Legend of Zelda – DIY PROP SHOP

Hendo takes you through steps to build your very own props from the Legend of Zelda games!

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We build so many amazing weapons and props, we wanted to offer a show where you at home could build them yourself! Follow along with our hosts as they show you how to build awesome props from all of your favorite movies & games, for under $50! This is DIY Prop Shop!

Hosted by Hendo – Follow her on instagram https://www.instagram.com/hendoart/
Director of Photography – Marissa Deal
Production Manager – Brendan Kennedy
Editor – Rob Baniewicz

Produced by Mike Rainey – Follow on twitter at https://twitter.com/raineymichaelv for behind the scenes exclusives!
Tell us what you’d like to build next!

Get AWE me Gear! ►► http://brrk.co/AWEmeMerch

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