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فيما يلي ستكتشف أسمن 10 اشخاص في العالم منهم من فارق الحياة ومنهم مازال حياً الى اليوم , دعونا نتعرف معاً على أسمن 10 أشخاص في التاريخ :
Grace and Frankie | Season 3 Trailer | Netflix
We’re back in buzzness. Grace and Frankie season 3 is now streaming on Netflix!
From the co-creator of Friends, Netflix Original Series Grace and Frankie stars Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin as two women who form an unlikely bond after their husbands reveal they are gay and leave them for each other.
Watch Grace and Frankie here: http://netflix.com/title/80017537
SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/29qBUt7
About Netflix:
Netflix is the world’s leading Internet television network with over 117 million members in over 190 countries enjoying more than 125 million hours of TV shows and movies per day, including original series, documentaries and feature films. Members can watch as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, on nearly any Internet-connected screen. Members can play, pause and resume watching, all without commercials or commitments.
Connect with Netflix Online:
Visit Netflix WEBSITE: http://nflx.it/29BcWb5
Like Netflix on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/29kkAtN
Follow Netflix on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/29gswqd
Follow Netflix on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/29oO4UP
Follow Netflix on TUMBLR: http://bit.ly/29kkemT
Grace and Frankie – Season 3 | Teaser [HD] | Netflix
How Star Wars Rogue One Should Have Ended
Audible’s 30 day FREE trial is here: https://www.audible.com/hishe
Awesome guest voice actors, check out their channels:
VoiceRaptor: https://www.youtube.com/user/Voiceraptor
NAL: https://www.youtube.com/user/NicholasAndrewLouie
How Rogue One Should Have Ended. The highly anticipated Star Wars story gets multiple new endings.
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How It Should Have Ended
————–Previous Episodes——————–
How Doctor Strange Should Have Ended
How Star Wars Should Have Ended (Special Edition)
More HISHE Reviews
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Villain Pub – The New Smile
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TMNT: Out of the Shadows HISHE
How Deadpool Should Have Ended
Hero Swap – Gladiator Starring Iron Man
How X-Men: Days of Future Past Should Have Ended:
Star Wars – Revenge of the Sith HISHE
Jungle Book HISHE
BAT BLOOD – A Batman V Superman AND Bad Blood Parody ft. Batman:
Villain Pub – The New Smile:
How Finding Nemo Should Have Ended
How Jurassic World Should Have Ended:
How Inside Out Should Have Ended:
How The Avengers: Age of Ultron Should Have Ended – Part Two:
How The Avengers: Age of Ultron Should Have Ended – Part One:
Aquaman V Superman – Hero Swap
How The Battle of the Five Armies Should Have Ended:
Jurrassic World – Raptor Training:
How Guardians of the Galaxy Should Have Ended:
How The Avengers: Age of Ultron Should Have Ended:
How The Maze Runner Should Have Ended:
How The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Should Have Ended:
Villain Pub- To The Tailor:
The Lego HISHE 2 (The Alternate Ending):
How Captain America: The Winter Soldier Should Have Ended:
How Godzilla Should Have Ended:
Villain Pub- To Battle!:
How Frozen Should Have Ended:
The Lego HISHE:
How The Batman Begins Should Have Ended:
How The Desolation of Smaug Should Have Ended:
The Nintendo 1-2 Switch trailer proves that all you really need is your imagination…
If Video Games Had Texting 3! ►http://bit.ly/2lWfUxP
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Nintendo 1-2 Switch Trailer Parody (Warp Zone Sketch)
A parody trailer of the Nintendo Switch “1-2 Switch” commercial videos.
Odom – Lonely Boy
Schro – Narrator
Fish – Hand Gamer
Chris Reese – Hand Gamer
Susanne Morris – Hand Gamer
Zee Chang – Hand Gamer
Angel Onchanthorn – Hand Gamer
Denisha Hardeman – Hand Gamer
Leah Catherine – Unella from Game of Thrones
Directed by Ryan Turner
Written by Michael Adams Davis and Michael Schroeder
Cinematography by Alex Pollini
Gaffing by Taylor Frost
Edited by Chance Cole
Produced by Brian Fisher and David Odom
– The Warp Zone –
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Watch This Guy Build a Massive Solar System in the Desert | Short Film Showcase
The vastness of space is almost too mind-boggling for the human brain to comprehend. In order to accurately illustrate our place in the universe, one group of friends decided to build the first scale model of the solar system in seven miles of empty desert. Watch a beautiful representation of our universe come together in light and space in this extraordinary short film.
➡ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/NatGeoSubscribe
➡ Get More Short Film Showcase: http://bit.ly/ShortFilmShowcase
#NationalGeographic #SolarSystem #ShortFilmShowcase
About Short Film Showcase:
The Short Film Showcase spotlights exceptional short videos created by filmmakers from around the web and selected by National Geographic editors. We look for work that affirms National Geographic’s belief in the power of science, exploration, and storytelling to change the world. The filmmakers created the content presented, and the opinions expressed are their own, not those of National Geographic Partners.
See more from National Geographic’s Short Film Showcase at http://documentary.com
Get More National Geographic:
Official Site: http://bit.ly/NatGeoOfficialSite
Facebook: http://bit.ly/FBNatGeo
Twitter: http://bit.ly/NatGeoTwitter
Instagram: http://bit.ly/NatGeoInsta
About National Geographic:
National Geographic is the world’s premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what’s possible.
Credit: Wylie Overstreet and Alex Gorosh
Watch This Guy Build a Massive Solar System in the Desert | Short Film Showcase
National Geographic
Dave Chappelle | Teaser [HD] | Netflix
He’s back. And with plenty on his mind. Dave Chappelle returns with two stand-up specials from his personal comedy vault that are now streaming on Netflix.
SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/29qBUt7
About Netflix is a Joke: Netflix is the home of everything you crave about comedy. Why? Because Netflix is a joke.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/NetflixIsAJoke
Twitter: www.twitter.com/NetflixIsAJoke
Instagram: www.instagram.com/NetflixIsAJoke
About Netflix:
Netflix is the world’s leading Internet television network with over 117 million members in over 190 countries enjoying more than 125 million hours of TV shows and movies per day, including original series, documentaries and feature films. Members can watch as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, on nearly any Internet-connected screen. Members can play, pause and resume watching, all without commercials or commitments.
Connect with Netflix Online:
Visit Netflix WEBSITE: http://nflx.it/29BcWb5
Like Netflix on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/29kkAtN
Follow Netflix on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/29gswqd
Follow Netflix on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/29oO4UP
Follow Netflix on TUMBLR: http://bit.ly/29kkemT
Dave Chappelle | Teaser [HD] | Netflix
Google Immerse VR | Racial Identity: Clayton’s Story 360º VR Video
Google Immerse VR videos investigate race, diversity, and identity by exploring how real people interact with the world and how the world interacts with them. Experience the other Google Immerse VR videos at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL590L5WQmH8c8AJGzN1laCvgUXFqDb9um
Join Clayton, a Diversity Business Partner at Google, as he reflects on the messages he’s received about race and unconscious bias within and around him. Clayton shares: “Whiteness to me means seeing that I have real work to do with other white folks for us to as much as we can, strip off the blinders.”
Stand shoulder to shoulder in Virtual Reality with Clayton as he discusses his journey to understand his racial identity and travels to his childhood homes of St. Louis, MO, and Ashley, IL, and to his current home of San Francisco, CA.
Made in partnership with Light Sail VR.
Part 3 of 3 in the Google Immerse VR racial identity series.
Clayton Robbins
and John Harry “Cayenne” Bonck, Carl Crossgrove, Jack Davis, Tim Lubic, K Morris, Matthew Simmons, Ricardo Villalobos
Light Sail VR Team:
Director – Matthew Celia
Producer – Robert Watts
Writer – Katherine Celia
Cinematography – Keith Lancaster
Editors – Chris Willett, Matthew Celia
Original Music – Dimitri Smith
Guitar Soloist – Kevin Enstrom
Cello Soloist – Katt Newlon
Production Manager – Jason Huddleston
Production Sound Mixer – Gabe Ruggiero
VFX – Occlusion VFX
Post Production Sound – Empty Sea Audio
Supervising Sound Editor – Mark Camperell, MPSE
Re-Recording Mixer – Michael O’Connor
Sound Editor – Michael O’Connor
Colorist – Arianna Shinning Star Pane at Velem
Google Immerse Team:
Google Immerse Founder – Gina Rudan
Google Immerse Executive Producer & Program Manager – Jeffrey Breau
Google Immerse Executive Producers – Liza Patnoe, Dominique Mungin, Ragland Williamson
Executive Producer – Hunter Johnson
Google Immerse Communications – Sarah Choi
With Special Thanks to:
Courtney Bass, Katie Gilmartin, Jose Guzman Colon, Carrie Ellis, Dianne Hackett, Audrey Harris, Jen Mayer Sandoval, Dan Nicoletta, K. Jennifer Oki, Rosa Villalobos, David Weaver, Mark Wyn, Jovian Zayne; Nilka Thomas, Dr. Myosha McAfee and the Google Diversity & Inclusion Team; Peter Lubbers, Jamie Baughman and Google Developer Studio; Google People Development Team; Google Computer Science Education in Media; Sarah Steele, Joe Szopa and the Jump Team; Oona King, Stephen Golden and the YouTube Diversity & Inclusion Team; Erin Teague and the YouTube VR Team; Xpedition Media; The City of Ashley, IL; The City of St. Louis, MO; The City and County of San Francisco, CA
Made on:
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Star Trek: DS9 5×04 – Nor the Battle to the Strong (All Trailers)
Four syndication trailers (30 sec., 15 sec., 10 sec., and 5 sec.) for this episode of “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.”