Celebrity Cocktails Taste Test

Can we match celebrities like Idris Elba, Benedict Cumberbatch, Martha Stewart, and Nicole Kidman to their favorite cocktails? We only get more confident as the game goes on! GMM #1476

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Photo Attributions:
Benedict Cumberbatch (Gage Skidmore)
Donnie Wahlberg (celebrityabc)
Idris Elba (Harald Krichel)
Martha Stewart (David Shankbone)
Matthew McConaughey (David Torcivia)
Nicole Kidman (Eva Rinaldi)

Intro Animation by Dana Schechter https://www.danaschechter.com/
Intro & Outro Music by Mark Byers http://www.markaholic.com/
Supplemental Music from Extreme Production Music: https://www.extrememusic.com/
Mic: ‘The Mouse’ by Blue Microphones https://www.bluemic.com/mouse/

Crash Team Racing Graphics Comparison: 1999 vs. 2019

What has two more decades of computing capacity done for this high-octane karting classic? Watch this graphics comparison between the original 1999 Crash Team Racing and the upcoming Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled.

Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled Hands-On Preview:

Opinion: How Crash Team Racing Beat Mario Kart at Its Own Game:

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MOVIE REVIEWS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCJmeQyJk1E&list=PLraFbwCoisJBTl0oXn8UoUam5HXWUZ7ES&t=0s&index=2
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NEWS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ctgzg7MZiZ8&list=PLyN6dWP9XPgpzD7LJttHSs_peWliw7QSW

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Apex Legends Is the Next Big Battle Royale Game – IGN Daily Fix

In today’s Fix: we’re taking a look at Respawn’s brand new battle royale, Xbox Live on your Switch, and a new 2K studio.

Presented by The Prodigy

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GAME REVIEWS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCJmeQyJk1E&list=PLraFbwCoisJBTl0oXn8UoUam5HXWUZ7ES&t=0s&index=2
MOVIE REVIEWS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCJmeQyJk1E&list=PLraFbwCoisJBTl0oXn8UoUam5HXWUZ7ES&t=0s&index=2
TRAILERS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hr1dfwy4n90&list=PLraFbwCoisJA6xInpo8WhMSrR3Y7CjatL&index=2
NEWS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ctgzg7MZiZ8&list=PLyN6dWP9XPgpzD7LJttHSs_peWliw7QSW

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Mystery Puzzle Box & Gum Wrapper Fire Starters | Rewind #9

Individual video links 👇

10. https://youtu.be/GSrN9Cs_XPg
9. https://youtu.be/zcop2J-RQtc
8. https://youtu.be/CmwPMQAWNKk
7. https://youtu.be/A0_AiIH-JfA
6. https://youtu.be/-wivMSMxBNE
5. https://youtu.be/ttPyIRAfhEQ
4. https://youtu.be/7OsFH1XBUG8
3. https://youtu.be/F-Cge4qSOms
2. https://youtu.be/EeFdRVWYFkw
1. https://youtu.be/kHqFkIgVF3c

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Glass Fan Theories That Totally Change The Movie

As a follow-up to Unbreakable and Split, Glass has left us with some intriguing fan theories! Subscribe to our channel: http://goo.gl/ho3Hg6

Like many of M. Night Shyamalan’s movies — people keep talking long after the credits are rolling — speculating on story, diving into the big twists, and starting all kinds of movie theories in the process. It’s no different in Glass — the “shattering” end to the unexpected Unbreakable trilogy. Check out some of the craziest fan theories from the movie — learn which ones actually make sense — and naturally we will be diving deep into a water tank of Glass, Split, and Unbreakable spoilers so be ready!

Nearly 19 years apart from Unbreakable — one of the hardest things to believe about Glass is that M. Night Shyamalan had this whole trilogy planned all along! Now whether things were adapted from small details and retconned into the story — or M. Night is a cinematic genius is a debate for another day, but there’s no denying all of the small details which help connect the whole trilogy together. One of the biggest theories to come from seeing Glass and Unbreakable is the setup of the final showdown between David Dunn and the Beast. The big lead-up to their fight could have been figured out years and years ago — just by looking at the cover of a comic book. The Slayer is clearly a hero with superhuman strength much like David and Jaguaro displays the characteristics of the Beast. Who can forget the scene in Glass when the Beasts runs on all fours across the hospital green. Clearly, M. Night has been setting up this story for years — using the comics as a look into the future. Watch to see all these theories and more!

Check out these other awesome videos!

Glass Theory: James McAvoy’s Split Character Was In Unbreakable All Along

Glass Pitch Meeting: Shyamalan’s Sequel To Split And Unbreakable

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Mr. Anderson vs The Great Muta: FULL MATCH (One Night Only: USA vs The World) | IMPACT Full Matches

In an epic heavyweight clash, Mr. Anderson takes on the legendary Great Muta at One Night Only: USA vs The World!
Watch IMPACT! every Friday night at 10 PM ET on Twitch: http://twitch.tv/IMPACTwrestling
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IMPACT Wrestling is moving to Pursuit Channel! Beginning on Friday, January 11, IMPACT! will air weekly on Friday nights at 10:00 p.m. ET. To find out how to watch, visit https://pursuitchannel.com.
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بعد خلع الحجاب.. #سهير_رمزى تخرج لسانها بصورة غريبة وشاهد أزواجها التسعة وأول تعليق من #شهيرة

سهير رمزي نشرت أمس 3/2/2019 صورة على انستقرام جاءت مفاجئة، فظهرت وهي تخرج لسانها وتضع أحمر شفاه صارخ،
#أخبار_النجوم شاهدوا #أحلى_النجوم و #مشاكل_النجوم و #أسرار_النجوم
إضغط هنا لترى #جيهان_نصر في أول صورة بصحبة زوجها رجل الأعمال السعودي…وشاهد أبنائها الثلاثة والكبرى تشبهها جدا

مفاجأة…حفيد #كمال_الشناوى وشقيقة #عبد_الحليم هو مطرب شاب ولن تتخيلوا وسامته…وشاهد زوجات #كمال_الشناوى وعلاقة شادية به
تعرف على التفاصيل بالفيديو المرفق على الرابط

إضغط هنا لترى ثروة #ليونيل_ميسى وأسرار نجاحه وحياته الشخصية وسياراته وبيته الفخم

إضغط هنا لترى أجمل 50 امرأة على مر التاريخ بالأسماء والصور…برأيكم من هى أجملهن ؟

إضغط هنا لترى فنانات جميلات ومشهورات إكتشفن خيانة أزواجهن ولم بحرجن من البوح بها

إضغط هنا لترى 16 فنان بهدلهم الفقر…أحدهم كان يتسول فى الشارع…ورقم 16 سيذهلكم https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcAfl34Fq6w&index=1&list=PLFUUhRdSN8wk_-WrGn3K_uh7JdZ1Uu6lY
إضغط هنا لترى أسرار زيجات #نورا وحظها السئ فى الزواج وقصة حجابها وإعتزالها

إضغط هنا لتعرف أسرار الزواج الثانى بحياة الرؤساء والملوك العرب…فهل كانت نزوات ؟

إضغط هنا لترى فنانات مشهورات وافقن على الزواج من رجال متزوجين…مفاجأة

اذا اعجبكم الفيديو برجاء الإشتراك فى قناتى الجديدة ليصلكم كل جديد على الرابط
وبرجاء زيارة صفحتى على الفيسبوك وأتمنى أن تعجبكم على الرابط
وبرجاء زيارة مدونتى الجديدة على الرابط
وفيديو جديد من قناتكم قناة أخبار النجوم #أخبار_النجوم

بعد خلع الحجاب.. #سهير_رمزى تخرج لسانها بصورة غريبة وشاهد أزواجها التسعة وأول تعليق من #شهيرة | أخبار النجوم
تعرف على التفاصيل بالفيديو المرفق على الرابط

Motor City Machine Guns vs Bob Backlund & Jerry Lynn: FULL MATCH | IMPACT Wrestling Full Matches

The Motor City Machine Guns face a unique challenge in the team of Bob Backlund & Jerry Lynn at TNA Victory Road 2007!
Watch IMPACT! every Friday night at 10 PM ET on Twitch: http://twitch.tv/IMPACTwrestling
Start your GWN 30-day free trial NOW: https://globalwrestlingnetwork.com/YouTube
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Subscribe to the Global Wrestling Network for more than 1000 hours of classic and current IMPACT Wrestling matches and events! Begin your 30-day free trial now (only available to new subscribers): https://globalwrestlingnetwork.com/YouTube

IMPACT Wrestling is moving to Pursuit Channel! Beginning on Friday, January 11, IMPACT! will air weekly on Friday nights at 10:00 p.m. ET. To find out how to watch, visit https://pursuitchannel.com.
You can also watch live every Friday night at 10 PM ET on Twitch! http://twitch.tv/IMPACTwrestling

Subscribe for the latest IMPACT Wrestling highlights, full matches, classic IMPACT and TNA moments, theme songs and amazing backstage interviews featuring the stars of IMPACT!