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25 Questions Avengers: Endgame Left Unanswered
In the shocking conclusion of Avengers: Infinity War, Thanos snapped. In the even crazier finale of Avengers: Endgame, the Avengers snapped back. While our heroes faced seemingly insurmountable adversity in this finale to the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Phase 3, they were able to overcome the boundaries blocking them and save the other half of all life in this universe after a five year break. But does that mean the MCU’s overarching storyline is all tied up neatly in a bow? No! Join ScreenRant as we ask these 25 unanswered questions from Avengers: Endgame.
What was that sound after the end credits of the film? What happened to Gamora? How is everyone adjusting to the five year age gap now between characters? Where did Loki go? When does Spider-Man: Far From Home take place? How will Sam Wilson take on the mantle of Captain America? What’s going on with the Hulk? How did Steve Rogers avoid changing history after traveling through time and is the timeline permanently altered? Is Vision gone for good? Will we get an A-Force movie? What exactly are the rules of Vormir? How did Captain Marvel know where to find Tony adrift? What’s going on with Black Widow’s movie? How did Cap return the soul stone to Vormir? Did he return the Aether to Jane Foster? How strong exactly is Thanos, without the gauntlet? What ever happened to Peggy Carter’s original husband? Where does Captain Marvel go from here? Is Katherine Langford in the movie? How did Steve age naturally? Since when did Pepper become such a good fighter? Was the mouse cameo a reference to Disney? And most importantly, will the surviving Avengers continue on as the Avengers? Let’s find out together!
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The New Iron Man Isn’t Who You’d Expect
We’re still processing everything that happened in Avengers: Endgame, and it’s left us with a few lingering questions about the future of the MCU. We recommend you don’t watch the video until you’ve seen the movie, and we probably wouldn’t read any further in this description either.
Anyway, now that the movie has been out for 30 seconds, the theorizing must begin. Where did Endgame leave us, and what does that mean for the future of the MCU? How will the journey’s of our favourite characters continue?
Sadly, we also have to think about the characters whose journeys will not continue. Characters whose stories have finally ended.
On the other hand, Luke Skywalker once said, “No one is ever really gone”, and that’s especially true in the MCU. Could a character’s name and powerset live on without them in the form of someone else? Who will step up and fill that void?
Ok, enough being vague, today we’re talking Iron Man. With Tony Stark out of the picture for the foreseeable future, we’re looking into the likelihood of several characters taking the mantle of the Armored Avenger. We’re being very thorough about it too. We’re asking the tough questions, like:
Is this an established movie character, or someone from the comics? Would this be another Iron Man, or is an Iron Woman more likely? How old is this person, and could they sustain their own franchise? Would they get their own trilogy, or be folded into future Avengers movies? We leave no stone unturned.
Watch the video to see our picks, presented from least to most likely.
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Gordon Ramsay Cooks Breakfast Tacos with Aarón Sanchez | Scrambled
In ‘Scrambled’, it’s Gordon Ramsay vs. The World in an egg-themed recipe challenge. The very first episode sees Gordon take on award-winning celebrity TV chef, cook-book author, philanthropist and all round great guy Aarón Sanchez! Who will come out on top? Full recipe and ingredients to Gordon’s taco below!
#GordonRamsay #Cooking #Scrambled
Gordon Ramsay’s Healthy, Lean & Fit: Mouthwatering Recipes to Fuel You for Life – http://po.st/REpVfP
2 Corn tortillas
4 Eggs
2 Scallions/Green onions
1 Serrano chili
2 Tablespoons chorizo
2 Tablespoons bacon
6 Crimini mushroom chopped
1 Shallot
Salsa verde
Pico de gallo
Crème fraîche
Cotija cheese
Pickled red onion
Warm corn tortillas in a pan
Chop shallots, chili and scallions/green onions
Heat pan and add chorizo and cook for 1 to 2 minutes then add shallots and chili’s. Season with salt and pepper
After about another 1-2 minutes where shallots look cooked through, add chopped mushroom to pan. Then add chopped bacon and season
Let all ingredients cook in pan. Meanwhile add 4 eggs to a bowl and scramble
Once pan ingredients have begun to cook down, season to taste
Add knob of butter to egg mixture then add to pan
Mix eggs on and off the heat, always mixing.
Once cooked through add crème fraiche and remove from heat
Place egg mixture to corn tortillas
Top tacos with pickled red onion, cojita cheese and scallions then remaining eggs
Top with favorite salsa (Gordon uses Verde and Pico de Gallo), cotija and cilantro
How Captain America Was Able To Use Thor’s Hammer In Avengers: Endgame
We knew Cap was worthy!!! Subscribe to our channel for more awesome videos: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-Screenrant
Based on the box office numbers for Avengers: Endgame, you’ve all already seen this movie but just in case, be wary of spoilers ahead! Endgame was the culmination for eleven years of storytelling and over twenty films, so you bet there was going to be some epic moments. Arguably, one of the most epic bits in the entire movie came when Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir, went flying into the open hand of Steve Rogers, who was already holding his Captain America shield. But how can Steve lift the hammer? Thor mentions in Infinity War that weapons made at Nidivelir cannot be held by mortal men as they would destroy the body and bring one to insanity. Yet Rogers is not only sane and alive but able to use the hammer effectively. In other words, the hammer deemed him Worthy of the Power of Thor, a concept that was set up in the very first Thor movie back in Phase One. This idea of Cap being “worthy” was further teased at during the early scenes of Age of Ultron and let’s be real, of all the characters in the Avengers, Rogers is certainly the noblest and most humble of the batch, fitting the criteria to lift Mjolnir effectively. Captain America lifting the hammer isn’t anything new either; this event has happened a few times in the comics and you can tell the Russo Brothers and Endgame’s writers poured over the comics to bring that moment to life. Seeing Cap lift the hammer in “Fear Itself” while yelling “Avengers Assemble” ranks as one of Roger’s coolest moments in our books.
Script by Sean Gallagher
Read the original article here: https://screenrant.com/captain-america-lift-mjolnir-avengers-endgame-explained/
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