Honest Trailers | Howard the Duck

Before Marvel wraps up a decade of storytelling, go back to where their story begins – it’s Honest Trailers for Howard the Duck (1986)

Honest Trailers | Howard the Duck

Watch the Honest Trailers Commentary w/ the writers of Honest Trailers!
Link – https://youtu.be/yAW6BkoBWCk

Title Design by Robert Holtby
Epic Voice Guy: Jon Bailey
Produced by Spencer Gilbert, Dan Murrell, Joe Starr, & Max Dionne
Written by Spencer Gilbert, Joe Starr, Dan Murrell, & Lon Harris
Edited by Kevin Williamsen

برنامج الثلوثيه مع محمد السلطان – ضيوف الحلقة ( عبدالعزيز برناوي ، لمى خالد )#الكوميدي_كلوب

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Family Guy: The Twisted Evolution Of Peter Griffin

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Now it’s in 17th season, Family Guy has certainly gone through many ups and downs. Cancellations. Time shifts. Dead dogs. And then there’s the leader of the pack: Peter Griffin. The Rhode Island resident may live in the smallest state, but he has had some of the biggest adventures in all of animation. Journey with us through his bizarre evolution — from an unaired pilot all the way to some roles he’s taken on, including Marvel’s Deadpool!

As Seth MacFarlane developed the animated series for FOX, he needed to present some type of pilot for the network. The unaired segment featured some key differences in the design of Peter. His sideburns were slightly longer and the frame on his glasses was much thicker than they appear to be.

A lot of the episode content ended up getting used on the official first episode of the show, but Peter definitely cleaned up a lot for his debut appearance.

This is the evolution of Peter Griffin on Family Guy.

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Gemini Man (2019) – Official Trailer – Paramount Pictures

Watch the new trailer from visionary director Ang Lee, starring Will Smith. Gemini Man is available now: https://paramnt.us/WatchGeminiMan-YT

Gemini Man (#GeminiMan) is an innovative action-thriller starring Will Smith (#WillSmith) as Henry Brogan, an elite assassin, who is suddenly targeted and pursued by a mysterious young operative that seemingly can predict his every move. The film is directed by Academy Award®-winning filmmaker Ang Lee and produced by renowned producers Jerry Bruckheimer, David Ellison, Dana Goldberg and Don Granger. Also starring are Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Clive Owen and Benedict Wong. Gemini Man opens in theaters October 11, 2019.

Connect with #GeminiMan

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GeminiManMovie/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/geminimanmovie
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/geminimanmovie/

Paramount Pictures Corporation (PPC), a major global producer and distributor of filmed entertainment, is a unit of Viacom (NASDAQ: VIAB, VIA), home to premier global media brands that create compelling television programs, motion pictures, short-form content, apps, games, consumer products, social media experiences, and other entertainment content for audiences in more than 180 countries.

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Guess That Cheesy Infomercial (GAME)

Remember the lost art of judging cheesy infomercials? Relive the magic with these questionable product clips! GMM #1531
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Submit your Wheel of Mythicality intro video here: http://bit.ly/GMMWheelIntroSUBMISSIONS

Intro Animation by Dana Schechter https://www.danaschechter.com/
Intro & Outro Music by Mark Byers http://www.markaholic.com/
Supplemental Music from Extreme Production Music: https://www.extrememusic.com/
Mic: ‘The Mouse’ by Blue Microphones https://www.bluemic.com/mouse/

Pickle ASMR – BIG Crunch Eating Sounds تحدي واصوات اكل حقيقية مخلل خيار حامض تجعلك تتلمط

Pickle ASMR – BIG Crunch Eating Sounds Unbelievable تحدي واصوات اكل حقيقية مخلل خيار حامض تجعلك تتلمط وتشعر بالحموضة

قناة المصور “The Challenge”:

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حساب انستغرام: TheBiggestChallenge

SnapChat: khalidsnap17

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Surviving 24 Hours In An Elevator

Eric Tabach is out of ideas and is trying to go viral. 24 hour challenges are popular on YouTube and elevators are scary…so why not combine the two?

Shout out @kylerothwell for helping me out!

Credits: https://www.buzzfeed.com/bfmp/videos/79642

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Licensed via Audio Network
SFX Provided By AudioBlocks

This is Why Apple is “Ditching” the Mac!

iOS 13 & macOS 10.15 will change the Mac as we know it!
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Intro Song:
Track: NIVIRO – Flashes [NCS Release]

Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.

Outro Song:
JPB – High [NCS Release] https://youtu.be/Tv6WImqSuxA


Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/R8ZRCXy5vhA

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