Why George RR Martin Hasn’t Finished the Books

With “Game of Thrones” ending, George RR Martin gets a visit from an old friend…
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Game of Thrones: George RR Martin’s Secret
Maybe the real reason why George RR Martin hasn’t finished the “Game of Thrones” books is because then he’d have to sell his soul to the devil…

Schro – George RR Martin
Davis – Devil
Brian – Neighbor 1
Kira Halling – Neighbor 2
Odom – Neighbor 3

Cinematography by Michael Schmidt

Makeup by Ashley Aldrige

Edited by Christian Klein

VFX by Richard Cabrera of Romthirty VFX – http://www.romthirty.com

Written by Michael Davis and Michael Schroeder

Produced by Brian Fisher and David Odom

Special Thanks to John Schroeder

#gameofthrones #georgerrmartin #got

– The Warp Zone –
Michael Adams Davis (http://instagr.am/teamdavisinsta)
Brian Fisher (http://instagr.am/lifeofbrianfisher)
David Odom (http://instagr.am/mr.spodom)
Michael Schroeder (http://instagr.am/theschroeder)
Ryan Tellez (http://instagr.am/tellezryan)

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NEW VIDEOS EVERY FRIDAY! The Warp Zone is a pop-culture sketch comedy, gaming, and music video channel brought to you by five loveable dudes: Davis, Schroeder, Ryan, Brian, and Odom.

We here at The Warp Zone have a passion for all things nerdy- such as video games, movies, tv shows, comics, superheroes, and anime and we love making funny parody videos about them!

What Tony Saw When He Used The Infinity Stones In Endgame

Tony did have a vision when he used the Infinity Stones in Avengers: Endgame, but what did he see? Subscribe to our channel for more awesome videos: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-Screenrant

With the huge success of Avengers: Endgame, fans have now had the time to digest the film. With that, a heap of questions have popped up. One question that the fans have asked is, “hey, what did Tony Stark see when he used the Infinity Gauntlet?”. During Avengers: Infinity War, once Thanos had snapped his fingers with the completed Gauntlet, the whole universe changed. At that moment, Thanos was able to speak with a young Gamora in Soul World. In doing so, he was able to ease his self-inflicted guilty burden. When Iron Man did the same process in Endgame, he didn’t have such a scene. Or did he? In short, there was a scene in the original test screening of the film in which he did. It’s been confirmed by Joe and Anthony Russo, the directors of Endgame. But what was this missing piece of the Marvel puzzle? Check out the video for the surprising answer!

Also, in an announcement last year, Katherine Langford was cast in Endgame. Yet when the film came out in the cinemas, there was no sign of her. Fans have poured over the film looking for her, but to no avail. Now, thanks to the Russo brothers, we know EXACTLY what her role was in Endgame. We discuss Langford’s cut, heartbreaking scene in the video and why it was removed. As well as what the future holds for the 13 Reasons Why star in the MCU. Finally, we’ll take a gander at the possible characters to fill the Iron Man shaped void in the Avengers.

Thumbnail artwork by Jackson Caspersz

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Top 10 Awesome Robert Downey Jr. Moments

Who doesn’t love Robert Downey Jr.? This actor has been playing Iron Man for the past decade, but we also can’t get enough of his moments OUTSIDE of the MCU! We’re looking at most memorable Robert Downey Jr. moments, from his Comic Con appearances, to his hilarious interviews on Fallon and Ellen. Join WatchMojo as we count down the most funny and heartwarming Robert Downey Jr. moments. What’s your favorite RDJ moment? Let us know in the comments!

Check out more great content from WatchMojo:
Top 10 Best Iron Man Moments: https://youtu.be/4iOPXz964bM
Top 10 Robert Downey, Jr. Performances: https://youtu.be/FrCleCjn1eo
Top 10 Biggest Avengers: Endgame Questions Answered: https://youtu.be/zYaKo-bIIZ4

#AvengersEndgame #Endgame #MCU
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Who Makes The Best Chicken Fingers? Taste Test

Which tender will win the blind chicken finger taste test?! GMM #1549
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Intro Animation by Dana Schechter https://www.danaschechter.com/
Intro & Outro Music by Mark Byers http://www.markaholic.com/
Supplemental Music from Extreme Production Music: https://www.extrememusic.com/
Mic: ‘The Mouse’ by Blue Microphones https://www.bluemic.com/mouse/

Elton John & Taron Egerton Surprise Performance – Rocketman Cannes Gala Party

Their gift is his song, and this one’s for you. 🎶 Watch Elton John and Taron Egerton sing “Rocket Man” at the #Rocketman Cannes Gala Party.

🎟️ Get tickets: http://www.Rocketman.Movie

🎶 Listen to “Rocket Man” from the album ‘Rocketman (Music From The Motion Picture)’: http://paramnt.us/RocketmanSingle

💽Pre-order/Pre-save the album now! Out May 24: http://paramnt.us/RocketmanSoundtrack


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RocketmanMovie
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RocketmanMovie
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/RocketmanMovie


#Rocketman is an epic musical fantasy about the incredible human story of Elton John’s breakthrough years. The film follows the fantastical journey of transformation from shy piano prodigy Reginald Dwight into international superstar Elton John. This inspirational story – set to Elton John’s most beloved songs and performed by star Taron Egerton – tells the universally relatable story of how a small-town boy became one of the most iconic figures in pop culture. ROCKETMAN also stars Jamie Bell as Elton’s longtime lyricist and writing partner Bernie Taupin, Richard Madden as Elton’s first manager, John Reid, and Bryce Dallas Howard as Elton’s mother Sheila Farebrother.


Paramount Pictures Corporation (PPC), a major global producer and distributor of filmed entertainment, is a unit of Viacom (NASDAQ: VIAB, VIA), home to premier global media brands that create compelling television programs, motion pictures, short-form content, apps, games, consumer products, social media experiences, and other entertainment content for audiences in more than 180 countries. Connect with Paramount Pictures Online:

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An Introvert Goes To A 3-Day Music Festival By Himself

Victor (IG: @victorlpham) ventures on a solo journey to break out of his introverted shell and explore the wonders of Electric Daisy Carnival in Las Vegas for three full days of music, magic, and memories.

Credits: https://www.buzzfeed.com/bfmp/videos/83608

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What Character Could Kill John Wick? MOVIE FIGHTS


CAMERON RICE (@TheCameronRice) vs KEN NAPZOK (@KenNapzok) vs JOE STARR (@joestarr187)
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What Character Could Kill John Wick? MOVIE FIGHTS

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