تحدي اكل بيتزا من بيتزا هت مع زجاجة شطة حارة كاملة – الاكثر حرارة بالعالم |التحدي الأكبر|

قناة المصور “The Challenge”:

SnapChat: khalidsnap17

قناة كال:

حساب انستغرام: TheBiggestChallenge

صفحة التحدي الأكبر الرسمية :

القناة الثانية كمال الاجسام KA Fitness:



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تحدي اكل بيتزا من بيتزا هت مع زجاجة شطة حارة كاملة – الاكثر حرارة بالعالم |التحدي الأكبر|

قناة المصور “The Challenge”:

SnapChat: khalidsnap17

قناة كال:

حساب انستغرام: TheBiggestChallenge

صفحة التحدي الأكبر الرسمية :

القناة الثانية كمال الاجسام KA Fitness:



فيسبوك الشخصي:

صفحة الفيسبوك:

ميتسوبيشي اتراج ٢٠١٨اكثر سيارة بنزين اقتصادية غير هجينة حسن كتبي برعاية الخريف التجارية

انساتي سيداتي سادتي اسمحوا لي ان اهديكم تجربة ميتسوبيشي اتراج ٢٠١٨ اكثر سيارة بنزين اقتصادية غير هجينة حسن كتبي برعاية الخريف التجارية التجارية الوكيل الجديد الحصري لماركة ياماها
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Voltron LD Lionhearted

Here’s a new Voltron Tribute! I had a lot of fun making this and I hope you all enjoy! (like always may contain some spoilers from season 1 through 4) And due to copyright on my last version I made of this I had to mirror the images.

Song: Lionhearted
Artist: Porter Robinson

Thanks to anonymous on Tumblr for recommending this song to me! If anyone wants to recommend songs for future videos, please send a message to my ask box on my Tumblr:

OnePlus 5T – In-Depth Review (after 2 months)

OnePlus 5T – In-Depth Review!
➽ Apple AirPods GIVEAWAY:
➽ Google Home Mini GIVEAWAY:

OnePlus 5T:
▶ US: http://amzn.to/2qVhFQe
▶ International: http://geni.us/cgdB8

Business Enquiries: business@zoneoftech.com
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Huge “Thank You!” to NCS for the EPIC music!


10 DARK SECRETS About Kirby Nintendo Tried To Hide


Once you dive deep into his Nintendo history, you’ll realize the little puffball has a lot of pretty dark secrets. A violent past, mysterious enemies and some crazy secrets encompass a number of the character’s games.

This is TheGamer’s list of 10 DARK Secrets you never knew about KIRBY! What secret surprised you the most? What’s your favorite Kirby game? Let us know in the comments section below!

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Kirby has spent years being one of Nintendo’s most popular characters. He has appeared in numerous video games and appears to be extremely friendly. Dive a little deeper into Kirby’s history to find out shocking facts, information and things you never knew. Nintendo has long been against blood and crazy violence, but there was an exception for a graphic battle between Kirby and the enemy Zero. Kirby doesn’t need heavy arms to kill his foes, but in the Kirby cartoon, he finds ways to use a variety of different weapons including machine guns.

Kirby may seem friendly, but he once had a great feud against Link and battled him in an SNES game. Kirby’s Dreamland 2 is a great family-friendly game for the Game Boy, unless you unlock the secret stage. Meta Knight is one of Kirby’s biggest rivals, but he may be a lot more similar to Kirby than you actually realize. To help appeal to all types of gamers, advertisements in the United States often depict Kirby as extremely angry on all of his game covers. In Super Smash Bros., it’s pretty surprising how high both Kirby and Meta Knight rank in the game. In Germany, a shocking comic was released showcasing Kirby as he smokes and drinks his way through detective cases. Kirby may be overshadowed by other heroes in the Nintendo franchise, but he actually defeated Mario when it came to selecting the most popular hero. Watch to see all 10 DARK SECRETS you NEVER knew about Kirby!


Script by: Alan Donahue

Voice Over by: Michael Neeb

Edited by: Lashan Ranasinghe

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Flight Through the Orion Nebula in Visible and Infrared Light [Ultra HD]

This visualization explores the Orion Nebula using both visible and infrared light. The sequence begins with a wide-field view of the sky showing the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy, then zooms down to the scale of the Orion Nebula. The visible light observation (from the Hubble Space Telescope) and the infrared light observation (from the Spitzer Space Telescope) are compared first in two-dimensional images, and then in three-dimensional models.

As the camera flies into the star-forming region, the sequence cross-fades back and forth between the visible and infrared views. The glowing gaseous landscape has been illuminated and carved by the high energy radiation and strong stellar winds from the massive hot stars in the central cluster. The infrared observations generally show cooler temperature gas at a deeper layer of the nebula that extends well beyond the visible image. In addition, the infrared showcases many faint stars that shine primarily at longer wavelengths. The higher resolution visible observations show finer details including the wispy bow shocks and tadpole-shaped proplyds. In this manner, the movie illustrates the contrasting features uncovered by multi-wavelength astronomy.

Credit: NASA, ESA, and F. Summers, G. Bacon, Z. Levay, J. DePasquale, L. Hustak, L. Frattare, M. Robberto (STScI), R. Hurt (Caltech/IPAC), M. Kornmesser (ESA), A. Fujii

Acknowledgement: R. Gendler

Music: “Dvorak – Serenade for Strings Op22 in E Major larghetto”, performed by The Advent Chamber Orchestra, CC BY-SA

Top 10 Games That Deserve A Second Chance!

Check out our newest channel MojoPlays! http://bit.ly/2BKwrxf
Top 10 Games That Deserve A Second Chance!
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Have a Top 10 idea? Submit it to us here! http://watchmojo.com/my/suggest.php

First impressions are important, but sometimes you need to try again. Welcome to http://WatchMojo.com/ and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Games That Deserve A Second Chance.

#10. “Torment Tides of Numenera” (2017)
#9. “YookaLaylee” (2017)
#8. “SpiderMan Web of Shadows” (2008)
#7. “Warframe” (2013)
#6. “The Elder Scrolls Online” (2014)
#5. “Hitman” (2016)
#4. “Titanfall 2” (2016)
#3, #2 & #1: ???

Special thanks to our user “J.r. Clement” for suggesting this topic using our interactive suggestion tool at http://WatchMojo.com/suggest

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