Spider-Man Theory: Nick Fury Is The Chameleon In Far From Home

Could Nick Fury be the secret villain of Spider-Man: Far From Home? Subscribe to our channel for more awesome videos: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-Screenrant

The internet is a flood with theories after the jam packed new trailer for Spider-Man: Far From Home. But while most are concerning the intentions of Mysterio and his intriguing allusion to a multiverse, a theory about a different villain is gaining traction online.

We’re talking about the involvement of a classic Spider-Man villain in the Chameleon, a character with a highly specific power set we think he’ll be putting to use in Far From Home. Namely, his ability to shapeshift into other people, a characteristic that has us taking a second look at Far From Home’s use of Nick Fury.

Chameleon is a man with many faces, and in the comics, he’s been known to work with Mysterio to create elaborate illusions. The theory goes as follows: The Nick Fury we see in the Spider-Man: Far From Home trailer is not Nick Fury at all but actually the Chameleon in disguise.

We’ve got comic book precedent, real-life movie news, and some good old fashion theorisin’ to back us up. Check out the full video for more details.

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Blind Taste Test: Boba Tea Shops

“I really do pay attention to the Boba Balls”

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25 Things You Missed In John Wick Chapter 3: Parabellum

Did you catch any of these hidden secrets and facts about John Wick Chapter 3? Subscribe to our channel for more awesome videos: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-Screenrant

Welcome back to ScreenRant! Did you just see John Wick 3? Do you still have the sound of bullets echoing in your ears? Well, you’re not alone! Bigger and better than the first two John Wick movies, Keanu Reeves returned to officially make this assassin’s story a trilogy and we couldn’t be happier! With so much high-octane action, there are plenty of details you can easily miss. But no worries or blood oath needed, we’ll recap it all here for you. So sit back and get ready to dive deep into some crazy details, including a potential storyline for John Wick 4!

The doctor John Wick visits in the minutes leading up to his “excommunicado” status is actor Randall Duk Kim, who played The Keymaker in The Matrix Reloaded. During the library brawl that will give you a whole new way to look at your own book collection, Wick faces off against a giant man — one who stands at seven feet high and three inches tall. If he looked familiar — the last time you probably saw him was on an NBA court. This time around, we got the mysterious subtitle “Parabellum” and immediately went to Google to get more information. Would it be Halle Berry’s character name? Does the movie somehow connect more to The Matrix? Is that the name of a new dog Wick rescues from the pound? Watch to see all of these easter eggs, hidden moments, and great details from John Wick: Chapter 3. The film presented plenty of clues for the upcoming fourth movie as well!

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Real World Impact of Avengers Endgame

Disney+ is the only place to stream your favorites from Marvel and more. Watch now! https://fandom.link/DPlusMarvel

Hal sits down with experts to find out what the effects of the post-snap world from Avengers: Endgame would be

Special thanks to our expert panel –
Jennifer Hoelzer (@JIHoelzer)
Dr. Andrea Letamendi (@ArkhamAsylumDoc)
Rick Budd (@RBudd913)

ScreenJunkies Show – Real World Impact of Avengers Endgame

Hosted by Hal Rudnick
Produced by Elizabeth Forkin Kunert
Senior Producer: Billy Patterson
Supervising Producer: Max Dionne
Editor-In-Chief: Roth Cornet
Edited by Randy Whitlock
Assistant Editor: Emin Bassavand

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#أخبار_النجوم شاهدوا #أحلى_النجوم و #أسرار_النجوم
“Stock footage provided by Videvo, downloaded from https://www.videvo.net”
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