10 Movie Trailers That Were CHANGED For Other Countries (And Why)

What changed in the Spiderman Homecoming trailer? 10 Movie Trailers That Were CHANGED For Other Countries (And Why)! Subscribe to our channel : http://goo.gl/ho3Hg6

Studios determine a movies success is by two things: name recognition and marketing. We all know that a Spider-Man film is going to be a box office hit regardless of its advertisement. Its brand recognition is just that strong – so films like Spider-Man: Homecoming, only needs to show us more in the international trailer.

But other movies need a great marketing campaign to get the film out there. Sometimes this involves making a trailer that actively deceives the audience into thinking the movie is something else. This has caused controversy with movies like Crimson Peak, where the audience were sold something different to what they saw. When it comes to cutting a trailer, deception is ironically key, a trailer company will try to sell you the idea of what a film could be, rather than what it actually is.

As a result, trailers can be both slightly, or wildly different depending on the country it’s released in. While some movies like Dunkirk, are selling an action movie in the place of a historical drama, and only tweak the trailers slightly – other movies like Iron Man 3 drastically changed everything, added in new characters that are barely present in the edited cut of the movie, and greatly mislead foreign audiences.

It’s not all bad though. Sometimes international and foreign movie trailers simply just show more of the action. While spoiler sensitive fans may not appreciate it, it’s certainly important in the eyes of the fans that want to see as much of the movie as possible, before the movie has come out.

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10 Movie Scenes That REFUSED To Use Digital Effects

How much of Spiderman Homecoming was actually real? 10 Movie Scenes That REFUSED To Use Digital Effects! Subscribe to our channel: https://goo.gl/wMuSDD

Every now and again, films come out and surprise audiences by having some amazing practical effects that challenge the need for digital effects. All of the shots in this video could have been done with CGI, but the filmmakers decided the only way to get the scene just right was to do it for real, without any help from the digital domain. So they went out and did it for real! Christopher Nolan truly is the champion of practical effects, delivering three films on this list that have inspired and awed audiences. Whether it’s the Dark Knight flipping a truck, Cooper being trapped in the fifth dimension in Interstellar or Nolan buying a $5 million vintage plane and crashing it, he’s ensuring all his shots are the real deal. Other filmmakers are doing similar stuff with their work. From Mad Max: Fury Road’s start to finish chase scene, Fate of the Furious’ falling cars to Tom Cruise doing some insane stunts all on his own. Either he’s hanging off the side of a plane in Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation, or he’s being tossed around in one with zero gravity in the 2017 remake of the Mummy. Even Spider Man looks like he’s getting in on the action, hanging off the side of a helicopter for the anticipated Homecoming film from Marvel. It looks like that despite the amazing wonders digital effects can do, many filmmakers want to do their work for real and limiting their dependance on digital effects. For this, we commend them and honor those films with our awesome list!

بائع متجول هو الأكثر أناقة في العالم – ولكن كيف حدث ذلك ؟!

( متع عقلك ) | قناة تمنحك رحلة مسلية فى عالم المعرفة والعلم
أشترك معنا الأن – بالضغط على زر أشتراك ليصلك كل ما هو جديد
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تابعوني علي تــــويتــــــــر ◄ https://twitter.com/mata3_3a2lak
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اعتدنا على رؤية الباعة المُتجولين في الطرقات على أنهم غير مُهتمين كثيرًا بمظهرهم , وكذلك بضاعتهم غير موثوقة بها , لكن الأمر مُختلف عند السيد “أيلتون مانويل دا سيلفا”، الذي يرتدي زي أنيق مثل موظفي المطاعم الفاخرة، وهذا الرجل يتحدى يوميًا الشمس الحارقة وحركة المرور الخانقة من أجل أن يوفر لعائلته لقمة العيش