25 Things You Missed In Pokémon: Detective Pikachu

Did you catch all these hidden secrets and Easter eggs in Detective Pikachu? Subscribe to our channel for more awesome videos: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-Screenrant

So many kids have grown up desperately wishing Pokemon were real but sadly, we have to content ourselves with our own regular world where animals don’t fit inside magic balls. At least we have the movie Detective Pikachu now to give us a look at what the world would be like if these creatures were real. Plus, we get to hear fan favorite character Pikachu talking and voiced by Ryan Reynolds. How great is that? There was so much going on that we wouldn’t be surprised if you missed a few things on your first watch through. But don’t worry because we’re going to fill you in on some things you missed during the movie.

Of course, there were tons of Pokemon references but we also saw nods to classic films like Home Alone and Tim Burton’s Batman. And did you happen to catch that Seinfeld line? Going beyond just Pokemon references added a ton of fun to the film, especially for older fans! We’ll let you know about the hidden jokes you might not have gotten if you’re not up to date on your lore, and talk about some strange implications of several events from the film.

What do you think about these great moments in Detective Pikachu? Did we capture your favorite moment in this video or did your favorite inside joke not make the list? Share your favorite part with us in the comment section below and then click on the subscribe button to get access to more great videos from us here at ScreenRant.

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Top 10 Times Marvel Superheroes Got New Powers

Hey Avengers fans. We got something for you. It’s a trivia quiz! https://watchmojo.com/trivia/hardcore-trivia-for-avengers-fans
Superheroes are already pretty powerful, so when these Marvel heroes got an upgrade, it was a pretty big deal. For this list, we’ll be looking Marvel comic book characters who, at one point or another, received new powers or had their existing powers change – be it temporarily or permanently.

Watch more great videos about comics here:
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Game of Thrones vs The Hobbit | Dragon Power Levels

We pit your favorite pop culture characters against each other and determine a winner using the cold hard truth of science.

Game of Thrones vs The Hobbit | Dragon Power Levels

VO by Roxy Striar
Produced by Billy Patterson, Spencer Gilbert, & Roth Cornet
Research by Justin Christensen
Supervising Producer: Max Dionne
Edited by Kevin Williamsen
Assistant Editor: Emin Bassavand

25 Game Of Thrones Mistakes That Slipped Through

Game of Thrones is chock full of little mistakes that slipped into the show! Subscribe to our channel for more awesome videos: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-Screenrant

For such a detailed show, Game of Thrones isn’t without its mistakes overlooked issues. Not just story-wise, where characters can seemingly travel insurmountable distances in days, hours, and minutes; entire fleets can transport from one side of the continent to the other; and humans can somehow survive against insurmountable odds when lead characters used to be killed in an instant. But, hey, that’s the world of Thrones. Westeros is a place where anything can and does usually happen, and that includes continuity errors and bloopers galore. So join ScreenRant as cull the seven kingdoms for these 25 mistakes that made it through the editing room and south of the wall undetected.

Obviously, we’re going to dive deep into that coffee cup catastrophe, but that’s not the only infamous dinner disaster this side of the Red Wedding on our list. There’s also mismatched wigs and hairdos, an extra wearing jeans, a president’s likeness used in a tasteless fashion, an incorrect sigil used in an opening credits sequence, a charger visible under a dying king, an unplanned email notification, a rubber sword, a character’s inconsistent bathtub moment, an unsheathable weapon, a misnamed castle, a magic necklace and a mystical pot of gold. Plus, we’ll delve into Catelyn’s disappearing hand, Ramsay’s disappearing hounds, Brienne’s alternating height, Gilly’s ageless baby, Tommen’s jump in age, stone-punching zombies, Mounting-hunting hounds, and climate-changing capitals. And it’s all here, on ScreenRant. So mount your trusty steed, keep your eyes peeled and join us on this journey into HBO’s land that continuity forgot!

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