If you are one of the 250,000 military service members who transition out of the military each year, you can now search ‘jobs for veterans’ on Google and enter your military occupational specialty code (MOS, AFSC, NEC) to see civilian jobs that match your military skills.
You can find more tools and trainings designed specifically for veterans, military service members and their families at https://google.com/grow/veterans.
If you are one of the 250,000 military service members who transition out of the military each year, you can now search ‘jobs for veterans’ on Google and enter your military occupational specialty code (MOS, AFSC, NEC) to see civilian jobs that match your military skills.
You can find more tools and trainings designed specifically for veterans, military service members and their families at https://google.com/grow/veterans.
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هذي الرسالة من عراقية لخطيبها المرفوض https://youtu.be/Ek52FQI_q9A
مواصفات شريك/ة احلام المتابعين https://youtu.be/OEafk6QTO2Y
السعودية محتاجة وحده زي مودل روز ! https://youtu.be/eK0O0SAwMog
اسئلتكم ١٢ | هل تؤمن بالله ؟ https://youtu.be/rimBoLqcWfM
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هل فيها سجن لو ارسل بوسه لبنت ؟ https://youtu.be/mIvttuT7GEE
Things to avoid doing if you care about your Nintendo Switch!
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There’s so much to love about the Nintendo Switch and, while it offers so many different ways to play, there are some things you should avoid doing to the console.
This is TheGamer’s list of 10 Things You Should NEVER Do To Your Nintendo Switch
Check out these other awesome videos!
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Nintendo is known as the most innovative gaming company in the world for a reason. They’re always pushing the boundaries and expanding on the idea of what gaming really is. Enter the Nintendo Switch. This hybrid console has been around for over a year and has already left its mark on the gaming world. You could play it traditionally on your TV screen or in handheld mode on the go. The library started off small, but has quickly grown into an incredible one.
Since the Nintendo Switch is very new compared to the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, people are still learning about what they can and can’t do with the console. It turns out that there’s quite a few things people think are fine to do to the Switch, but actually aren’t. Watch to see what you should never do to your Nintendo Switch!
In September, your binoculars will reveal the rusty surface of Mars, iconic rings of Saturn, the waxing Moon—and the comet Giacobini-Zinner, which passes through the constellation of Auriga.
“Tonight’s Sky” is produced by HubbleSite.org, online home of the Hubble Space Telescope. This is a recurring show, and you can find more episodes—and other astronomy videos—at http://hubblesite.org/videos/science
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أو اتصل بنا: 0540902020
The new Porsche Cayenne Turbo is a mighty piece of kit. Big 4x4s like this are expected to do it all: go off road, be incredibly refined on road and yet be sports cars while they’re at it. Subscribe now: http://smarturl.it/autocar
The Cayenne Turbo employs a twin-turbocharged V8 to get its work done. And it’s magnificent. But there is a rival.
The Range Rover Sport SVR is a big SUV that has been to Jaguar Land Rover’s SVO division to get its share of performance upgrades, including a 5.0 litre supercharged V8 that’s even more powerful than the Porsche.
But which is better? Join us on, and off, some of the best roads we know, as we look to find out.
New videos are uploaded to Autocar each week. Don’t miss a single one. Subscribe now: http://smarturl.it/autocar
Watch next:
Porsche Cayenne Turbo review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lXByFqgVh4&t=0s
Bentley Bentayga vs Range Rover Autobiography: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2bHQsL2C9U&t=0s
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