5 Games That Should Have Been Awesome But The Developers Chose Money Over Fun
Loot Crates and Loot Boxes! Loot is an integral part of video games and, for the most part, the precious loot can be found in game with no extra cost. Then there companies that want to profit off of pulling every last dime out of their players which, as Game Theory pointed out, is dirty pool.
This is The Gamer’s list of 5 Amazing Games That Were Absolutely Ruined By Loot Boxes.
How many loot boxes have you paid for in a video game?
Are you sick and tired of microtransactions in AAA titles?
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Oh, loot crates and microtransactions! Every gamer is, by now, at least somewhat familiar with the pay to play model of most video games. What was once a product of apps and cell phone games has now bled over into console and PC gaming with disastrous results. What was once a joke when it came to casual cell phone games is now quickly becoming a staple in regular gaming, whether the fans like it or not. If developers are earning money, albeit in a sleazy way, what will eventually stop this downward spiral?
Video games of this magnitude, AAA titles specifically, already cost enough money to purchase in the first place. With the initial startup cost of purchasing a console or building a gaming PC, paying $60 for a video game is already a steep enough price. Not to mention the fact that most video games nowadays seem short while the developers are busy pushing out hastily created DLCs which, in all honesty, should’ve been part of the original game in the first place.
Game developers are obviously getting greedy and they’re well aware of the fact that some people will continue shelling out their hard earned cash for more content or a new skin. It’s greasy, real greasy. Gamers deserve better from the companies that they keep in business. No one wants to spend their paycheck to get double XP in one measly game and they shouldn’t have to either. Video game companies are going too far and it’s not only EA, as much as everyone would like to believe they’re the only culprit of this pay to play racket.
Script by: Valerie M
Voice Over by: Justin Freitas
Edited by: Valerie M
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