Why Him? | Red Band Trailer [HD] | 20th Century FOX

Now on Blu-ray, DVD & Digital HD bit.ly/WhyHimBluray

Of all the guys his daughter could have chosen… Why Him? See James Franco and Bryan Cranston, in theaters this Christmas.

Over the holidays, Ned (Bryan Cranston), an overprotective but loving dad and his family visit his daughter at Stanford, where he meets his biggest nightmare: her well-meaning but socially awkward Silicon Valley billionaire boyfriend, Laird (James Franco). A rivalry develops, and Ned’s panic level goes through the roof when he finds himself lost in this glamorous high-tech world and learns that Laird is about to pop the question.

Cast: James Franco, Bryan Cranston

Directed by: John Hamburg

Produced by: Shawn Levy, Ben Stiller, Jonah Hill, Dan Levine

Connect with Why Him? Online:
Visit Why Him? on our WEBSITE: http://WhyHimMovie.com
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Why Him? | Red Band Trailer [HD] | 20th Century FOX

Minecraft: GOLEM CHALLENGE [EPS9] [17]

Our gave needs to be epic so we need lots of golems! Who will build the most?!
JEN’S CHANNEL – http://youtube.com/gamingwithjen
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FULL MOD LIST for Epic Proportions Season 9: http://popularmmos.com/challengepackresurrection/

In Season 9 of Minecraft Epic Proportions Jen and I are bring back challenges! Every episode will be competitive and we will do fun challenges against each other and sometimes together! We will build, fight bosses, explore dimensions and much more!

Intro by: https://www.youtube.com/calzone442
Song: Spag Heddy – Pink Koeks provided by Play Me Records:
Follow Spag Heddy:

Royalty Free Music by http://audiomicro.com/royalty-free-music

Minecraft: RAGNAROS THE FIRE LORD CHALLENGE GAMES – Lucky Block Mod – Modded Mini-Game

The Challenge Games begin and we must destroy the Fire Lord!
Jen’s Channel http://youtube.com/gamingwithjen
Don’t forget to subscribe for epic Minecraft content!
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Download Furious Lucky Block Mod http://popularmmos.com/popularmmosluckyblock/
Download WoW Mod http://mods.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/236910-world-of-warcraft

– Start with 20 Lucky Blocks, 5 Super Lucky Blocks, 5 Unlucky Blocks, 10 apples, Iron Pickaxe, & Crafting Table
– Open all of them and craft the best items you can
– Do not take items or blocks from the world unless they came from your block
– Trade with villager to improve your items
– No Penalty for dying before the battle begins
– You may give items to the other player
– Beacons from Wells not allowed
– The winner from last time spawns the mobs
– The loser is the one who dies in the battle first
– Rounds go: 1 boss, 2 boss, 3, 4, 5, 6 each round harder…etc
– Running away from the mobs & leaving the other player is cheating
– Use the Arena to your advantage, but no placing blocks except TNT

In this Ragnaros Fire Lord Challenge Games Modded Mini-Game:
Lucky Blocks Mod Vs Ragnaros from the WoW Mod, me against Jen who will survive the longest!

Intro by: https://www.youtube.com/calzone442
Intro song: Spag Heddy – Pink Koeks provided by Play Me Records:
Follow Spag Heddy:

Royalty Free Music by http://audiomicro.com/royalty-free-music

20 معلومه راح تلحس مخك لحس – الضفدع ماينام شدد ي ولد :)

اكتبوا المعلومه الي عجبتك ووو لا تنسون تعطونا احلى لايك ترا يحمسني
هذي حساباتي في :
السناب شات : mjrmgems
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للتواصل و الاهمية
ياليت اذا المقطع عجبك ما تنسى اللايك والمفضله والنشر يا بعد راسي ♥

WTF is Going on with Activision & Orion – Inside Gaming Daily

We attempt to explain what’s happening between Activision and developer Trek Industries, the folks behind Orion.

Source: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2016-06-28-developer-says-activision-had-valve-pull-its-game-from-steam-over-allegedly-stolen-guns

Reddit Thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/4q6xo5/activisions_dmca_claim_on_orion_is_legit_orions/

Hosts: Brandon Winfrey and Chloe Dykstra
Written by: Brandon Winfrey and Chloe Dykstra

Follow us:
Brandon: https://twitter.com/bwinfrey
Chloe: https://twitter.com/skydart
Shibby: https://twitter.com/Shane
Phil: https://twitter.com/ThePhilJasicki
Twitter: https://twitter.com/InsideGaming
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/InsideGaming
Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/InsideGaming/

تصنيف الزيوت درجة لزوجة الزيت حسن كتبي 4K

ياسادة ياكرام اسمحوا لي ان اهديكم شرح تصنيف الزيوت درجة لزوجة الزيت حسن كتبي 4K
الهدايا/ الجوائز لمن يجيب على السؤال في اخر الحلقة و الاجابة تكون علي الرابط ادناه لشركة ايني علي الفيس بوك
الاول ١٠٠٠ لتر بنزين + غيارزيت
الثاني ٥٠٠ لتر بنزين + غيارزيت
الثالث٢٥٠ لتر بنزين + غيارزيت


Engine Oils Viscosities by Hasan Kutbi

WHO’S THE REAL ONE? (Inside – Part 2)

From the creators of “LIMBO”, Playdead is bringing “INSIDE” to Xbox One and Steam in 2016.
FULL PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHimitRvXH4&list=PLYH8WvNV1YEk09PnX1l8cwfrtTZuxzLTj
CHECK OUT MY GIVEAWAY /W G2A: https://gleam.io/ct2nj/pewdiepie-wow-giveaway

PewDiePie Clothing:

My Game:
PewDiePie: Legend Of The Brofist
Apple: http://apple.co/1Kxi8rQ
Android: http://bit.ly/1Pxt8Xw

My Book:
This Book Loves You

My App:
Apple: http://bit.ly/AppleBro
Android: http://bit.ly/AndroidBro

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