Keanu Reeves Stops A ROBBERY!

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This video was created using Deepfake technology. If the double-360-neck-snap didn’t give it away: THIS ENTIRE PIECE WAS STAGED. If you’d like to see how we made it, check out the CORRIDOR CREW ►

Reuben Langdon as Keanu
Brett Driver as Robber
Sam Gorski as Fan
Niko Pueringer as Friend With Phone
Christian Fergerstrom as Store Clerk
Matthew Cairns as Cop


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25 Things You Missed In Stranger Things Season 3

Did you catch any of these hidden secrets and Easter eggs in Stranger Things Season 3? Subscribe to our channel:

Think you know everything about Stranger Things? Well tune into this video to see the 25 things you may have missed in the third season of Netflix’s strangest show. Sure, there’s a lot happening in the foreground, but just like the fictional town of Hawkins, Indiana there’s a lot going on just beneath the surface. And while the Upside Down continues to throw surprises at our favorite characters, the Duffer Brothers and the whole creative team working behind the scenes, always give us easter eggs to discover, hidden messages to dissect, and sight gags to enjoy.

Throughout the season we’re treated to references to famous movies and TV shows from the awesome 80’s – whether it’s Back to the Future, Dawn of the Dead, Caddyshack, Cocoon, Die Hard, Gremlins, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Halloween 2, Evil Dead, Making Contact, Cheers, Magnum P.I., or Miami Vice. Plus, we get nods to 90’s flicks like Camp Nowhere and Jurassic Park. Also, anyone from the eighties will recognize the importance of a social hangout at the local shopping mall, swimming pool, and carnival – and these places get a decent amount of screen-time in the show. Beyond that, we’re treated to mentions of New Coke and Jolt Cola, we see Cary Elwes put into a compromising position that harkens back to his role in Saw, hair products and cereal, comic book lore and adult magazine sightings, Weird Al cameos and more. In season 3, characters developed further, situations became more dire, and things became more… well… stranger than ever before.

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HUMONGOUS Wax Bottle Drink!

Today we’re taking a classic candy and seeing if we can scale it up to giant size.

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Music by:
L.M. Styles – “Testify (Instrumental Version)”
Dylan Sitts – “Buttercup”
Jesse Lawrence – “Dandelion (Instrumental Version)”
Eden Maze – “My Heart Takes Over (Instrumental Version)”
Royalty Free Music from Epidemic Sound:


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20 Disney Stars Who Went Bad

Here are 20 EVIL roles played by Disney stars over the years! Subscribe to our channel:

Disney stars often grow up in front of our eyes in a happy little bubble filled with family-friendly shows, movies, and cartoons. This is why it can be a little jarring to see these actors move on from their Disney projects and step into some truly EVIL roles. From serial killers to ghosts and crime spree delinquents, see some of the most jarring and surprising parts these former House of Mouse stars took on over the years!

Disney loves their music-based sitcoms and after Hannah Montana left the airwaves, they find a suitable replacement with the angst-filled show Austin and Ally. Child-star Ross Lynch filled in the title role of Austin perfectly and even expanded his musical prowess for a pair of Teen Beach Movies. For several years now, Dove Cameron has been one of the top stars on the Disney Channel. First starring in Liv and Maddie and now a key part of the Descendants TV-movie franchise, Cameron has cemented her role as a Disney icon. Phil of the Future helped put child actor Ricky Ullman in the spotlight, but it Ullman probably didn’t see his own future as a guest star on a variety of crime shows. After two seasons of Phil of the Future from 2004 to 2006, Ullman nabbed numerous guest spots on shows like Law and Order: Criminal Intent, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, and Cold Case. Watch to see all of these stars and several others including Zac Efron, Selena Gomez, and Demi Lovato!

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المو ت يصـ د م داليا مصطفى اليوم فى أعز الناس وتعرف على عمتها وزوجها وقصة حبهما وقرابته لـ عمرو أديب

#داليا_مصطفى شاهدوا #شريف_سلامة و #منال_سلامة
“Stock footage provided by Videvo, downloaded from”
إضغط هنا لترى ثروة #ليونيل_ميسى وأسرار نجاحه وحياته الشخصية وسياراته وبيته الفخم

إضغط هنا لترى أجمل 50 امرأة على مر التاريخ بالأسماء والصور…برأيكم من هى أجملهن ؟

إضغط هنا لترى فنانات جميلات ومشهورات إكتشفن خيا نة أزواجهن ولم بحرجن من البوح بها

إضغط هنا لترى أسرار زيجات #نورا وحظها السئ فى الزواج وقصة حجابها وإعتزالها

إضغط هنا لتعرف أسرار الزواج الثانى بحياة الرؤساء والملوك العرب.. ؟

إضغط هنا لترى فنانات مشهورات وافقن على الزواج من رجال متزوجين…مفاجأة

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Gordon Ramsay Takes On James May | The F Word Full Episode

The full episode of The F Word Season 3 Episode 3, including the infamous cook-off with James May.

#GordonRamsay #Cooking

Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Fit Food/Healthy, Lean and Fit –

If you liked this clip check out the rest of Gordon’s channels:

بالفيديو لن تتخيلوا ماقاله عزت أبو عوف خريج طب الأزهر قبل ر حيله عن الثعبا ن الأقر ع والحجا ب والله

#عزت_أبو_عوف شاهدوا #عادل_إمام و #عمرو_أديب
“Stock footage provided by Videvo, downloaded from”
إضغط هنا لترى ثروة #ليونيل_ميسى وأسرار نجاحه وحياته الشخصية وسياراته وبيته الفخم

إضغط هنا لترى أجمل 50 امرأة على مر التاريخ بالأسماء والصور…برأيكم من هى أجملهن ؟

إضغط هنا لترى فنانات جميلات ومشهورات إكتشفن خيا نة أزواجهن ولم بحرجن من البوح بها

إضغط هنا لترى أسرار زيجات #نورا وحظها السئ فى الزواج وقصة حجابها وإعتزالها

إضغط هنا لتعرف أسرار الزواج الثانى بحياة الرؤساء والملوك العرب.. ؟

إضغط هنا لترى فنانات مشهورات وافقن على الزواج من رجال متزوجين…مفاجأة

اذا اعجبكم الفيديو برجاء الإشتراك فى قناتى الجديدة ليصلكم كل جديد على الرابط
وبرجاء زيارة صفحتى على الفيسبوك وأتمنى أن تعجبكم على الرابط
وبرجاء زيارة مدونتى الجديدة على الرابط
وفيديو جديد من قناتكم قناة أخبار النجوم #أخبار_النجوم

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