Did you catch these dirty jokes in GTA V? If not, you definitely gotta check out all these little easter eggs developers planted in the game.
Grand Theft Auto V has been out for a while, but it’s a big game, so there’s bound to be some things you missed. Speaking of things you may have missed, there are quite a few dirty jokes you may not have noticed and we’re going to show you some of them.
This is The Gamer’s list of 9 Dirty Jokes You Totally Missed In GTA V.
What’s the funniest rude joke you’ve found in the game?
What other jokes should be on this list?
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When Grand Theft Auto V came out in 2013, gamers were blown away. The game’s concept allowing you to play as either Michael, Trevor or Franklin, was new and fresh, and the depth of the game’s design meant Rockstar had given you a massive world in the form of Los Santos. Some things remained constant, though, and one of those things was the way in which the game’s developers slid in some subtle and not-so-subtle dirty jokes. Today, we’re going to show you some of the ones which you might have missed.
There’s a bizarre kind of continuity to the whole of the GTA franchise. It’s probably best described as “there is no continuity between the universes, unless there is.” However, fans of the series have noticed there are some old favorites they might not have noticed on first play. GTA V features a welcome return for the likes of ProLaps clothing and Rusty Brown’s Ring Donuts, which is both a bit rude and a bit reassuring.
There’s also some double entendres in the way in which you can take part in Yoga. Is there really a position called the Punching Starfish? We don’t think so. There’s also the return of a lot of 69 references, as well as cars with suggestive names, an exhibitionist gnome, how Amanda entertains herself when Michael is busy running around the State of San Andreas and a special kind of social media feature. Keep watching until the end, when we’ll point out a sly visual joke we don’t think you’d have seen in your first playthrough. Thanks for watching and don’t forget to subscribe to TheGamer for all things gaming!
Script by: Peter H.
Voice Over by: Michael N.
Edited by: Valerie M.
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