After finding wolverine tracks, Sue decides to grab a larger caliber gun so she’s better prepared. LIFE BELOW ZERO AIRS THURSDAYS 9/8c.
GTX 970: DOOM Maxed Settings (Singleplayer Campaign) – PC Gameplay Benchmarks
DOOM Singleplayer Gameplay Benchmarks on PC Maxed Out Settings. Testing out the performance of the GTX 970 & Skylake i7 6700K. Keep in mind the 970 doesn’t have enough Video Memory Vram to run the Nightmare Graphics, hence it going back to Ultra.
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Nvidia GTX 1080 Performance Review – The New King
Nvidia has made some pretty bold claims about the GTX 1080… but are those claims accurate? Let’s see how it holds up to our slew of tests! 😀
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3 Drag Queens Battle to Become the Next Hillary Clinton
We brought three of New York’s finest drag queens — Scarlet Envy, Delighted Tobehere and Hattie Hathaway — as well as host, Glace Chase, to give us their very best version of Hillary. For more videos like this:
Host, Glace Chase, @glacechase,
Honest Hillary played by Scarlet Envy, @scarletenvynyc,
Yes Ma’am Hillary played by Delighted, @queendelighted,
Business Hillary played by Hattie Hathaway, FB: Brian Butterick
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Pasta Recipes – How to Make Baked Spaghetti Casserole
Get the recipe for Baked Spaghetti at
Make dinner a quick and yummy affair with this comforting spaghetti hot dish. In the time it takes to boil your pasta, simply assemble the rest of your ingredients. Then layer and bake. That’s it! A popular choice for kids’ parties, potlucks and weeknight family dinners.
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10 Marvel Movie Mysteries That Need Answers
Here are 10 questions that must be answered by the MCU!
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In any given interconnected movie universe, there will always be a lot of narrative threads occurring at any given time. As a general rule, they’re included to leave writers with the option to go back to them in the future if they want to – but that doesn’t always end up immediately being the case. Some plot threads can be forgotten, and some can just take a lot of time to resolve.This can leave audiences with a lot of questions – and not all of them end up being answered. The Marvel Cinematic Universe is no exception to this.Thirteen movies have been released in the MCU to date and there have been loads of plot threads that writers have yet to go back to. Granted, we know that some of them will be revisited, but not all of them will be, and it can be frustrating having to wait to see them resolved in either case. On that note, here are ten Marvel movies mysteries that need answers badly (and please bear in mind there are spoilers for Captain America: Civil War in this video).
Script by: Kevin Stewart
Voice Over by: Ryan George
What Are The Infinity War Movies Going To Be Called? | 0:56
What Actually Happened To The Red Skull? | 1:28
Does Atlantis Exist In The MCU? | 2:01
Where Is The Real Mandarin? | 2:40
How Does Erik Selvig Know So Much? | 3:24
What’s Happend To Odin? | 4:03
How Do The Avengers Still Not Know Phil Coulson’s Alive? | 4:44
Who Is Peter Quill’s Father? | 5:33
Where Are All The Avengers Now? | 6:11
Did Spider-Man Sign The Sokovia Accords? | 6:55
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TIL: Mount St. Helens Has a Baby Volcano Inside It
On May 18, 1980, Mount St. Helens in Washington State erupted in the most explosive volcanic event in U.S. history. Fifty-seven people and countless animals died, a forest was leveled, and ash blanketed the region as far away as Minnesota.
The volcano remains active today, even as events are being held at the mountain to mark the 36th anniversary of the disaster. Proving that it still has power, over the past few years, Mount St. Helens has had “a baby volcano growing in its crater,” says Stephanie Grocke, a volcanologist at the Smithsonian Institution and a National Geographic explorer.
Between 2004 and 2008, enough molten rock oozed out of the crater to pave a seven-lane highway from New York City to Portland, Oregon, notes Grocke. As such, the mountain remains a dangerous threat.
“The volcano is still living and breathing,” says Grocke.
Read more about Mount St. Helens and its “volcano baby”:
Watch more “Today I Learned”:
Additional footage provided by the USGS.
PRODUCER/EDITOR: Laurence Alexander
SERIES PRODUCER: Christopher Mattle
طريقة تحميل جميع نسخ الويندوز من سرڤرات ميكروسوفت بطريقة قانونية
في هذا الموضوع اطرح عليك طريقة من اجل تحميل جميع نسخ الويندوز بطريقة قانونية ، من سرڤرات شركة ميكروسفت مباشرة وبسرعة عالية ! يكفيك ولوج الرابط اسفله وتابع الشرح المصور من اجل فهم طريقة تحميل نسخ الويندوز الاخرى الغير ظاهرة في الرابط . فرجة ممتعة ولاتنسوا النقر على لايك ومشاركة اصدقائكم ، شكرا 🙂
رابط التحميل :
رابط السكريبت:
مواضيع سابقة :
الحلقة 1142 :كيف تحصل على منتجات بالمجان من على الانترنت (إستراتيجية ناجحة ومجربة )
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الحلقة 1127 :بواسطة هاتفك فقط يمكن ان تحمي نفسك من إشعاعات الويفي الضارة على صحتك
الحلقة 1126 :كيف تجد هاتفك المفقود في ثواني بهذه الطريقة البسيطة و الرائعة
الحلقة 1125 :كيف تختار أفضل برنامج مضاد حماية وماهو البرنامج الذي استعمله شخصيا
الحلقة 1124 :مراجعة لهاتف huawei يعتبر من اسرع الهواتف في العالم
الحلقة 1123 :ترجم اي ورقة مكتوبة بأية لغة إلى اللغة العربية بهاتفك فقط
Trollface Quest 1 – لمن يجيك خيار صعب
انت كفو ،، ايه انت ياللي تتابع المقطع شوف الوصف
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Trollface Quest 1