what doesn’t? Today we’ll find out.

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Music by:
waykap – “You’ll Be on My Mind (Instrumental Version)”
Wildson – “I Am Better Off (Hallman Remix) (Instrumental Version)”
Lvly – “Not about Us (Instrumental Version)”
Aiyo – “When You Call My Name (Instrumental Version)”
Royalty Free Music from Epidemic Sound: http://bit.ly/2YZS8SH


This video is only for entertainment purposes. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that every project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK.

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ملخص مباراة المغرب وبنين اليوم 1 – 4 لبنين..مفاجأة ر هيبة ومالاتعرفونه عن البلدين وديا نة سكانهما

#المغرب_وبنين شاهدوا #المغرب و #بنين
“Stock footage provided by Videvo, downloaded from https://www.videvo.net”
إضغط هنا لترى ثروة #ليونيل_ميسى وأسرار نجاحه وحياته الشخصية وسياراته وبيته الفخم

إضغط هنا لترى أجمل 50 امرأة على مر التاريخ بالأسماء والصور…برأيكم من هى أجملهن ؟

إضغط هنا لترى فنانات جميلات ومشهورات إكتشفن خيا نة أزواجهن ولم بحرجن من البوح بها

إضغط هنا لترى أسرار زيجات #نورا وحظها السئ فى الزواج وقصة حجابها وإعتزالها

إضغط هنا لتعرف أسرار الزواج الثانى بحياة الرؤساء والملوك العرب.. ؟

إضغط هنا لترى فنانات مشهورات وافقن على الزواج من رجال متزوجين…مفاجأة

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وفيديو جديد من قناتكم قناة أخبار النجوم #أخبار_النجوم

تعرف على التفاصيل بالفيديو المرفق على الرابط

Google Stadia – BIGGER than the PS5 & Xbox 2?

Google Stadia vs PS5 vs Xbox 2 – The Future of Gaming!
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Intro Song:
Track: NIVIRO – Flashes [NCS Release]

Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.

Outro Song:
JPB – High [NCS Release] https://youtu.be/Tv6WImqSuxA


Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/R8ZRCXy5vhA

#GoogleStadia #PS5 #Xbox2 #ZONEofTECH

Why Pixar’s Toy Story 4 Looks So Different From The Original

Here is the evolution of Pixar’s animations over the years! Subscribe to our channel: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-Screenrant

Floating balloons. Swimming clownfish. The Land of the Dead. The world of Pixar has created all kinds of visuals ingrained in the minds of people from multiple generations. And it all began with a toy.

Toy Story was a revolutionary film in 1995, not only ushering in the era of CG animation, but launching Pixar into the stratosphere and changing the world of cinema forever. As Toy Story 4 sets even more animation landmarks – both in terms of box office and quality, it’s a great time to take a look back and showcase how much Pixar’s animation has evolved and changed over the years. Yes, it’s 2019 and we’re still enjoying another Toy Story movie 24 years after the original, but it took a lot to get here, and following the journey includes a look back at animation changes, story overhauls, and some other huge franchises Pixar has launched through the years.

It’s easy to take the original Toy Story for granted — the movie is just one of many in Pixar’s impressive catalogue. Over the years, the movie was probably stacked among other Disney DVDs and Blu-Rays, added as a part of the digital movie library, or just a typical Saturday morning re-run on TV. When Toy Story premiered back in 1995, it literally had everything going for it. The film was a feature-length CG movie — something no one had seen before. But not only were the effects good for the time, but the story and emotion was there as well. Woody and Buzz became household names, a sequel was announced shortly after and the whole Toy Story franchise was born with toys filling up aisles, shorts playing on ABC, and children dressing up as multiple characters.

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Aziz Ansari’s Dad Has a Special PSA | Netflix

Dr. Ansari was asked to promote his son’s new Netflix stand-up
special… but he has a much more important message to share.

Watch Aziz Ansari: Right Now on July 9, after you get your colonoscopy, Only on Netflix:

Check out Netflix Is A Joke on YouTube: https://bit.ly/2Kncxw6

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About Netflix Is A Joke:
The official hub of Netflix stand-up, comedy series, films, and all things funny — curated by the world’s most advanced algorithm and a depressed, yet lovable, cartoon horse. Their unlikely friendship is our story…

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Netflix is the world’s leading internet entertainment service with over 148 million paid memberships in over 190 countries enjoying TV series, documentaries and feature films across a wide variety of genres and languages. Members can watch as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, on any internet-connected screen. Members can play, pause and resume watching, all without commercials or commitments.

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Aziz Ansari’s Dad Has a Special PSA | Netflix

In a comedy special directed by Spike Jonze, Aziz Ansari shares deep personal insights and hilarious takes on wokeness, family and the social climate.

Gordon Ramsay Helps A Man Propose In The Kitchen | The F Word Full Episode

The full episode of The F Word Season 3 Episode 2.

Gordon Ramsay tests amateur cooks each week to see if they have what it takes to. cook in Ramsay’s restaurant at Claridge’s in the series finale as well as Gordon taking on the challenge of home rearing a pair of Charollais-Welsh lambs.

The best weekly amateur brigade was rewarded with the prestige of cooking at Ramsay’s restaurant at Claridge’s in the series finale

#GordonRamsay #Cooking #TheFWord

Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Fit Food/Healthy, Lean and Fit – http://po.st/REpVfP

If you liked this clip check out the rest of Gordon’s channels:
