10 Times Futurama Predicted The Future (And 10 Times It Missed The Mark)

Here are 10 times Futurama failed at predicting the future, and 10 times they were right on the money! Subscribe to our channel: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-Screenrant

What’s with animated shows and the ability to predict the future? Well…specifically Matt Groening shows. The Simpsons spent years predicting events like the Disney and Fox merger, Donald Trump being elected President, and even showcased Lady Gaga in a very similar performance to her Super Bowl halftime show five years before it actually took place. And now today, we will look at another Groening show — the cult hit Futurama. Set in the 31st Century, the show has made some BOLD predictions about our future on Earth. Some of the predictions were SPOT ON while others — not so much. So let’s hop aboard the Planet Express and decipher their factual predictions from ones that were WAY off.

Do you love Fry and other characters travel through the Tube Transport System? Well, we are well on our way to having the same type of technology transport us through some MAJOR cities. Remember Baywatch: The Movie? Yep, Futurama called that one years ago and even predicted one of its stars! There is a lot of future talk about robots in the city and while some of these are completely true, others miss the mark and are way off. Watch with us as the Planet Express travels across Earth and showcases some crazy visions of the future, including a possible title for Star Wars: Episode 9. Another predicted remake on Futurama? Shaft! And While Samuel L. Jackson is definitely returning to the role, it’s not quite the same title as we remember. Let’s travel to the future to see if the show and the animators were correct about the possible past.

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GLOW | Official Season 3 Trailer | Netflix

In Vegas, anything glows. Season 3 of GLOW arrives August 9.

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GLOW | Official Season 3 Trailer | Netflix

In 1980s LA, a crew of misfits reinvent themselves as the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling. A comedy by the team behind “Orange Is the New Black.”

25 Breathtaking Facts About Keanu Reeves

On top of being the nicest guy every, Keanu Reeves is also one of the most interesting men in Hollywood! Subscribe to our channel: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-Screenrant

He knows Kung Fu and he can kick the butts of just about any opponent. But there’s more to Keanu than meets the eye. Join ScreenRant as we give you the 25 craziest facts you didn’t know about Keanu Reeves.

Maybe you heard the stories about Reeves donating his salary so the special effect crew could earn their fare share or perhaps you heard the tale of the actor taking a lesser sum of cash so he could work with his idols. His generosity doesn’t stop there, and perhaps it has to do with his unique upbringing and the parents who raised him. Who knows, it also might have to do with the fact that Alice Cooper would visit his house while he was younger. Regardless of his low Rotten Tomatoes scores, his Razzie Award wins, or that one time his band, Dogstar, was booed off stage – Keanu has the drive to pursue his dreams without demeaning himself. Although he regrets not starring in Speed 2: Cruise Control and despite the fact he’s appeared in a foreign show called Swedish Dicks and was forced to star in The Watcher, Reeves forewent a big budget role in order to sink his teeth into Hamlet. He’s almost changed his name, pursued a hockey career, and created his own motorcycle company, but it’s his integrity and commitment to be true to himself that’s kept him in the spotlight all these years.

Since his first appearance in a Coca Cola commercial to his forthcoming role in Bill and Ted Face the Music, we’ll give you the lowdown on the actor’s book of poetry, his ghostly encounter and everything in between.

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Ladyfingers Letterpress: Drawing from experience

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Wife-and-wife team Morgan and Arley founded Ladyfingers Letterpress in Colorado Springs after their own wedding invitation went viral. As they grew, they learned to use digital tools to reach new customers near and far. Now they ship their hand-printed greeting cards worldwide, with half of their sales originating from their website.

نجوى إبراهيم 73 سنة بأحدث ظهور ستفاجئكم وأزواجها ومنهم أمير سعودى..أهله أجبـ ـروه على تطليقها

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Gabriel Iglesias Takes Comedy to the Classroom I Mr. Iglesias I Netflix

Summer school is in session! Stand-up superstar Gabriel “Fluffy”
Iglesias turns his comedic chops into life lessons as a hilarious high
school history teacher in Netflix’s new comedy series Mr. Iglesias.

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Gabriel Iglesias Takes Comedy to the Classroom I Mr. Iglesias I Netflix

Hilarious high school teacher Gabriel Iglesias tries to make a difference in the lives of some smart but underperforming students at his alma mater.