A medley of Fortnite menu music with our mouths!
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Fortnite Acapella (Seasons 1-5 Medley)
Theme music from Seasons 1-5 of the popular video game Fortnite sung with our mouths!
Arranged by James Harper
Recorded and Mixed by Taylor Fugit
Edited by Chance Cole
– The Warp Zone –
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Music by:
Love Beans – “Ain’t Giving You Up (Instrumental)”
Henrik Andersson – “Desert”
Victor Olsson – “Her Majesty 4”
Music From Epidemic Sound: https://goo.gl/jlJWJO
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Everyone rips off Nintendo, so there’s no way they’ve ever ripped off another company, right? Wrong! They’ve taken a page out of Microsoft’s book on multiple occasions.
This is TheGamer’s list of 8 Times Nintendo Ripped Off Xbox
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We all love Nintendo. From Super Mario to The Legend of Zelda and the NES to the Switch, this company has given us so many classic games and iconic consoles to count. Nintendo are known as the innovators of the video game industry. They’re always the first to try new things and are constantly getting ripped off by other companies like Sony and Microsoft. Think of the Nintendo Wii. It was the first console to incorporate motion controls for the majority of its games. To respond to this new way of gaming, Sony came out with the PlayStation Move and Microsoft came out with the Kinect. See what we mean?
Nintendo would never, ever rip off another company…or would they? Surprisingly, Nintendo has taken a page from Microsoft’s book on multiple occasions whether it’s ripping off one of their controllers, having a paid online service or many others.