Ulfberht Viking Sword – MAN AT ARMS:REFORGED

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Every other Monday, our team of blacksmiths and craftsman build some of your favorite weapons, and some weapons that you’ve never seen before. This week, the guys at Baltimore Knife and Sword take on an Ulfberht Viking Sword!

Ever wanted to ask the Man At Arms team a question? Now you can! Go to AWEme’s Twitter: @awemechannel and use #AskABlacksmith with your question. Matt and Kerry will be answering your questions with a video reply on AWEme’s Facebook.

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Kerry Stagmer – Swordsmith and Machinist
Matt Stagmer – Swordsmith
Ilya Alekseyev – Master Armourer and Engraver
Lauren Schott – Goldsmith and Casting
John Mitchell – Fabricator
Ferenc Gregor – Master Carver
Rick Janney – Assistant Bladesmith
Bill Collison – Hilt Maker

Filmed on Location at Baltimore Knife and Sword

Series Creator/Executive Producer – Andy Signore

Series Executive Producer – Brent Lydic

Episode Builds Directed by Brent Lydic

Line Producer – Phil Rogers
Production Manager – Brendan Kennedy
Office Production Coordinator – Chaurley Meneses

Director of Photography – John Hale

Story Producer — Dave Cross
1st AC/Red Cam Op – Jason Remeikis
Gaffer – Steve Scott
Grip – Danny Balsamo
Swing (Demo) – Kevin “Vinny” Campbell
Production Coordinator – Tricia Parris
Runner/PA – Bethany Michalaski
1st AC (Red Cam) – Joe Achard
DIT – Christopher Mariles
Set Medic – Celeste Bowe

Edited by — Patrick Burke
Colorist – Kevin Stewart
Lead Assistant Editor – Matt Zimmel
Stunt Coordinator / Stunts – Casey Kaleba

Head of Post Production – Michael Gallagher
Post Production Supervisor – Amanda Arellano
Content Manager – James Harrold

عبدالرحمن الشيخي – كيف صرت غني #الكوميدي_كلوب

عبدالرحمن يحكي للناس كيف الفلوس غيرت كل شي و ولا شي في حياته

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Top 10 Best Fantasy Strategy Games

Top 10 Fantasy Strategy Games
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Let’s check out the very best strategy games – turn based and real time – that feature fantasy or fantastical elements. Swords and Sorcery, Dungeons and Dragons, Gods and Monsters – these are the tools of the trade in these favorites of the genre from Mac, PC and consoles. Warcraft, Greek Gods and the Lord of the Rings: they’re all here – so come on and help us count down to our favorite.

00:43 #10: The Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth II
01:30 #9: Age of Mythology
02:15 #8: Shining Force
03:02 #7: Total War: Warhammer
04:01 #6: Black and White
05:04 #5: Age of Wonders 2
05:58 #4: Final Fantasy Tactics
06:48 #3, #2 & #1: ???

Special Thanks to our users “Raul Morales” for suggesting this topic on our interactive suggest tool at WatchMojo.com/suggest

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We are off to the Fun Time Theme Park!
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Download Map: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/maps/2695809-for-pat-and-jen-fun-time-theme-park-full-update-1

In this Fun Time 1.10 Custom Map:
It is time for another great theme park! This one is called Fun Time, and looks amazing with lots of games and rides to enjoy!

Intro by: https://www.youtube.com/calzone442
Intro song: Spag Heddy – Pink Koeks provided by Play Me Records:
Follow Spag Heddy:

Royalty Free Music by http://audiomicro.com/royalty-free-music

Top 10 Celebrities Who Have Been Shot

Top 10 Celebrities Who Have Been Shot
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Surprisingly you wouldn’t believe some of these celebrities have been shot! We all know that Curtis ‘50 Cent’ Jackson has been shot nine times and survived, but did you know that other famous people such as Bob Marley, Andy Warhol, George Orwell, Lil Wayne, Oliver Stone, Kelly Preston, Ol’ Dirty Bastard and Akon have also taken a bullet? Though you may already know about some of the rappers on this list being shot by guns, we’re sure that some of the names that appear may surprise you with their gun shot wounds and tales of surviving a shooting! Whether they were accidental shootings or attempts at murder, we cover them all on this list of famous people who have been shot and lived to tell the tale.

00:46 #10. Lil Wayne
01:52 #9. Trace Adkins
03:05 #8. Oliver Stone
04:09 #7. Akon
05:03 #6. George Orwell
06:14 #5. Andy Warhol
07:16 #4. Kelly Preston
08:46 #3. #2. #1. ???

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Past vs. Present: Are We REALLY Better Off Today?

Past vs. Present: Are We REALLY Better Off Today?
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How much have we progressed in the last 100 years, really? From job security and air travel, to sports and entertainment, to music and movies, to sex and relationships, how is life different today? And is life today better than the past? WatchMojo shows you how life has changed in the past 100 years and how life is different today.

Special thanks to our user Godslayer79 for suggesting this idea! Check out the voting page at http://watchmojo.com/suggest/History%20Vs.%20Future
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Wired fence with barbed wires
Empty prison cell
Lower East Side, New York City
Ingram Publishing/Thinkstock
Police lineup or mugshot background vector
Open Bible with markings
Design Pics/Thinkstock
Barbed wire fence
Police car emergency lights close up
Lit Concrete Wall 05d2
Image Buyer/Thinkstock
Corridor in Alcatraz prison, two people in background, San Francisco, California, USA
Peter Ginter/Thinkstock
Rays of sun shining through the window of a prison cell
Empty prison cell
Darrin Klimek/Thinkstock

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