Triwizard Cup – Harry Potter – DIY PROP SHOP

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The “Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them” spin off Harry Potter movie is released today, so Hendo takes us back and shows you the steps to make the Triwizard Cup!

We build so many amazing weapons and props, we wanted to offer a show where you at home could build them yourself! Follow along with our hosts as they show you how to build awesome props from all of your favorite movies & games, for under $50! This is DIY Prop Shop!

Hosted by Hendo – Follow her on instagram

Tell us what you’d like to build next!

Get AWE me Gear! ►►

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Would Neil deGrasse Tyson Accept a Drone Delivery? | StarTalk

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Host Neil deGrasse Tyson brings together celebrities, scientists and comedians to explore a variety of cosmic topics and collide pop culture with science in a way that late-night television has never seen before. Weekly topics range from popular science fiction, space travel, extraterrestrial life, the Big Bang, to the future of Earth and the environment. Tyson is an astrophysicist with a gifted ability to connect with everyone, inspiring us all to to “keep looking up.”

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Would Neil deGrasse Tyson Accept a Drone Delivery? | StarTalk

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ياسر ادريس – قعدة شياب #الكوميدي_كلوب

ياسر يحب قعدات الشياب.. و يحب سوالفهم

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100 Years of Pomeranian Beauty in 60 Seconds

In a parody of Cut Video’s 100 Years of Beauty series , watch Quincy show off her favorite Pomeranian looks from the past 100 years. What year is YOUR favorite?


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