UFC On The Fly: Ross Pearson

Before he takes on Stevie Ray in the co-main event at Fight Night: Mousasi vs Hall, UFC On The Fly catches up with UFC vet Ross Pearson. Watch UFC Fight Night: Mousasi vs Hall this Saturday Nov. 19 only on UFC FIGHT PASS.

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Trench Club from Battlefield 1 – MAN AT ARMS feat. Danny Trejo

Thank you to DICE & EA for sponsoring this episode. Battlefield™ 1 is available on Xbox One, Origin™ for PC and PlayStation®4 now! Head to the official Battlefield 1 website to learn more: http://bit.ly/Upq0GS

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With the help of our special guest host Danny Trejo, Matt and Kerry recreated the World War I Trench Club from EA Battlefield 1!

Every other Monday, our team of blacksmiths and craftsman build some of your favorite weapons, and some weapons that you’ve never seen before. This week, the guys at Baltimore Knife and Sword take on this Jambiya Knife from WW1!

Ever wanted to ask the Man At Arms team a question? Now you can! Go to AWEme’s Twitter: @awemechannel and use #AskABlacksmith with your question. Matt and Kerry will be answering your questions with a video reply on AWEme’s Facebook.

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Kerry Stagmer – Swordsmith and Machinist
Matt Stagmer – Swordsmith
Ilya Alekseyev – Master Armourer and Engraver
Lauren Schott – Goldsmith and Casting
John Mitchell – Fabricator
Ferenc Gregor – Master Carver
Rick Janney – Assistant Bladesmith
Bill Collison – Hilt Maker

Series Creator/Executive Producer – Andy Signore

Series Executive Producer – Brent Lydic
Episode Builds Directed by Brent Lydic
Host Wraps w/ Danny Trejo Directed by Tim Baldini

Line Producer – Phil Rogers
Production Manager – Brendan Kennedy
Office Production Coordinator – Chaurley Meneses

Director of Photography – Andrew Brinkhaus
1st AC – Chloe Weaver
2nd AC – Andrew Pauling
DIT – Jared White
Still Photographer – Raymond Liu
Producton Designer – Paris Pickard
Art Director – Paul Moyle
Leadman – Brandon Anderson
Gaffer – Brice Bradley
BB Electric – Jesse Smith
Electric – Jonathan Huggins
Key Grip – Jonathan Huggins
BB Grip – Luis Sandoval
Grip – Chris Wieland
Sound Mixer – William White
Makeup – Cheyenne Webster
Costume Designer – E.B. Brooks
Wardrobe Asst. – Buckle Nagle
Medic – Chase Matthews
SFX Supervisor – Rudy Perez

مشاهير اَضاعوا الملايين وأعلنوا أفلاسهم !

( متع عقلك ) | قناة تمنحك رحلة مسلية فى عالم المعرفة والعلم
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أغلب المشاهير يمتلكون كل شيء ولكنهم قادرين في نفس الوقت على إهدار كل شيء, وربما يكون ذلك لانهم في الحقيقة وصلوا إلى هذا الثراء بسرعة كبيرة وبلا صعوبات , لهذا يسقط الكثير منهم في هاوية الفقر بعد أن يصل إلى قمة الثراء

وهذا ما حدث مع مشاهير كانوا ملء السمع والبصر بإنجازاتهم الكبيرة وقصورهم الفارهة وملايينهم الكثيرة , لكنهم ارتكبوا أخطاء متعددة كلفتهم خسارة ثروتهم بالكامل

طلال الشيخي – زي العود #الكوميدي_كلوب

طلال يهوى الثقافات و تعددها. راح حي حق بنغال عشان يتعلم اشياء جديدة…

لا تنسى التواصل معنا عبر مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي لتعرف موعد تجارب الأداء القادمة
أو اتصل بنا: 0540902020


.☆.+:^ヽ(∇ ̄*)o♪/ / / / // / // // / /BIRDABO **part 14 of 22** \\ \ \ ♪o(* ̄∇)ノ^;+.☆.
birdabo playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcJ7ErHljiA&list=PLYH8WvNV1YElGAPh6TGUgLrimWHGtmKpg
[Ad:] Check out my current Giveaway w/ G2A: https://gleam.io/ljRpG/pewdiepie-october-giveaway

(✿◠‿◠) Please support Birdabo Themes artists (◠‿◠✿)

Outro: https://avec-audace.bandcamp.com/album/- ≖‿≖

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