تحدي اكل 36 كيس شيبس ليز, دوريتوس, رافلز, وتشيتوس + 6 مشروب غازي ضد المصور |التحدي الاكبر|

قناة المصور “The Challenge”:

حساب انستغرام: TheBiggestChallenge

SnapChat: khalidsnap17

قناة كال:

صفحة التحدي الأكبر الرسمية :

القناة الثانية كمال الاجسام KA Fitness:



فيسبوك الشخصي:

صفحة الفيسبوك:

Change Your Mind

SO who watched the new Steven Universe episode, because I SURE DID! Here’s a quick thing I made before I have to go back to classes tomorrow. I’ll try to make something longer soon!

(I realized that I spelled “your” wrong so I quickly took it down and re-uploaded it)

Molding a Record & Launching LN2 Rockets | Rewind #7

Individual video links 👇

10. https://youtu.be/pwaGDTNEed8
9. https://youtu.be/gxA6r3_5Fpc
8. https://youtu.be/m4lo_i2Uevo
7. https://youtu.be/p1wP6RxUzRU
6. https://youtu.be/17bww7GBHAM
5. http://youtu.be/NBbolUIkSig
4. https://youtu.be/jrRmID81wrc
3. http://youtu.be/BQcOdCYTooQ
2. https://youtu.be/njgUsCh8XGA
1. https://youtu.be/QDwN41Px_sY

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This video is only for entertainment purposes. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that every project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK.

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What Men Want (2019) – Atlanta Press Playbook- Paramount Pictures

She can hear men’s thoughts. Let the games begin. See Taraji P. Henson and Tracy Morgan in #WhatMenWant February 8th.

Ali Davis (Taraji P. Henson) is a successful sports agent who’s constantly boxed out by her male colleagues. When Ali is passed up for a well-deserved promotion, she questions what else she needs to do to succeed in a man’s world… until she gains the ability to hear men’s thoughts! #WhatMenWant

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WhatMenWantMovie
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WhatMenWant
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/WhatMenWant

Paramount Pictures Corporation (PPC), a major global producer and distributor of filmed entertainment, is a unit of Viacom (NASDAQ: VIAB, VIA), home to premier global media brands that create compelling television programs, motion pictures, short-form content, apps, games, consumer products, social media experiences, and other entertainment content for audiences in more than 180 countries.

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Film & Animation

FULL MATCH: Abyss vs Matt Hardy: MONSTER’S BALL (TNA Hardcore Justice 4)

It’s a battle of extreme legends as Matt Hardy takes on Abyss in a sadistic MONSTER’S BALL match!
Start your GWN 30-day free trial NOW: https://globalwrestlingnetwork.com/YouTube
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Subscribe to the Global Wrestling Network for more than 1000 hours of classic and current IMPACT Wrestling matches and events! Begin your 30-day free trial now (only available to new subscribers): https://globalwrestlingnetwork.com/YouTube

IMPACT is on Thursdays at 10/9c on Pop. DON’T MISS IT! To find out where you can watch, visit the Channel Finder on www.poptv.com.

Subscribe for the latest IMPACT Wrestling highlights, full matches, classic IMPACT and TNA moments, theme songs and amazing backstage interviews featuring the stars of IMPACT!

FULL MATCH: AJ Styles vs Hiroshi Tanahashi (TNA Final Resolution 2006) | IMPACT Full Matches

Worlds collide as “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles takes on “The Ace of the Universe” Hiroshi Tanahashi at TNA Final Resolution 2006!
Watch IMPACT! every Friday night at 10 PM ET on Twitch: http://twitch.tv/IMPACTwrestling
Start your GWN 30-day free trial NOW: https://globalwrestlingnetwork.com/YouTube
SUBSCRIBE for more IMPACT: http://impac.tw/1lw4fTg
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Subscribe to the Global Wrestling Network for more than 1000 hours of classic and current IMPACT Wrestling matches and events! Begin your 30-day free trial now (only available to new subscribers): https://globalwrestlingnetwork.com/YouTube

IMPACT Wrestling is moving to Pursuit Channel! Beginning on Friday, January 11, IMPACT! will air weekly on Friday nights at 10:00 p.m. ET. To find out how to watch, visit https://pursuitchannel.com.
You can also watch live every Friday night at 10 PM ET on Twitch! http://twitch.tv/IMPACTwrestling

Subscribe for the latest IMPACT Wrestling highlights, full matches, classic IMPACT and TNA moments, theme songs and amazing backstage interviews featuring the stars of IMPACT!

Johnny IMPACT & Killer Kross Collide THIS FRIDAY on Pursuit & Twitch 10pm ET!

Watch their violent rivalry comes to a cataclysmic collision as Johnny IMPACT takes on Killer Kross!
Watch IMPACT! every Friday night at 10 PM ET on Twitch: http://twitch.tv/IMPACTwrestling
Start your GWN 30-day free trial NOW: https://globalwrestlingnetwork.com/YouTube
SUBSCRIBE for more IMPACT: http://impac.tw/1lw4fTg
SHOP: http://www.shopimpact.com

Subscribe to the Global Wrestling Network for more than 1000 hours of classic and current IMPACT Wrestling matches and events! Begin your 30-day free trial now (only available to new subscribers): https://globalwrestlingnetwork.com/YouTube

IMPACT Wrestling is moving to Pursuit Channel! Beginning on Friday, January 11, IMPACT! will air weekly on Friday nights at 10:00 p.m. ET. To find out how to watch, visit https://pursuitchannel.com.
You can also watch live every Friday night at 10 PM ET on Twitch! http://twitch.tv/IMPACTwrestling

Subscribe for the latest IMPACT Wrestling highlights, full matches, classic IMPACT and TNA moments, theme songs and amazing backstage interviews featuring the stars of IMPACT!

Guess That Mystery Meatball Taste Test

We’ve got meatballs made of unique mystery meats. It’s time to guess what each meatball is made out of based on the taste. GMM #1465

Watch today’s GMMore: https://youtu.be/WP3xYdIILSk
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Mythical: https://youtube.com/thisismythical

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Submit your Wheel of Mythicality intro video here: http://bit.ly/GMMWheelIntroSUBMISSIONS

Intro Animation by Dana Schechter https://www.danaschechter.com/
Intro & Outro Music by Mark Byers http://www.markaholic.com/
Supplemental Music from Extreme Production Music: https://www.extrememusic.com/
Mic: ‘The Mouse’ by Blue Microphones https://www.bluemic.com/mouse/

Is This ROPE Strong Enough?

Today we’re testing out what type of rope is the strongest, including the rope made from a soda bottle!

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Business Inquiries: For sponsorship requests or business opportunities please contact me directly: https://goo.gl/Z2L6yM

Music by: Victor Olsson – “Her Majesty” & “Redneck Rumble 3” & “Urban Stoner Head 1”, “Upbeat Corporate Pop Rock” , “Uplifting and Upbeat”


This video is only for entertainment purposes. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that every project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK.

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