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WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE GOOGLE YETI HOME CONSOLE. Google is considering developing a video game console that could take on both Xbox and PlayStation, but what do we know about the Google Yeti?
This is TheGamer’s list of GOOGLE VIDEO GAME CONSOLE – 5 Things You Didn’t Know
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Since 2001, it’s been a three horse race for video game console supremacy with Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo duking it out to see who comes out on top. At the beginning, no one could compare to Nintendo, but recently, Sony has found a way to the top while Microsoft is still near the bottom of the pack. But what if there was a fourth horse in this race? Well, that could very well be the case as Google is rumored to be entering the gaming market with their own home console project known as “Yeti.” The Google Yeti isn’t supposed to be very similar to the PS4, Xbox One or Nintendo Switch, but if the rumors are true, this console could give the three gaming giants a run for their money.
The Yeti will most likely be focused on streaming games. There won’t be any physical discs or cartridges available for purchase and you won’t be able to download games directly to the console, so you better hope you have a great internet connection. In terms of hardware, don’t expect anything fancy. The console doesn’t need the most sophisticated parts since it only streams games and doesn’t play them directly. While this may seem like a disappointment, it’s actually good news since it’ll most likely drive the price of the Yeti down. The thing is, it’s all rumors at this point so we don’t even know if the console will see the light of day! Watch to see everything you need to know about the Google Yeti and subscribe to TheGamer!
Script by: Justin Pietrodarchi
Voice Over by: Justin Freitas
Edited by: Valerie M
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