Best Performance in a Spider-Man Movie? MOVIE FIGHTS

With Spider-Man: Far From Home reactions and reviews coming in we decided once and for all “What’s the best performance in any Spider-Man Movie?” – it’s ScreenJunkies Movie Fights!
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Every week in June we’re having Dan Murrell face off with some of your favorite all time movie fighters!


ED GREER (@EdGreerDestroys) vs GREG ALBA (@TheGregAlba) vs DAN MURRELL (@MurrellDan)

Best Performance in a Spider-Man Movie? MOVIE FIGHTS
Hosted by Spencer Gilbert
Fact Checker: Lon Harris
Social Media Ambassador: Danielle Radford
Senior Producer: Billy Patterson
Supervising Producer: Max Dionne
AP/Production Coordinator: Ryan O’Toole
Tech Director: Josh “JTE” Tapia
Assistant Editor: Emin Bassavand

#MovieFightsLive #HootHoot #FarFromHome

Top 10 Video Game Movie Moments That Made Fans Rage Quit

We’re all getting tired of seeing bad video game movies, let’s finally see a good one sometime soon! We’re taking a look at the video game movie moments that made fans rage quit! From Doom to Max Payne, Silent Hill: Revelation to Mortal Kombat: Annihilation, these movie moments had fans walking out of the theatre! Which video game movie do you hate the most?

Check out these other great videos:
Top 5 Video Game Movies That Don’t Suck –
Top 10 Amazing Fan Made Video Game Movies –
Top 5 Reasons Why Video Game Movies Always Fail –

Watch the video at

#VideoGames #VideoGameMovies #Movies

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Dropping Objects in 360° Slo-Mo

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Today we’re taking some of your comment requests and showing off upgrades we made to our 360 slow mo camera rig. We also found a light bulb that just wouldn’t break.

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Music by:
Jan Chmelar – “A Perfect Summer Day 1”
Josef Falkensköld – “Free At Last 1 (Indie Pop Version)”
Kalle Engstrom – More Than 9 To 5 (Instrumental Version)”
Victor Olsson – “Leather Jacket Jukebox 5”
Royalty Free Music from Epidemic Sound:


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15 Gravity Falls Deleted Scenes We Never Got To see

Here are deleted scenes that we never got to see from Gravity Falls!
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No matter how much we beg, plead, or sign petitions — Gravity Falls is not coming back. Sure the graphic novels and pages and pages of fan fiction are great to read — but we’re digging for some true content on the show beyond the epic two seasons we already got to enjoy.

So we dug — and we found some great deleted content from episodes, storyboard artists, and some official Gravity Falls releases. Get ready to dig a little deeper into the mystery behind the Mystery Shack. After seeing these deleted scenes, it may be time to start writing Journal number 4! The finale of Gravity Falls was so epic, they spread it across three parts and really went all out in their design and execution. For Weirdmageddon Part 1, one of the collectest scenes was definitely when Dipper and Wendy fly through the Wendy fly through various weirdness bubbles which transforms them inside. For a show that takes place during a single summer, the writers had to get really creative when introducing various holidays. So when the time for a Halloween episode came around, they simply created “Summerween” and the rest was history. In the episode, there’s a quick shot of a flyer for a Summerween flyer. You may notice the flyer itself features the line “NOT S&P Approved”. Along with the cut unicorn fight we saw earlier, The Last Mabelcorn featured another great deleted sequence that would have added a ton of laughs and great moments in the episode. Mabel thinks she needs a pure heart to earn some unicorn fur, so she decides to do a ton of good deeds to help her cause.

Watch to see all these deleted scenes and several more from Gravity Falls!

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حسابات اقدوره العنيزي


Behind The Scenes – Avengers Endgame HISHE

A look behind the curtain making How Endgame Should Have Ended.

If you were ever curious what goes into making our videos, we turned the camera on ourselves more than usual for Endgame to try and document our process. Thanks for Watching!

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————–Previous Episodes——————–
How Endgame Should Have Ended

Endgame Alternate HISHE

How Aladdin Should Have Ended

Spider-Man Far From Home Trailer HISHE

How Shazam! Should Have Ended

Avengers Endgame HISHE Review

Captain Marvel HISHE

Avengers Infinity War – HISHE Dubs

How Bumblebee Should Have Ended

How Avengers Infinity War Should Have Ended

How Fantastic Beasts Should Have Ended

How Incredibles 2 Should Have Ended

Villain Pub – Trick or Treat

How Ant-Man and The Wasp Should Have Ended

HISHE Horror Compilation

How Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom Should Have Ended

Predator HISHE Dubs

How The Venom Trailer Should Have Ended

Super Cafe – Teens and Titans

How Deadpool 2 Should Have Ended

Infinity War Alternate HISHE

The Last Jedi Lego Summary

Jurassic World Alternate HISHE

Jurassic World – Comedy Recap (HISHE Dubs)

Oceans Over 40 Trailer

How Black Panther Should Have Ended

Villain Pub – The Dead Pool

How Justice League Should Have Ended

How Star Wars The Last Jedi Should Have Ended

How Thor Ragnarok Should Have Ended

How Spider-Man Homecoming Should Have Ended

Avengers Infinity War and Beyond (Toy Story Mashup)

How IT Should Have Ended

Batman V Superman – Comedy Recap

How The Incredibles Should Have Ended

Villain Pub – Penny For Your Fears

Arguments Break Out With Gordon’s Prison Brigade | Gordon Behind Bars

Gordon chooses his brigade to help him run a bakery and arguments break out.

#GordonRamsay #Cooking

Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Fit Food/Healthy, Lean and Fit –

If you liked this clip check out the rest of Gordon’s channels:

10 Cancelled X-Men Movies Marvel Will Never Make

Which of these cancelled X-Men movies would you be most excited to see? Subscribe to our channel:

Marvel’s Black Panther 2 Will Introduce The X-Men To MCU Phase 4 –

Under Fox, fans have gotten a wide range of X-Men films, with the franchise recently beginning to experiment with genre and tone in recent years. While there are quite a few X-Men films out there, divided by timelines and MPAA ratings, there are a whole bunch more that will never see the light of day. Most of these are dead thanks to the Disney-Fox merger, which has resulted in the outright death of the Gambit movie starring Channing Tatum and apparent death of the X-Force film according to Deadpool creator Rob Liefeld.

Then there’s New Mutants 2, which is no way ever being released as Dark Phoenix is said to be the final planned film in the X-Men franchise under Fox. New Mutants 1 was supposed to be out by now and that film has seen extensive delays and reshoots. Speaking of Dark Phoenix, say goodbye to any sequels in that timeline, which Kinberg heavily implied would be the case. James Franco was on board to star and produce a Multiple Man film with his brother while Simon Kinberg wanted to bring an Alpha Flight movie to the big screen while James Mangold was hoping to continue X-23’s story in her own spinoff film to Logan.

Origins: Magneto got dissolved into First Class while X-Men versus Fantastic Four fell apart under the weight of its own ambition and will likely never get made in the MCU due to it’s similarity to the Civil War story arc. Fear the Beast was to be a solo Beast movie and when that didn’t move foward, the writers actually dumped the script online for fans to read!

Script by Sean Gallagher

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