Hate Scythe – Warframe – MAN AT ARMS: REFORGED

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Every other Monday, our team of blacksmiths and craftsman build some of your favorite weapons, and some weapons that you’ve never seen before. This week, the guys at Baltimore Knife and Sword take on the Hate Scythe from Warframe!

Ever wanted to ask the Man At Arms team a question? Now you can! Go to AWEme’s Twitter: @awemechannel and use #AskABlacksmith with your question. Matt and Kerry will be answering your questions with a video reply on AWEme’s Facebook.

Kerry Stagmer – Swordsmith and Machinist
Matt Stagmer- Swordsmith / Master Blade Grinder
Ilya Alekseyev – Bladesmith / Arms Master
Lauren Schott – Goldsmith and Casting
John Mitchell – Fabricator
Ferenc Gregor – Master Carver
Bill Collison- Assistant Blade Grinder
Rick Janney- Assistant Smith

Series Executive Producer – Brent Lydic
Episode Produced and Directed By – Brendan Kennedy

Supervising Producer – Phil Rogers
Office Production Coordinator – Jon Michael Burgess

Baltimore Forge Crew:
Director of Photography – Paulius Kontijevas
Story Producer — Dave Cross
Production Coordinator – Katie Shinsato
Runner/PA – Halston Ericson
DIT – Christopher Mariles
Set Medic – Celeste Bowe
1st AC – Jason Remeikis
2nd AC – Bethany Michalski
Gaffer – Steve Scott
Grip – Vinny Campbell
Swing – Jeff Rettberg

Post Production:
Edited by — Patrick Burke
Colorist – Patrick Burke
Post Sound – Anthony Vanchure
Lead Assistant Editors – Stephen Erdmann
Manager, Post Production Operations – Michael Gallagher
Post Production Supervisor – Gracie Hartmann

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If Animals Talked About Friendship – Talk Like The Animals

Animals are always looking for new best friends or celebrating it up with some old pals and they think you could be a new buddy! It’s our new series ‘Talk Like The Animals’! Subscribe for more episodes: http://on.mash.to/SubscribeWatercooler

Ever wonder what it’d sound like if animals could talk? We were so curious we made it happen with sarcastic, silly and even sassy personalities.

Watch all episodes right here: http://on.mash.to/TLTA
If Animals Got Angry: https://youtu.be/CqRZR9IK5SM
If Animals Complained About Dating: https://youtu.be/i0zCJt64WVk
If Animals Dealt with Anxiety: https://youtu.be/MQ63OPxuo90
If Animals Complained About Their Day Jobs: https://youtu.be/8LA4CENTHTE

‘Talk Like the Animals’ is produced by Mashable with Nat Geo WILD.

Hey. Hey, you. Yes, YOU! If you like what you see, please make sure to subscribe to our channel for more videos like this.

Also, every time you leave a comment, a dolphin leaps out of a sparkling ocean. Let us know what you like, or even love, in the comments below. We want to hear from you!

10 Stranger Things Season 2 Theories That Make Us Question EVERYTHING

10 Stranger Things Season 2 Theories That Make Us Question EVERYTHING! Subscribe to our channel: http://goo.gl/ho3Hg6

It’s here, it finally happened. Stranger Things season 2 premiered with a bang and we couldn’t be more excited. If you binge watched like we did, then you are also now waiting to see what happens next. But for now, let’s talk about what we also love best, theories. Wait till you hear this theory about Bob, it’s insane.
Also, if you’ve been trapped in the Upside Down and haven’t been able to watch season 2, this video contains spoilers. You have been warned. But if you have watched the season and binged while eating Eggos then we have some theories to share with you.
Like, have you ever wondered what the upside down is? Well one theory suggests that it’s the future…a post apocalyptic wasteland. Another suggest that it is a gateway to multiple dimensions, which is why you have different creatures and new one called the Mindflayer.
One fun theory suggests that the Stranger Things world is connected to Stephen King’s multiverse. Another fun one on the subject of the master of Horror, Bob is one of the survivors of Stephen King’s It. He does mention being afraid as a child of a clown who terrorizes him and he mentions wanting to move to maine.
After we saw Eleven’s tattoo, we figured she was number eleven in the experiments. Season two introduced us to 008, or Kali as she is called. Could there be more siblings out there? One theory says yes.
Want to know what else made our list? Watch our video and find out.

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Nickelback Lyrics: Real or Fake?

Today we find out if Link is a Nickelback amateur or a secret Nickelback devotee. GMM #1218
Don’t miss an all new Ear Biscuits: https://goo.gl/xeZNQt
Watch Part 4: https://youtu.be/MhCdiiB8CQg | Watch Part 2: https://youtu.be/7qiOrNao9fg
Watch today’s episode from the start: http://bit.ly/GMM1218

Pick up all of the official GMM merch only at https://mythical.store

Follow Rhett & Link:
Instagram: https://instagram.com/rhettandlink
Facebook: https://facebook.com/rhettandlink
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rhettandlink
Tumblr: https://rhettandlink.tumblr.com
Snapchat: @realrhettlink
Website: https://mythical.co/

Check Out Our Other Mythical Channels:
Good Mythical MORE: https://youtube.com/goodmythicalmore
Rhett & Link: https://youtube.com/rhettandlink
This Is Mythical: https://youtube.com/thisismythical
Ear Biscuits: https://applepodcasts.com/earbiscuits

Want to send us something? https://mythical.co/contact
Have you made a Wheel of Mythicality intro video? Submit it here: https://bit.ly/GMMWheelIntro

Intro Animation by Digital Twigs: https://www.digitaltwigs.com
Intro & Outro Music by Jeff Zeigler & Sarah Schimeneck https://www.jeffzeigler.com
Wheel of Mythicality theme: https://www.royaltyfreemusiclibrary.com/
All Supplemental Music fromOpus 1 Music: https://opus1.sourceaudio.com/
We use ‘The Mouse’ by Blue Microphones https://www.bluemic.com/mouse/

Dogs Balance Pizza On Their Heads | Teach Your Old Dog A New Trick

We asked you to teach your old dogs new tricks and today, we’re crowing the winner of the Pizza Balancing challenge. GMM# 1218
Don’t miss an all new Ear Biscuits: https://goo.gl/xeZNQt
Watch GMMore: https://youtu.be/m-nZmgHWoEw | Watch Part 3: https://youtu.be/puqaWrEC7tY
Watch today’s episode from the start: http://bit.ly/GMM1218

Pick up all of the official GMM merch only at https://mythical.store

Follow Rhett & Link:
Instagram: https://instagram.com/rhettandlink
Facebook: https://facebook.com/rhettandlink
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rhettandlink
Tumblr: https://rhettandlink.tumblr.com
Snapchat: @realrhettlink
Website: https://mythical.co/

Check Out Our Other Mythical Channels:
Good Mythical MORE: https://youtube.com/goodmythicalmore
Rhett & Link: https://youtube.com/rhettandlink
This Is Mythical: https://youtube.com/thisismythical
Ear Biscuits: https://applepodcasts.com/earbiscuits

Want to send us something? https://mythical.co/contact
Have you made a Wheel of Mythicality intro video? Submit it here: https://bit.ly/GMMWheelIntro

Intro Animation by Digital Twigs: https://www.digitaltwigs.com
Intro & Outro Music by Jeff Zeigler & Sarah Schimeneck https://www.jeffzeigler.com
Wheel of Mythicality theme: https://www.royaltyfreemusiclibrary.com/
All Supplemental Music fromOpus 1 Music: https://opus1.sourceaudio.com/
We use ‘The Mouse’ by Blue Microphones https://www.bluemic.com/mouse/

Is This Baby A Serial Killer Or Celebrity?

Can we guess if these precious baby pictures feature a beloved celebrity or a cold-blooded serial killer? GMM #1218
Don’t miss an all new Ear Biscuits: https://goo.gl/xeZNQt
Watch Part 2: https://youtu.be/7qiOrNao9fg | Watch Friday’s GMM: http://bit.ly/GMM1217
Watch today’s episode from the start: http://bit.ly/GMM1218

Pick up all of the official GMM merch only at https://mythical.store

Follow Rhett & Link:
Instagram: https://instagram.com/rhettandlink
Facebook: https://facebook.com/rhettandlink
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rhettandlink
Tumblr: https://rhettandlink.tumblr.com
Snapchat: @realrhettlink
Website: https://mythical.co/

Check Out Our Other Mythical Channels:
Good Mythical MORE: https://youtube.com/goodmythicalmore
Rhett & Link: https://youtube.com/rhettandlink
This Is Mythical: https://youtube.com/thisismythical
Ear Biscuits: https://applepodcasts.com/earbiscuits

Want to send us something? https://mythical.co/contact
Have you made a Wheel of Mythicality intro video? Submit it here: https://bit.ly/GMMWheelIntro

Intro Animation by Digital Twigs: https://www.digitaltwigs.com
Intro & Outro Music by Jeff Zeigler & Sarah Schimeneck https://www.jeffzeigler.com
Wheel of Mythicality theme: https://www.royaltyfreemusiclibrary.com/
All Supplemental Music fromOpus 1 Music: https://opus1.sourceaudio.com/
We use ‘The Mouse’ by Blue Microphones https://www.bluemic.com/mouse/

Craig Robinson’s Google Translate Interview

Can we chat with Ghosted’s Craig Robinson after putting our interview questions through Google Translate? GMM #1218
Don’t miss an all new Ear Biscuits: https://goo.gl/xeZNQt
Watch Part 3: https://youtu.be/puqaWrEC7tY | Watch Part 1: https://youtu.be/0ehfyX73jy8
Watch today’s episode from the start: http://bit.ly/GMM1218

Pick up all of the official GMM merch only at https://mythical.store

Follow Rhett & Link:
Instagram: https://instagram.com/rhettandlink
Facebook: https://facebook.com/rhettandlink
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rhettandlink
Tumblr: https://rhettandlink.tumblr.com
Snapchat: @realrhettlink
Website: https://mythical.co/

Check Out Our Other Mythical Channels:
Good Mythical MORE: https://youtube.com/goodmythicalmore
Rhett & Link: https://youtube.com/rhettandlink
This Is Mythical: https://youtube.com/thisismythical
Ear Biscuits: https://applepodcasts.com/earbiscuits

Want to send us something? https://mythical.co/contact
Have you made a Wheel of Mythicality intro video? Submit it here: https://bit.ly/GMMWheelIntro

Intro Animation by Digital Twigs: https://www.digitaltwigs.com
Intro & Outro Music by Jeff Zeigler & Sarah Schimeneck https://www.jeffzeigler.com
Wheel of Mythicality theme: https://www.royaltyfreemusiclibrary.com/
All Supplemental Music fromOpus 1 Music: https://opus1.sourceaudio.com/
We use ‘The Mouse’ by Blue Microphones https://www.bluemic.com/mouse/

حفل اطلاق كورفيت زي ار١ ٢٠١٨ حسن كتبي دبي برعاية الخريف التجارية

سيداتي سادتي انساتي يسعدني ان اقدم لكم حفل اطلاق كورفيت زي ار١ ٢٠١٨ حسن كتبي دبي برعاية الخريف التجارية الوكيل الجديد الحصري لماركة ياماها
شكرا لمتابعتكم الكريمة اخوكم حسن ناجي كتبي
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